One Sword to Immortality

346. 99-layer maze

Xu Li stretched his muscles easily and found that in the illusory world of the Yellow Turban City, he had transformed into a giant-like Yellow Turban Warrior. However, his strength was low and he could only reach the level of a first-level demon warrior. His demon power value was only twenty points and his height was no more than 20 points. A little more than two meters.

Compared to Yadu and Nubis, who were more than ten meters tall, he could only be regarded as the laziest among the Yellow Turban warriors, but after all, he was no longer a little green dragon, which still made the young man feel quite happy.

The four rune cores given by Siam are all of the lowest quality. The high-end rune cores are eaten by oneself to improve the level. How can they be willing to give them to others?

Xu Luo awakened his monster bloodline after encountering Emperor Liujian, so he had never experienced such a low monster power level before, so it was quite refreshing.

The demon power value is too low, and he can't even unblock the fighting form of the Yellow Turban Warrior, and can only maintain his normal form.

The illusory world formed by the self-awareness of the Yellow Turban City is simply like a maze. Xu Liao and Ye Bai did not dare to go deep into it before because of the many dangers, but now a map of the entire Yellow Turban City appeared in front of them. It was obviously A gift specially left for them by Siam.

Ye Bai frowned, pointed at the red dots that were constantly shining on the map, and said, "If it were in a game, these red dots must be enemies, but where can there be enemies in the Yellow Turban City?"

Xu Zaowu saw a red dot approaching the two of them, so he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry about it! Just move forward."

The rune core of the Yellow Turban Rex is similar to a complex of energy core and intelligence core. Xu Liao and Ye Bai have been studying it for a long time, and they are not unfamiliar with it. He casually activated the weapon system of the Yellow Turban Rex, and after a brief selection, he selected A long sword was ordered.

After Xu made his choice, a long sword slowly appeared in front of his eyes. He stretched out his hand to hold the long sword. He felt that the weight, weight, and length all matched. He shook a sword flower casually and tested the strength. Just stride forward.

Ye Bai also chose a long sword, but the shape was more narrow and long, only two fingers wide and as thin as a cicada's wing. Obviously he is not following the same path as Xu Luo.

It didn't take long for the two of them to encounter a red dot that was constantly shining and approaching on the map. Although both of them were prepared, when they saw a monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a human body. Still everyone was surprised.

Xu Liao shouted: "Is this asking us to fight monsters and upgrade?"

Ye Bai activated the Vientiane Heavenly Sphere and said after a moment: "I have cracked part of the rune core. Before the Yellow Turban Warriors are promoted to the Demon King, they can gain experience and wisdom in the illusory world transformed by the self-awareness of the Yellow Turban City. And use it to transform yourself.”

Ye Bai paused.

He added another sentence and said: "One more thing, both of us can undergo transformation four times, and the upper limit of our talents is Demon King!"

Xu cursed and shouted: "Siam is very unreasonable. They actually gave us such a bad rune core!"

Ye Bai didn't care and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he understood.

When the monster with the head of a wolf saw Xu Liao and Ye Bai, he roared and started to charge, but neither of them paid attention to the monster with the head of a wolf, although both of them were suppressed to the level of first-level monsters. Although they are warriors, all kinds of combat experience and skills will not disappear. Even if the strength of this wolf-headed monster increases several times, the two of them will still be indifferent.

I promised to chat with Ye Bai. As he strode forward to meet him, at the most subtle moment, he suddenly stopped and thrust his sword forward. Put on an aggressive stance.

The wolf-headed monster rushed to the most suitable position to attack, and jumped forward with both claws. But the moment it exerted its force, Xu Zuo suddenly changed its rhythm, from striding forward to suddenly stopping, just after it exerted its force. moment. The monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a human body could no longer change the momentum of its impact, and just before his eyes, his vital part hit Xu Le's sword.

Xu said lightly and drew his long sword, without even looking at the monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf, he still strode forward. Not long after, he encountered another monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf.

Xu Liao still used the same sword technique, but with the simplest sword rhythm, he stabbed him to death.

Ye Bai followed behind and said with some envy: "I can also do this kind of rhythm judgment, but in terms of swordsmanship, I am not as good as you. Let me kill the next monster! Otherwise, there won't be enough. I have no way to upgrade my experience points."

Xu Xu smiled slightly and gave up his seat. Ye Bai took a few steps forward and, with the same gesture as Xu, killed the third wolf-headed monster that found the two of them.

The two of them walked forward in the illusory world transformed by the self-awareness of the Yellow Turban City, chopping melons and vegetables along the way. Soon they each killed more than ten monsters with wolf heads and bodies. With the killing, although there was nothing. The system prompts that there is no experience progress bar, but the two of them still improved one level each and broke through to the second level demon warrior.

After breaking through to the second-level demon warrior, the two of them were able to release their fighting postures, but Xu Luo disliked the small improvement and did not show his fighting posture at all, and still fought with Ye Bai like they were crushing each other.

According to the map left to them by Siam, if they wanted to break into the core of the Yellow Turban City from the outermost level, they would have to go through at least a ninety-nine-level maze. It only took the two of them more than an hour to get through the first level of the maze.

When Xu Liao and Ye Bai saw the door to the second floor of the maze, both of them were enveloped in a layer of strange light, and then they felt that something had been unsealed.

Xu Weiwei observed for a while, but found no changes in his body. He guessed that the authority of the Yellow Turban City had been increased, but the increase was too small, so it was difficult to confirm.

Ye Bai didn't care about this level of improvement. He stood quietly for a while outside the door of the second floor maze, threw the long sword in his hand on the ground, smiled and said: "I won't need it anymore. let's go!"

Xu Zuo didn't know why Ye Bai gave up his weapon, but he didn't mean to stop him. Since Ye Bai did this, there must be a reason. One of the three heroes of the myth is by no means a reckless person, and every move must have a deep meaning.

After the two passed through the door of the second-level maze, more than ten Minotaurs discovered them. These Minotaurs did not act alone like monsters with wolf heads and human bodies. They formed a large group when they appeared.

Although Xu was quite conceited about his own strength, he still couldn't help but gasped and put on a fighting posture, but Ye Bai beside him smiled and said: "We don't need to fight anymore."

Xu Li was a little surprised when he felt a strange change in Ye Bai. Countless runes flew out of the hands of this most outstanding young disciple of the myth, turning into a long river of flowing runes. They came out of nothing, and soon ten of them were The remaining Minotaurs were annihilated... (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Give me some recommendation tickets for After Zero Point!

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