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Xu Luo activated the transformation of the Dingxuan Mirror and observed secretly, but he was shocked to find that after the golden armor was produced in the giant spirit's body, the whole body was transformed from a flesh and blood body into a strange and complex structure. It was no longer flesh and blood, but more like It's some kind of machinery.

Countless components with indescribable functions formed this majestic body. The giant spirit suddenly shouted loudly and slowly rose into the air, with a strong fighting spirit pouring out of its body.

Xu Lio was greatly surprised. He felt that he was very good at invisibility and had no signs of being discovered. How could this giant spirit burst out with such strong fighting spirit? Just as he was about to show up and have a fight with the giant spirit, he felt faint fluctuations in the void. A giant spirit, also wearing a metal armor as bright as the sun, tore through the space and strode out.

This newly appeared giant spirit holds a strange double-edged sword with two ends. One blade is winding like a snake, and the other is curved like a crescent moon. It is like a living dragon, twisting and shaking, and seems to have spirituality.

The giant spirit holding a giant spear shouted coldly: "Nubis! If you invite me to a duel in Qingtian Que Garden, I will definitely die in battle. Why do you dare to show up?"

Nubisi chuckled and said: "Yadu! How do you know that the person who died is not you? The membrane of Longhua Society's world is getting thicker and thicker. It is not far from opening up a world. Who can get the consciousness of Longhua Society's world?" Whoever is favored by you can become the darling of this world. As the guardians of the Longhua Society, we, the Yellow Turban Rikishi clan, are finally qualified to become the masters of this world! But you stick to the rules and sit back and watch the Yellow Turban Rikishi clan disappear. The clan members are fighting for a way to survive, so how can they be qualified to become the next clan leader of the Yellow Turban Rikishi clan?"

Yadu gave a sharp shout and shouted: "The destiny of the Yellow Turban Rikishi is to protect the Longhua Society, not to be its master. The Yellow Turban Rikishi clan is not a tool for you to seek power. We are guardians, not conquerors! You should wake up. Bar!"

Xu Lao was shocked. He did not expect that these two giant spirits were actually Yellow Turban Warriors. He once snatched a Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman from Shi Ji. At that time, he thought that this ninth-level demon warrior's Yellow Turban Talisman was already very powerful, but he did not expect that he would actually be able to see a real "Yellow Turban Talisman".

The Yellow Turban Warrior is the guardian of the ancient heaven. He is a kind of magical person who was refined, not a living being. Later, the technology of refining the Yellow Turban Warriors spread and was used by the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons Society to create fighting beasts. Although the technology of the Ten Thousand Demons Society and the Eighteen Immortals Sect is advancing as rapidly as human technology, they have never been able to replicate the grand occasion of the ancient Heavenly Court period and refine a true, self-aware Yellow Turban Hercules.

Yadu raised his hands horizontally. He pushed the giant spear horizontally. As a combat-type magic weapon man, the yellow scarf warrior's combat power was more powerful than monsters and human practitioners of the same level.

Although Yadu's spear is simple and unpretentious, it seals six parts and four parts, sealing the entire space.

There is only one hard angle left.

Nubis also shouted sharply, and used a set of extremely exquisite spear techniques with his double-headed crescent snake spear. Against all odds, he hit Yadu's giant spear and forced him to use a simple move. There was a flaw. Get out of trouble easily. Then he took one step, shrinking to an inch, and stabbed Yadu's waist with a spear. The blade of the double-headed crescent snake spear actually turned into eight in the air, attacking Yadu's eight vital points. .

The Yadu giant spear danced in a circle, circled around the body, the spearhead trembled slightly, and stabbed eight times in the void without coincidence, blocking the eight sharp edges transformed from Nubis's double-headed crescent snake spear one by one.

The two started fighting, and the fight suddenly became violent. Meet your opponent in chess!

Xu Liao couldn't let go of him after seeing him. Although he was proficient in swordsmanship and could be regarded as a master-level expert in terms of martial arts, he was a direct descendant of the Eighteen Immortals Sect. Either the demon nerve Zhengfa, or the transformation technique of the Jade Cauldron lineage, they all have the flavor of combining magic and martial arts, and even focus more on magic.

But these two giant yellow scarf warriors have practiced the immortal martial arts to the extreme, and even reached the level of martial arts and divine connection. The point where the physical body generates magical powers on its own.

Xu waited for a while and thought to himself: "These two yellow scarf warriors came here to fight for their own ideals. There is absolutely no way they could kidnap everyone from the Dongxuanxian Sect. With their immortal martial arts, although they are extremely powerful, they still can't. It’s not to the point where I can defeat the four Dayans silently. Since the disappearance of your fellow disciples has nothing to do with them, I don’t have to worry about any complications.”

Xu Zuo retreated quietly, and before he had retreated far, he heard the sound of weapons clashing!

A long sword in Hu Xiuqing's hand transformed into a wandering dragon. He used Xuantian Baidi Sword to the extreme, and there was a brilliant sword light within a hundred steps around him. But the man who was fighting with him remained silent and used the goad in his hand unpretentiously, but he firmly suppressed this talented disciple of the Dongxuanxian Sect.

Xu Lio gasped. If he came back even half a step late, I'm afraid Hu Xiuqing would be unlucky!

The enemy that Hu Xiuqing fought fiercely was also a yellow scarf warrior. Although he was only a Tiangang warrior, his strength was even better than that of Hu Xiuqing. The place where the two fought fiercely was shrouded in a barrier. If the Ding Xuan Mirror hadn't been transformed, only a layer of black light could be seen.

Xu Luo hurriedly swung his waist and tail and activated the Rain-turning Cloud Transformation Technique. The entire dragon transformed into a rapid stream of water and crashed into the barrier.

This layer of battle barrier should be the unique secret method of the Yellow Turban Rikishi clan. Although Xu was also proficient in void spells, he was still bounced back.

Xu Luo hurriedly activated the two heavenly demon flags, shook them, shook them, and then forcefully opened the barrier and forced his way in.

Xu Zuo was also secretly horrified. He relied on the transformation of the flags of the two realms and was almost invincible. However, using the magic power of the peak of the Tiangang Shi to activate the transformation of the flags of the two realms, he could not break through this layer of barrier. He still relied on the Dayanshi level. Only the two great demon flags of the two realms can break through even a single flaw.

In other words, the battle barrier of the Yellow Turban Rikishi clan is almost comparable to the Two Realm Flags. Although it has a single function, it cannot be broken even by several people of the same level of cultivation. Not only can it be used for fighting, but it is also first-class. One defense method.

Xu Lio had no time to think and ran into the battle barrier. Using his brute force, he swept over with his tail and knocked away the yellow scarf warrior who was fighting Hu Xiuqing.

Although this yellow scarf warrior is not as powerful as Xu Zuo with the body of a true dragon, as a magic weapon man, his physical body is unbelievably strong. Xu Xu's "True Dragon Tail Swing" that can kill most Tiangang warriors, even The yellow turban warrior was unable to be injured. He just rolled several hundred meters and stood up again. He rushed forward to fight without saying a word.

Hu Xiuqing also exclaimed: "This monster is invulnerable and has almost no flaws. It cannot be dealt with with brute force." (To be continued.)

PS: PS: There has been something going on at home these past two days, so the update has been a bit slow. I will try to update a few more chapters tomorrow. Please help me!

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