One Sword to Immortality

328. The secret to controlling lightning and lightning

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Xu Ruo's bloodline was transformed by the ancient Qinglong. Only the magical power of the Qinglong line is available in his body, so he can naturally absorb the Qinglong essence at will.

Xu Luo had just swallowed more than a hundred green dragon illusions with the green dragon talisman, and the void formation was not enough to continue. Instead, these more than ten green dragon illusions no longer had the power of a full blow from the demon-god-level beasts, but when combined, It was enough to make Xu Liao reborn several times.

Xu Ling used the Rain-turning Cloud-Transforming Dragon Technique to break through the passes one after another. After stopping for a moment on the ninth floor, he broke through the demon king's bottleneck, and then climbed all the way up, from the tenth floor to the eighteenth floor, reaching the ultimate level. The peak of the demon king level.

The suppressed ancient Qinglong couldn't help but be surprised. It roared and shouted excitedly: "Not bad, not bad! Boy, your talent is comparable to that of some of my most proud children and grandchildren."

Xu Xu used the Rain-turning Cloud-Transforming Dragon Technique to break through to the 18th level, and the energy of the Qinglong illusion he had swallowed was still less than half. Without hesitation, he activated another magical power of the Qinglong clan - controlling lightning and controlling lightning. Real secret!

In the boundless water vapor, electric light continued to shine, and thunder rolled from the sky. The endless thunder and lightning energy radiated and converged on Xu Liao's body.

The art of overturning rain and turning clouds into dragons is the fundamental magical power of the Qinglong clan. It can control all water systems in the world. The art of controlling thunder and lightning is the most lethal magical power of the Qinglong clan. It is also the most powerful among the six magical powers of the Qinglong clan. .

No one else knows that the reason Xu Liao was able to cultivate the two magical powers of the Dragon Clan so quickly with the help of the energy of the Qinglong Illusion was not because he had any special talents, but because he was proficient in the Thirty-six Changes of Celestial Phenomenon.

The Qinglong clan manipulates the energy of clouds and water, the power of thunder and lightning, and all kinds of magical powers, all of which are secretly combined with the thirty-six changes of celestial phenomena passed down by the ancestor of Yuding. These thirty-six changes seem to be specially created for the dragon clan. Xu Liao even had a very strong feeling that it was easier to practice the Thirty-Six Changes of Celestial Phenomenon with the blood of the Qinglong clan than with the blood of the Imperial clan. The body of a blue dragon is also more suitable for manipulating wind, cloud, thunder and lightning than a human body.

After only breaking through the tenth level using the Lightning Control Art, his stamina ran out and he could no longer break through. He didn't care even if he said so, and still activated the two great heavenly demon flags and the Dingxuan Mirror. Another formation node was broken.

The reaction of the void formation was even more intense, and the illusion of more than ten green dragons was still created. However, although the green dragons transformed this time were still lifelike, their energy was very weak. Xu Xu did not even use the inheritance talisman of the Qinglong clan. Just using the Dragon Transformation Technique, he shattered the illusion of more than ten green dragons, and still swallowed up all the scattered energy.

Obtained the energy of these more than ten blue dragon illusions. Xu Leo's true art of controlling lightning and controlling electricity also broke through layer by layer, and he broke through to the seventeenth level, only one step away from the peak of the Demon King.

When Xu smashed the node of the void formation for the third time,

The void formation that suppressed the ancient Qinglong finally made another choice. It actually turned the formation around and moved in the group of heavenly ghosts that were chasing Xu Zuo not long ago, and threw them in front of Xu Zuo.

In terms of pure strength, even a weak Azure Dragon Illusion is enough to kill these ghosts. However, the Azure Dragon Illusion encountered the Azure Dragon Talisman and was restrained to death. It can only end up being defeated and transformed into the Qinglong essence.

But this group of heavenly ghosts is different. They are not afraid of the green dragon talisman. Seeing that the enemy they were chasing suddenly appeared again, although these ghosts were very intelligent and knew that something was not very good, they still risked their lives and pounced on them in order to kill these humans first.

Xu had no choice but to activate the two great demon flags from the two realms, blocking the way from left to right, giving everyone from the Dongxuan Immortal Sect a chance to escape!

After all, the Void Formation is a dead thing and no one is in charge. It cannot adapt to changing circumstances.

Therefore, although it released these heavenly ghosts, it could not coordinate them with the formation. This group of heavenly ghosts were also affected by the void formation, and a few heavenly ghosts even rushed close to everyone. But it was automatically moved away by the void magic circle, which created many obstacles.

While Xu was complaining secretly, he continued to activate the changes in the flags of the two realms and the Dingxuan Mirror, looking for the key to the changes in the formation of the two realms and ten directions of the Vajra Embryo Formation, the nodes where Qi and machines intersected, as he shattered the two realms again. At the point where the formation was changing, a flower suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and the group of people was pulled by an overwhelming force and fell straight to the sea.

In an instant, everyone penetrated the countless layers of sea water and landed in front of a majestic palace.

There is a copper pillar in front of this palace, which is 10,000 meters high. A green dragon is coiled around the copper pillar. It seems to be larger than the copper pillar itself. It is nailed to the copper pillar by seven copper nails and cannot turn at all. .

The eyes of this ancient green dragon are like sky lanterns, and the scales are like city gates. Its giant claws seem to be able to grab a spaceship. Its huge mouth can regenerate violent tornadoes, and it can turn into natural disasters just by breathing.

Xu Luo's heart sank slightly. She didn't know why the ancient Qinglong suddenly pulled her and his group here, but there was always something bad about it.

The imprisoned Qinglong bowed his head slightly, looked at them for a while, and then shouted like thunder: "You boy does have some skills, you can actually find the changing Qi mechanism of the Vajra Embryo Hidden Formation in the Ten Directions of the Two Worlds, if you let me If you let it go, you will indeed have a chance to escape, but just breaking the formation won't save me!"

Xu Xu was slightly awe-struck and thought to himself: "This old dragon obviously changed his mind when he saw that I was proficient in void magic. Otherwise, he would not say anything. In addition to being trapped by the formation, he also had such a copper pillar to suppress him. There are seven copper nails to hold it in place!”

After promising, he clasped his hands and shouted: "Junior, I promise, I don't know how to call the god!"

The ancient green dragon was silent for a while and said calmly: "It's useless for you to know my name. In ancient times, they all called me the Dragon King of the East China Sea. You just call me the same."

Not to mention the promise, even the other disciples of the Dongxuanxian Sect were shocked. They did not expect to encounter characters from ancient myths and legends.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea seemed unwilling to mention the past. He just shook his body slightly, and then let out a pitiful dragon roar. After a long time, he stopped and shouted: "You want to pull out these seven dragon-locking nails and free me from the dragon-suppressing pillar." Come on, you need at least demon-god-level power. You can't save me at all. But since you can break the two worlds and ten directions of the Vajra Embryo Hidden Formation, I will ask you one thing. As long as you find my brother They can save me."

Xu nodded repeatedly. In fact, he didn't know what the consequences would be if he let this ancient demon god come out. But at that time, he had no choice but to take one step and watch one step. There was no other choice.

Now that he could take a step back, Xu Zuo also breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn't have to face an escaped demon god. (To be continued.)

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