One Sword to Immortality

346. 99-layer maze (2)

No matter how many Minotaurs he encountered along the way, Ye Bai would directly release the flow of runes. With the analytical power of the Jiuyuan Sutra, he directly erased the data of these Minotaurs, and then added the most experience points to himself.

In just the second level of the maze, Ye Bai was promoted by two levels, becoming a level four demon warrior.

Xu was very silent along the way, and he didn't compete with Ye Bai for monsters, nor did he try to do anything unnecessary. But of course when the two of them arrived at the gate of the third floor of the maze, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to understand something. .

Ye Bai looked back at Xu, showed a bright smile, and said, "You understand too?"

Xu nodded and followed Ye Bai into the third level of the maze.

Ye Bai seemed to have a higher level of authority. There were countless runes flying near his hands, and he had a vaguely divine aura.

Xu Zuo gently grasped it with both hands, his ten fingers flexing and stretching. After a moment, he smiled slightly and said, "Okay!"

On the map in front of them, all the shining red light spots in the third level of the maze were wiped out in an instant. Ye Bai felt that Xu Luo's aura suddenly shook, and then skyrocketed.

Level three demon warriors, level four demon warriors, level five demon warriors, level six demon warriors... level seven demon warriors, level eight demon warriors... level nine demon warriors!

After breaking through all the way to the ninth-level demon warrior, Xu Xu's aura did not increase again. He licked his lips and said: "The experience value of this level of the maze is only so much. I don't want more."

When Ye Bai and Xu Liao entered the first and second levels of the maze, they only killed the monsters they encountered. Although Ye Bai almost monopolized all the minotaurs encountered in the second volume of the maze, these ones he killed Minotaurs only account for 34% of all monsters in the second-level maze at most.

Xu Zuozhi killed all the monsters on the third level in one breath, and the experience points he gained were more than a hundred times more than Ye Bai's, allowing him to reach the sky and reach the ninth level of demon warrior.

Ye Bai shook his head and said: "It's better for you! But in the illusory world of the Yellow Turban City, you can only be promoted to level nine demon warrior at most! You won't get experience points anymore!"

He smiled and said, "I also found some rewards!"

In Ye Bai's surprised eyes, Xu spread his palm flat, and there were three rune cores in his palm. It is flying lightly.

After a while, he opened his mouth and swallowed the three rune cores in his stomach.

Ye Bai swiped casually, and a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes, listing all Xu Zuo's data.

The number of transformations of the rune core allowed. It has actually increased to six times, and the upper limit of potential is no longer the Demon King, but the Demon General level.

Ye Bai was stunned for a while, and then said in shock: "In the illusory world of the Yellow Turban City, there is actually a hidden setting for dropping rune cores? Only tens of thousands of monsters can have three clusters of rune cores dropped. This probability is also high. It’s so small, no wonder it’s almost never discovered by the Yellow Turban Warriors.”

Xu felt slightly proud, and the two passed through the third level of the maze almost without fighting. Ye Bai paused again in front of the gate of the fourth level of the maze. When he stepped into the gate of the fourth floor of the labyrinth, his whole body was shaken, and then his breath boomed, and he rose through the ranks, passing the limit of the demon warrior realm and promoted to the demon king.

Ye Bai was naturally better at things that could be cracked. He also wiped out all the monsters in the fourth-level maze and obtained all the rune cores that could be dropped. Only then could he make a breakthrough.

The fifth floor maze and the sixth floor maze. Still not causing any obstacles to the two of them, Ye Bai was directly promoted to the peak of the Demon King, and Xu Luo also condensed more than twenty Gang Veins, even if he did not have the authority to crack the maze. It can also sweep the entire Yellow Turban maze.

The two guys who had cheated on themselves looked a little cautious in front of the gate of the seventh floor maze, because they had never been able to gain access to the seventh floor maze.

The two of them stood outside the maze on the seventh floor for almost six or seven hours. Finally, Ye Bai sighed and said, "I can't figure out the permissions of this maze. How are you doing there?"

Xu Lioye shook his head and said: "We'd better break through with our strength!"

Ye Bai chuckled lightly and said, "That's all it can do!"

One of the most outstanding disciples of Shinhwa, Xuxu grabbed hold of him, and the narrow-edged long sword that he had abandoned reappeared in his palm, and he broke into the seventh floor of the maze first.

Xu Liao and Ye Bai's strength has exceeded the limits of the seventh-level maze. They cooperated with each other and it only took more than ten minutes to open the way. This time they were not obsessed with killing more monsters because they did not have the authority to crack it. Killing more monsters is no longer very efficient.

On the eighth floor of the maze, the two of them tried briefly, but also gave up their authority to crack, and still fought their way through.

But when he got to the ninth floor of the maze, Xu accidentally triggered an idea and spent three hours to finally crack the permissions of this floor of the maze. He was not polite to Ye Bai at all and directly wiped out all the spider-shaped monsters on this floor and obtained Seven groups of rune cores were obtained.

With the experience and rune core he gained, Xu Luo directly broke through the Demon King and was promoted to Demon General!

Xu Luo has practiced too many techniques, each of which is extremely difficult, so his level has been very slow to improve. Although he has reached the peak of the demon king level, he has never had the opportunity to break through to the demon general.

This time, he actually broke through the realm in the illusory world transformed by the self-awareness of the Yellow Turban City. Xu Xu was also very surprised.

His stature had already skyrocketed to more than ten meters, and his attitude was majestic, even comparable to that of the Yellow Turban warriors of Yadu and Nubis.

Although Ye Bai was slightly inferior, he was still six or seven meters tall. At this time, he looked at Xu Zuo with envy, lowered his voice and said, "How did you break the authority of the ninth floor of the maze?"

Xu Zuo laughed, and without hiding anything, he told Ye Bai what he had just had an idea of. Ye Bai thought about it for a while, and then followed Xu to the door of the tenth floor of the maze.

This time Ye Bai spent a full eighteen hours before he set off again with confidence!

During these eighteen hours, Xu did not try to crack the tenth level of the maze. Instead, he returned all consciousness to himself and tried his best to deduce the third chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra.

In the illusory world of the Yellow Turban City, he broke through the nine-level maze, and his understanding of the Yellow Turban City was many times better than before. By cracking the Yellow Turban Maze, his speed in deducing the Nine Elements Calculation was also greatly improved. In eighteen hours, the cracking progress was actually reduced to twenty days.

Of course, this is the speed he can achieve when he goes all out. As Zai Cheng and Ye Bai attack the tenth floor of the maze, he can only leave 30% of the computing power to deduce the third chapter of the Nine Yuan Sutra. The progress has returned to more than sixty days again. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: The Xianxia combat power list is really exaggerated. I plan to join in the fun today. There should be more than five chapters, not to mention the chapter at midnight, but I really can’t compete with those great gods. I can only ask you readers. The big recommendation votes and monthly tickets come to comfort my fragile soul.

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