Xu Liao sneered and asked, "Do you have the ability to kill us?"

The young Yellow Turban Warriors were not angry, and shrugged their shoulders and said: "I have only evolved to the peak of the Demon King level. It is true that I am not an opponent for the five of you together, but this is the City of Yellow Turbans, the city of our Yellow Turban Warriors clan, as long as I send out The warning can summon at least 100,000 yellow scarf warriors instantly to join the battle. Are you sure you want to anger me?"

Xu Luo still maintained his momentum and said calmly: "The power of the Yellow Turban Warriors has obvious shortcomings. It should be the flaw left intentionally by the person who created your Yellow Turban Warriors clan. Although I will not be one of the Hundred Thousand Yellow Turban Warriors. Opponent, but it’s not difficult to escape. What’s the point of irritating you? Now…it seems like you need us very much, right?”

The majestic young yellow scarf warrior actually showed a pensive look when he came in. He came over for a long time before slowly nodding his head and said: "You have indeed convinced me. I need your help more now, so I shouldn't use arrogant words." manner."

Not only Xu, but also Ye Bai, Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing showed surprise. This young yellow scarf warrior was smarter than they imagined, and even understood his own shortcomings.

You know, even among humans, more than 90% never reflect on their mistakes.

The imposing young yellow scarf warrior's temperament suddenly changed. Although he still had a strong spirit, his attitude became much more cordial, and his smile changed from overbearing and arrogant to a bright and sunny one.

He stretched out his hand to caress his chest and said: "I am one of the awakened ones, and my name is Siam! There are eight million Yellow Turban warriors in the Yellow Turban City, but there are no more than 10,000 awakened ones like me. Some of us awakened ones I hope to get rid of control and become a free creature. The other part hopes to strictly stick to my duty and continue to be an orthodox yellow scarf warrior. I am a liberal!"

Xu Liao felt a little weird in her heart when she thought of Siam once following Yadu, and wanted to complain: "Aren't you a conservative?"

Ye Bai shrugged his shoulders and asked: "Whether you are a liberal or a naturist, what does it have to do with me? You'd better explain your purpose directly! Let's get to the point. It can be more efficient!"

Siam smiled slightly and said: "We liberals hope to get rid of the identity of the Yellow Turban Warriors, and the orthodox faction wants to stick to the identity of the Yellow Turban Warriors, but these are not important! The important thing is that we Yellow Turban Warriors have no way to release the control on our own. We must There are outsiders coming to help.”

Ye Bai pondered slightly and said: "So you have already discovered that we have cracked the Yellow Turban City, and you just want to see if we have this ability. Then you decide what attitude you will have towards us?"

Siam nodded slightly and admitted that he was right, which was quite upright and generous.

Xu Lio's heart moved slightly and he said: "We need all the blueprints for building the Yellow Turban City and the plan for refining the Yellow Turban Warriors. Only with these can we start to help you break the restrictions."

Siam smiled slightly, and actually agreed immediately, saying: "I can open the database so that you can invade. Whatever information you want, just take it!"

Xu Lio and Ye Bai glanced at each other, and they couldn't help but feel a little surprised. If they had the blueprints for refining the Yellow Turban City and the method for refining the Yellow Turban Warriors, they could completely copy this city based on the background of the Eighteen Immortals Sect. Giant city. Create a yellow scarf warrior belonging to the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

They did not expect Siam to agree casually and not care. But if they did not take advantage of this, they would not be practitioners who had been influenced by modern civilization.

Siam's figure slowly faded away and he said: "If you want to enter the Yellow Turban City, I can open the codes for the four rune cores to you. With the codes, those ordinary Yellow Turban warriors will regard you as the same kind. , will never attack you again. As for the awakened ones..."

Siam left a mysterious smile at the end and said: "People from our faction will not take action. People from the orthodox faction... you'd better kill them yourself if you have the ability."

Siam, standing outside the high platform, woke up from the silence. After regaining consciousness, he became full of confidence, turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the core of the Yellow Turban City, without returning to the high platform he was guarding.

Xu looked at the four rune cores emerging from the high platform, reached out and grabbed one, and put the other two into his own small universe, and then said: "Qiu Lian, you and Hu Xiuqing don't take risks, stay here." I will send you out of the Yellow Turban City, it is enough for me and Ye Bai to be here."

Bai Qiulian shook his head and said: "No matter what, I will stay with you. Even if I can't help, I will just hide in the Void Cetus."

Xu Lei hesitated slightly, but actually it may not be safe if he leaves the Yellow Turban City, and he can take more care of him if he is with him.

Hu Xiuqing's choice was different from Bai Qiulian's. He said seriously: "Although my cultivation is not as good as yours, I still have the courage to fight head-on. If I am allowed to reincarnate and leave when I encounter danger, why should I practice swordsmanship?" ?”

Hu Xiuqing and Bai Qiulian made different choices. His eyes were extremely firm, and even if Xu showed a little bit of aura, he had no intention of backing down.

Xu Leo let out a little bit of demonic energy, but soon gave up using force to convince him, casually threw a rune core to him and said: "Be careful!"

Ye Bai collected the last rune core and threw it into the celestial sphere of all things. He activated the Nine Yuan Sutra to connect to the Yellow Turban City again. He soon showed joy and said to Xu Liao: "I found it. Now that we have reached the core of the Yellow Turban City, you can break through the outer restrictions with me!"

Xu carefully placed the core of the rune of the Yellow Turban Warrior on the top of his head, and a round mirror flew out of his sleeve. He first illuminated the core of the rune, and then activated the Vientiane Celestial Sphere to start deducing and calculating the rune. The essence of the core.

After a while, he exhaled and said, "Siam didn't do anything. There should be no backdoor or anything like that."

Ye Bai laughed and said: "I checked just now. Even if there is any problem, the Vientiane Celestial Sphere can suppress it. Let's try to break through the core database of the Yellow Turban City first!"

After saying yes, he was also gearing up and eager to give it a try.

The rune core of the Yellow Turban Warriors is extremely complicated. Neither he nor Ye Bai can completely separate it. Only the Yellow Turban Warriors can completely remove this thing from the body of the same kind.

With a complete rune core, Ye Bai and Xu Liao can both invade the Yellow Turban City. As for the conditions Siam agreed to, they still need to invade the core of the Yellow Turban City to know whether they are true to their words!

The two activated the Vientiane Celestial Sphere almost at the same time, separated part of their consciousness, and rushed into the huge illusory world of the Yellow Turban City. (To be continued.)

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