One Sword to Immortality

334. Mysterious giant spirit

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Hu Xiuqing gave Xu a thumbs up and silent praise.

Xu grinned, still lingering around Hu Xiuqing, and the two continued to go deep into the forest. Soon they encountered a nest of blue sky finches. This nest of blue sky finches was guarded by two big birds. The chicks in the nest had already hatched. Crying to be fed.

Hu Xiuqing's face became more cautious, and she lurked in a hurry. However, Xu was not as careful as he was, and still sent out a spell, covering the nest of blue sky sparrows, and casually collected them into the Small Universe.

Although Hu Xiuqing knew that Xu Zuo was powerful, she never expected that he could collect this nest of blue sky sparrows silently. Apart from being surprised, he also felt admiration and secretly thought to himself: "Thankfully I have made good friends with Xu, otherwise these Where do I get the benefits? This nest of blue sky finches is guarded by a big bird, so there is definitely no way I can capture it."

Xu swallowed more than a hundred blue dragon illusions and completed the eighteenth level of the Rain-turning Cloud Transformation Technique. Each blue dragon illusion was comparable to a full-strength strike from a demon-god-level demon, and it could completely remove the power of the blue dragon's body. He has risen to the point where all thirty-six gangang meridians are opened, and now he is truly at the peak of the Demon King.

These two blue sky sparrows are just ordinary demon warriors. How can they block his spells at a low level?

Xu Zuo didn't care much about accepting this nest of blue sky sparrows. He had collected a group of blue sky sparrows in the Demon Prison, and they were transformed into demons. He didn't like this ordinary monster very much.

The two of them secretly went up the mountain, promised to use the Dingxuan Mirror's magic power to immobilize the Blue Sky Bird, and then entered the Small Universe Realm smoothly. It went smoothly and they encountered almost no difficulties.

Hu Xiuqing secretly calculated that she had collected more than a hundred eggs, more than thirty chicks, and even twelve large birds, so she backed down and stopped halfway up the mountain, saying to Xu Liao: " If we go further, we might disturb a large group of blue sky sparrows. Although we are not afraid, we are only afraid of causing trouble for everyone. Why don't we just retreat now?"

After nodding his head, he had no intention of objecting. Hu Xiuqing activated the invisibility spell and quietly went down the mountain. During the rare trip down the mountain, no demonic birds were disturbed.

After the two of them left this unknown mountain peak for several kilometers, they felt a little more relaxed. Hu Xiuqing's footsteps were brisk and they were almost back to the place where everyone was resting. Worried about being noticed by the three elders, Xu Luo was about to look sleepy when Xu Luo suddenly screamed: "No! Where are they?"

Xu Luo soared into the sky, with clouds growing on his four claws, and in no time he arrived at the resting place of the Dongxuanxian sect. Within a few hundred meters, it was as if something had overwhelmed him. All the flowers, plants and trees were shattered, and the ground collapsed. After a long time, there was no trace of the three elders and four disciples of Dongxuanxian Sect.

Xu Zuo was shocked.

He hurriedly jumped into the air and reached mid-air, but everything around him was quiet. There was no movement at all, and it didn't seem like there had been a fight at all.

Hu Xiuqing's face also turned slightly pale, and she shouted: "How can this be good? We shouldn't leave."

Xu shook his head and said: "Even if we don't leave, nothing will change. It's just that there are two more unlucky guys. They should have encountered a sneak attack by a monster, but there was no spiritual energy dissipating around them. This is a bit... Weird."

Hu Xiuqing also came to his senses, activated his mana, secretly observed it for a while, and said: "If we are attacked by a sneak attack, the three elders will definitely fight back. No matter what spells they use, there will definitely be spiritual energy left nearby. Now there is nothing but this deep pit. , there is no spiritual energy left, there is only one possibility..."

Xu Li said: "When they were attacked by a sneak attack, they didn't put up any resistance. They were captured directly... just like we captured those Blue Sky Sparrows."

Hu Xiuqing looked very ugly and said, "That's true!"

Being able to capture four Dayan warriors and three Tiangang warriors at the same time and make them unable to resist, no matter what kind of monster they are, their methods can be said to be all-powerful.

Hu Xiuqing looked at Xu Zai and asked, "What should we do now?"

A strange light flashed in Xu Zuo's eyes, creating a pale golden rainbow. After a long while, he shouted decisively: "Let's catch up!"

Xu Yi followed the changes in the Dingxuan Mirror and traced a trace of his energy. It was most likely the monster that attacked everyone in the Dongxuanxian Sect. Although he knew that it would be very dangerous to catch up, he could not abandon his fellow sect.

Hu Xiuqing also knew that the four Dayan warriors and the three Tiangang warriors were unable to resist. It would be extremely dangerous for them to follow them alone, but he did not hesitate and shouted: "I listen to you!"

He made a bow and rushed out. This time he didn't need Hu Xiuqing. He directly released his black gold cloud light and pulled Hu Xiuqing behind in an instant.

Hu Xiuqing was anxious, but she didn't dare to shout loudly. She shouted twice, then waved her hand and caught him up in the cloud light. The two of them flew all the way, and flew three to four hundred kilometers away. , suddenly there was a demonic aura rising into the sky in front of them, and the two of them looked at each other with solemn expressions.

This demonic aura actually has the level of a Dayan Shi, and the demonic power is so strong that it is almost as good as Yun Qingke if it is not a first-level Dayan Shi.

Xu Luo withdrew the Xuanjin Yunguang, activated thirty-six changes in the sky, turned into a breeze, and continued to pursue him. Before leaving, he left a message and shouted: "Junior brother Hu Xiuqing, please wait where you are. I’ll take a moment!”

Hu Xiuqing had experienced a lot of magic power and knew that if she encountered a strong enemy, she would be quite a burden, so she did not persist, but she refused to give up and continued to move forward on foot, but she was more cautious.

Xu Luo turned into a breeze and flew not far away. He saw a giant spirit, more than ten meters tall, with a handsome face, but with a headstrong look. He was wiping a short pale golden spear, gritting his teeth. What a curse.

Xu Liao secretly thought: "This guy's strength is pretty good. Even I may not be able to defeat him, but if he wants to capture four Dayan warriors, it's absolutely impossible. Is this guy the best?" Are giant spirits sneaking up on our Dongxuanxian sect?"

While Xu Liao was thinking about it, the giant spirit suddenly shouted, pulled hard with both hands, and lengthened the short spear, turning it into a thick and heavy spear that was slightly larger than itself!

This giant spear produced strong demonic power, causing ripples in the air around the spear body, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

Although Xu Liao was a little surprised at how extraordinary this giant spear was, he didn't take it too seriously. He was thinking about whether to pull out the mountain and sea stick and have a fierce fight with this giant spirit. He surrendered it first, and then asked if he knew that he was from the same sect. When he came down, he saw the giant spirit roaring suddenly, and as if by magic, a set of full-body armor grew out of his body.

This full-body armor is made of light gold, and combined with the tall figure of the giant spirit, it looks more like some kind of mecha, with a strong ultra-modern style. (To be continued.)

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