One Sword to Immortality

342. The road ahead

Xu Liao's sea of ​​consciousness circulated for a while, and he "read" the magic formula. He couldn't help but turned pale and shouted: "This... is not good!"

Ye Bai laughed naively and said: "I have the authority to teach spells, but you can only learn them and cannot teach them to anyone! If you can practice them, you can be of great help to me."

Xu glanced at Ye Bai deeply, coiled his body in a circle, and started practicing without explaining to Hu Xiuqing or even Bai Qiulian.

What Ye Bai taught him was the mythical Zhenpai Immortal Code Nine Yuan Sutra, but there were only three chapters: Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4!

Xu Ruo practiced the first chapter of the Jiuyuan Sutra, and with the help of Su Zhan's spiritual imprint, he almost mastered it overnight and practiced it in an instant. Later, he also refined the Jiuyuan Sutra into the Jiuxuan True Method.

At this time, he had obtained three more chapters of the Nine-Yuan Sutra, but he was a little hesitant, because he had long discovered that the Nine-Yuan Sutra did not fit well with the Nine-Xuan True Method and the Demonic Nerve. Instead, it was quite compatible with the transformation techniques of the Yuding lineage. There are some wonderful things that complement each other.

The celestial sphere of all phenomena appeared in Xu Lao's eyes, and he deduced the method layer by layer to practice the second chapter of the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra!

This set of Mythology's Zhensect Immortal Code is very special. The first chapter is the most difficult to practice. The Mythology disciples who lacked brain power forced it to practice. As a result, countless people died from headshots. However, as long as the Mythology disciples can pass this level, they can refine the All-Seeing Heavenly Sphere. , you can use the Vientiane Heavenly Sphere to analyze the next level of spiritual practice, and the speed of practicing the second chapter can be predicted from the beginning.

Xu Liao began to analyze the second chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra, and the progress of the analysis immediately emerged in his mind. He was checking calculations with calculations and advancing deductions with deductions. It was like giving a computer and asking him to solve an extremely complex problem. Although we don’t know what the result will be, we can know when the results will be available.

I was promised a speed in practicing Jiuyuan Sutra and pushed it almost all the way. After more than ten hours, the progress reached 100%. The celestial sphere of all things changed, and the number of runes increased by more than ten times, becoming more complex, and the power of deduction and calculation increased by 3.17 times.

Xu Xu felt slightly happy. Next he tried the third chapter of the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra, but this chapter was several times more difficult. He only made a slight estimate of the progress and knew that there was no way to complete it without more than a hundred days.

Don’t worry about it. He then allocated 30% of the computing power of the Wanxiang Celestial Sphere to deduce the third chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra, and the remaining 70% of the computing power was used to analyze the innate magical powers of the Qinglong clan.

Xu had always felt that it was inconvenient to transform into Qinglong. At this time, he obtained the Nine Yuan Sutra, which was used to deduce the method of restoring the human body.

In addition to deducing the method of restoring the human body, Xu Liao also gradually discovered that he had practiced too many methods and needed to summarize them.

Redefine a spiritual path.

Various changes occurred in the celestial sphere, many of which ended up being fruitless and annihilating themselves. But there are more than a dozen variations that can evolve all the time.

These more than ten changes continued to be deduced, several merged into one, others also annihilated themselves, and several others were obviously insufficient in stamina and no longer worth deducing. In the end, only one path appeared in front of Xu Liao.

This result surprised Xu Liao!

He looked at the four demon cores and seven talismans in the Vientiane Celestial Sphere, feeling rather hesitant.

This path not only solved his problem of restoring his body, but also sorted out all the exercises he had learned throughout his life and summarized it into the most prosperous road!

The four demon cores are as follows: the green dragon demon core controls the thirty-six changes in the celestial phenomena, the black gold iron wire demon core controls the changes in the demon nerves, and the sky demon killing immortal method and unicorn true fire are also separately used. Not mixed together.

Xu Liao had seen the inheritance of the East Palace, and also knew how to use the method of the heavenly demon to control the demon gods and below. Even if the skills conflicted, he could still rely on the tyranny of the method of the heavenly demon. Although they were all subdued, if they practice two or more kinds of heavenly demon techniques, they will restrain each other, and the strong will suppress the weak, making their progress slower.

The Nine-Xuan True Method has always suppressed the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Method, and the Nine-Xuan True Method cannot be promoted. The Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique cannot be promoted, so the Heavenly Demon level techniques must be practiced separately in order to reach the most powerful state.

The seven major talismans are the Nine Yuan Sutra combined with the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron Lingbao, the Demon-Slaying Sword Technique, the Qiankun Dharma in the Sleeve, the Classic of Mountains and Seas... various immortal ways, and the six major ones deduced by Guyang Shen for him. Magical powers, each magical power is turned into a magical power seed, and they do not interfere with each other!

This path deduced from the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra can separate the various methods of cultivation without any interference. If you want to use one of them, you must converge the rest of the magic power, and there will no longer be any interference and collision.

However, although the path has been deduced, there is no specific method. The Nine Yuan Sutra in Chapter 2 is not so clever. It can only point out the path, but cannot deduce the specific method.

Ye Bai put his hands together, and the two yellow turban warriors' bodies that he had dismantled into countless components suddenly merged into one majestic body.

Ye Bai's face was pale, but he couldn't hold back the joy in his heart. The celestial sphere above his head bloomed with strange light, and countless tiny runes were derived from it layer by layer. The celestial sphere suddenly shrunk by nearly half, but the symbols that made up the celestial sphere The writing speed was several times faster. Hu Xiuqing and Bai Qiulian only glanced at it, and they felt dizzy and dizzy. They didn't dare to look any further.

Xu Luo just collected his magic power and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Senior brother Ye Bai, you actually broke through the Dayanshi!"

The Vientiane Celestial Sphere above Ye Bai's head smiled and shouted: "Thanks to Junior Brother Xu, you gave me two bodies of the Yellow Turban Warriors, so that I can decipher some of the secrets of the Yellow Turban City. As for the breakthrough in cultivation, it is just by the way. It’s such a small thing, so don’t worry about it. The only good thing is that it’s much easier for me to crack this platform than originally expected, and I estimate that it will take more than ten days to complete.”

Xu Liao was also quite envious and thought to himself: "The mythical Ye Bai is indeed a genius. He actually broke through the current state with the help of the deduction of the Yellow Turban City. What I learned before was too complicated, so it is difficult to break through the state. If I can By completing another chapter of the Nine-Yuan Sutra, I am afraid I will be able to deduce a specific path, separate various spells, and lay a solid foundation for the road to become a demon general."

After saying congratulations, Ye Bai shook his hand and said, "Junior brother, how many days do you have until you can complete the second chapter? I have included you in my ten-day deadline."

Xu Lio couldn't help but smile slightly and said: "I have completed the second chapter of the Nine Yuan Sutra, and I can barely help Senior Brother Ye Bai."

Ye Bai was overjoyed and shouted: "Let me guide you. You and I can connect our spiritual consciousness to this high platform. As long as we can find the core of the runes, we can deduce it in reverse. If we master this high platform, we can not only sneak into the Yellow Turban The city has countless benefits..." (To be continued.)

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