One Sword to Immortality

341. City of Yellow Turbans (3)

Looking down from the city wall of the Yellow Turban City, this giant city almost doesn't mind wasting space at all. It extends directly inward at the foot of the city wall to build an endless square.

At the end of the horizon, there is a second city wall!

In the square, countless high platforms were built in an orderly manner according to some mysterious rules. On each high platform, there was a yellow scarf warrior, posing in various postures, still and motionless, just like a sculpture.

Among them, the yellow scarf warriors on hundreds of high platforms have disappeared. They should be following Yadu to meet Mr. Ganli!

Xu Lio couldn't help but secretly bared his teeth and thought: "There are probably tens of thousands of Yellow Turban warriors in sight alone, and there is no telling how many Yellow Turban warriors there should be in the entire Yellow Turban city. There is no way we can sneak into this place." A city, unless we also become the Yellow Turban Warriors."

Among the thirty-six transformations of the Lingbao of the Jade Cauldron lineage, there is no Yellow Turban Warrior transformation, so naturally there is no way to transform into a Yellow Turban Warrior.

Xu Liao secretly thought: "If there is no way to sneak into the city, we must exit the Yellow Turban City before those Yellow Turban Warriors come back, otherwise the results will be very bad. But we are already here, if we withdraw in despair, how can we be willing to do so?"

Xu Lie was thinking about it. Hu Xiuqing and Bai Qiulian had no idea. They were following his lead. At this moment, a voice suddenly came into Xu Lie's ears. A gentle voice shouted: "Go to the right again." Count thirty to one high platform, come to me, otherwise you will be discovered when they come back later."

Xu was slightly surprised, but still made a gesture to Hu Xiuqing and Bai Qiulian. The three of them returned to the outside of the city wall and climbed to the right from the outside for more than two hours before reaching the thirty-one high platform. The voice was always there Guiding them, there seemed to be no malicious intent at all.

When they climbed up the city wall on the side of the high platform pointed by the voice, a piece of brick on the originally extremely solid high platform suddenly shrank inward, revealing a dark hole.

At this moment, more than a hundred golden rays of light appeared in the sky above the Yellow Turban City, and the Yellow Turban warriors rushed back.

They had no choice. He could only crawl into the hole on the side of the high platform, and then the brick quietly returned to the distance. Within a few minutes, a yellow scarf warrior landed on the high platform. Standing still, it turned into a sculpture.

They were only one step away from being discovered by the returning Yellow Turban warriors. They got into the high platform and their eyes suddenly lit up.

One wears glasses. A slightly pudgy but very gentle young man, with a ball of light floating behind his head, his hands pressed on an extremely weird instrument,

He seemed to have no time to talk to them.

Bai Qiulian shouted in surprise: "Senior Brother Ye Bai! Why is it you?"

Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing were also surprised. They did not expect that the person who gave them advice was actually Ye Bai from Shinhwa. Although this man was not a senior brother, his reputation was not inferior to that of Su Zhan. Among the three heroes of Shinhwa, . He is the most low-key, but also the most mysterious. I didn't expect him to be such a simple person.

Ye Bai's deduction calculation seemed to have reached a critical moment. He didn't even have time to wipe the sweat from his forehead and shouted: "I won't talk to you until I figure out this key point!"

He didn't hesitate to agree. He circled around on the ground, closed his eyes slightly, activated the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra, and tried to do some calculations. However, his cultivation of Jiuyuan Sutra was far inferior to that of Ye Bai. He only deduced that this strange instrument seemed to be related to the Yellow Turban Warriors and was part of the entire Yellow Turban City, but he could not deduce its specific function.

Ye Bai glanced at him. He asked with a strange expression: "Who is this little dragon from the Ao family? How can you understand our mythical Nine-Yuan Sutra?"

Xu Liao smiled and said: "I am not from the Ao family, I am Xu Liao, a disciple of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. The Nine Yuan Arithmetic Scripture I learned was taught by Senior Brother Su Zhan to Senior Brother Jiang Zhen!"

Ye Bai exclaimed: "You agreed? Then..."

He turned around and glanced at Bai Qiulian, who had also transformed into a little green dragon, and shouted: "Are you Bai Qiulian? No wonder you recognize me!"

Bai Qiulian nodded slightly. As a gift, he said: "Senior Brother Ye Bai, when you went back to the Bai family with my sister Bai Juan, I saw you before, so I recognize you!"

Old Ye Bai's face turned slightly red and he chuckled: "It is indeed Xiao Jiu'er! Why did you and Xu Liao become a green dragon together? Aren't your Bai family's bloodline from the Baijiao? I heard that Xu Liao's bloodline is from the immortal tree. It’s not Qinglong either?”

Xu Lao took over the words and said: "We had some adventure in Qinglong District and learned the demonic Qinglong Transformation!"

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian certainly did not learn the Qinglong Transformation, but this explanation was the simplest, closest to the real situation, and most suitable for the current needs. It kept the story short and allowed the other party to understand the situation.

Ye Bai nodded and said: "You are lucky. When my fellow disciples and I entered the Longhua Society, we were attacked by the Yellow Turban Warriors and we were forced to be separated. I found the Yellow Turban City and wanted to decipher the secret of this giant city. It’s a pity that I have only practiced the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra to the third chapter, and I lack enough reference objects to invade this huge city!”

Xu Luo couldn't help but ask: "Senior Brother Ye Bai, what reference do you need?"

Ye Bai sighed and said: "The best thing is of course the body of the Yellow Turban Warrior. If there is no living body, then the corpse will be!"

Xu Zuo pushed it casually, and the two yellow scarf warriors he had put away were thrown to the ground, and said: "There are two here, one of them is still alive. I wonder if Senior Brother Ye Bai can use it?"

Ye Bai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached out to grab the two yellow scarf warriors. The celestial sphere above his head was spinning rapidly, but in a moment, a yellow scarf warrior was dismantled into hundreds of components, suspended in the air, and appeared from time to time. One component is activated and emits various brilliance.

While dismantling the Yellow Turban Warriors, Ye Bai said to them: "These high platforms not only have maintenance functions, but if the Yellow Turban Warriors who are in contact with them are killed or disappear, the Yellow Turban City will also pass on various materials to build a tower here." The new Yellow Turban Warriors. I have been trying to crack it for a long time, but there has been no progress. But with these two Yellow Turban Warriors as a reference, I estimate that I will be able to achieve some results in a hundred days at most. Maybe I can use these high platforms to influence the Yellow Turban City in the opposite direction. "

Xu Lao felt dizzy after hearing this. He probably understood that this high platform is equivalent to a terminal, and the Yellow Turban City is a data center, a supercomputer that has control authority over all terminals. Ye Bai wants to reverse erosion from the terminals. data center.

He couldn't help but ask: "How can we help?"

Ye Bai scratched his head, suddenly smiled, and said: "I really need a favor from you, come and try to practice this!" He hit a spiritual wave and injected it into Xu Le's sea of ​​consciousness... (To be continued .)

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