One Sword to Immortality

346. 99-layer maze (3)

Ye Bai broke into the tenth floor of the maze, almost without stopping, and went straight to the eleventh floor. He used his authority to kill all the monsters in the tenth floor of the maze, and collected all the experience points and rune cores. This was also a breakthrough. To the realm of Dayans.

Ye Bai was originally a genius disciple of Shinhwa. Nine Yuan Calculation was his profession. Compared with people like Xu who were studying halfway, once he broke through a certain shackles, his journey was almost like mountains and rivers, glaciers bursting, and a sudden explosion. Unstoppable.

Xu Luo followed Ye Bai and watched him deduce in front of the eleventh floor of the maze. He still returned all his consciousness and continued to deduce the third chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra.

Although Ye Bai figured out many key points, it still took him more than twenty hours to break through the eleventh level of the maze and be directly promoted to the peak of Dayan.

Xu Luo also took this opportunity to further deduce the third chapter of the Nine Yuan Sutra, but he did not compete with Ye Bai for anything.

The two of them stayed in the twelfth floor of the maze for almost a day and night. Only then did Ye Bai give up the deduction and forcefully passed through the twelfth floor of the maze with Xu Liao.

Xu Liao consulted with Ye Bai for half a day outside the gate of the thirteenth floor of the maze. The two worked together for four hours before gaining access to the maze. This time, even Xu Liao broke through to Dayan. The pinnacle of a warrior.

Not only Xu Zuo but also Ye Bai understood that no matter whether they cracked it or not, they would not make any progress, because this Yellow Turban maze can only provide this level of benefits, and there is no way to bring one more point. Walk.

The rune cores of both of them have been upgraded to the point where they can be transformed ninety-nine times, and their potential has reached the peak of the demon god level. However, they both also discovered that the rune cores have a restriction mechanism that allows the Yellow Turban Warriors to be promoted at most. The Demon Commander level cannot break through to the Demon God level at all, unless someone lifts this restriction.

If someone removes this restriction from the Yellow Turban Warrior, the Yellow Turban Warrior will never be controlled by any force again.

Xu Liao and Ye Bai gave up on continuing to deduce the Yellow Turban Maze and joined forces. He quickly advanced to more than thirty floors, and only when he broke through to the forty-ninth floor of the maze did he encounter "big trouble."

Because starting from this level, the self-awareness of the Yellow Turban City is no longer a maze. It is the real Yellow Turban City, and the ones guarding the maze are not various monsters, but Yellow Turban warriors.

Xu Liao and Ye Bai were even able to deduce through various clues that these Yellow Turban warriors were the real entities in the Yellow Turban City, projecting their self-awareness into the illusory world. It has the same strength as the main body.

Xu looked at the city of Yellow Turban, which was exactly the same as outside and silent.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said to Ye Bai, "What should we do next?"

Ye Bai shrugged his shoulders and said: "What else can we do? Of course we have to fight in! I guess these yellow scarf warriors can't come up to besiege. There should be an attack mechanism. We can only draw the yellow scarf warriors within a certain range. In this The Yellow Turban warriors outside the range will ignore us, just like the normal counterattack mechanism of the Yellow Turban City."

Xu closed his eyes and thought for a while. I have to admit that Ye Bai's inference is correct.

There are eight million Yellow Turban warriors in the Yellow Turban City. It is absolutely impossible to dispatch all of them when the enemy attacks. This is neither efficient nor necessary. The Yellow Turban City will only draw yellow turban warriors with a certain ratio between the enemy and ourselves to participate in the battle according to the reaction of the incoming enemy. Maintaining sufficient war intensity is enough for the yellow turban warriors to kill the invading enemy.

Xu Xu clasped his hands together, and a sword energy shot into the sky, no longer hiding his figure. He rushed directly towards the illusory Yellow Turban City.

Six yellow scarf warriors were attracted by Xu Luo's aura. They each drew their weapons, transformed into fighting forms, and put on strange armors. The strongest yellow scarf warrior at the head shouted lightly: "Are you also an awakened person?"

Xu patted his chest and shouted: "Not bad! Liberal!"

The yellow scarf warrior's eyes tightened and he shouted lightly: "Then you go to hell!"

He pushed the mace in his palm with both hands and slammed it down on Xu, this strange weapon. The void vibrated, producing a sharp howling sound, locking all of Xu's changes, and it was actually able to produce a feeling similar to the Dingxuan Mirror.

It only took a moment for Xu to figure out that this yellow scarf warrior did not use his magic power to solidify his own magic power, but used his energy to pull him into a "quagmire". Every moment of his magic power was equivalent to a head-on fight with his opponent. , that’s why I feel like this.

Xu Lio had almost no hesitation. He did not enter the illusory Yellow Turban City in his true body. All the power he could use only came from the core of runes. Therefore, he used the martial arts of the Yellow Turban Warriors. The long sword in his palm buzzed. With a sound, an opportunity struck between heaven and earth.

This sword was so exquisite that it was indescribable. It broke into the weakest point of the demonic energy condensed in the wolf's fang cone. The sword energy moved around, as if two people were competing with each other. At the most critical moment, one of them was able to reach out. Use your feet to tickle each other's most itchy places.

The Huangjin Rishi's skill in wielding the mace was so exquisite that it had exhausted all the ways of heaven. Under Xu's deceitful response, it became extremely ridiculous. His majestic momentum instantly collapsed, revealing a flaw that should never have existed. .

Xu's sword light flows like a stream. When it encounters a stone, it makes a light jump. When it encounters a whirlpool, it follows the waves. When the river is smooth, it flows under the torrent. The last sword stands with a wolf fang in hand. He cut the yellow turban warrior into two pieces directly under his ribs.

Xu Yijian succeeded, and then he heard a huge sound, suddenly vibrating, and he was ejected out of the illusory Yellow Turban City, and he reappeared on the high platform outside the city wall, but with two demon general-level balls in his hands. of rune core.

One of them is the core of runes that he gradually upgraded after passing through the forty-eight levels of the maze, and the other is obtained by the demon general-level yellow scarf warrior he just killed.

The two groups of rune cores are both at the demon general level, and there is no way to merge them into one place before they can touch the strength limitations of the rune cores on the yellow scarf warriors.

Xu Lio opened his eyes, but did not notice that Ye Bai had returned. He handed a ball of rune core to Hu Xiuqing who was standing aside, and cast a magic spell on it. He said lightly: "You use this magic spell to transport the runes." With the core of the text, you can become a Yellow Turban Warrior, and there are no restrictions except that you cannot use your own Taoism at will and can only use the abilities of the Yellow Turban Warrior."

Hu Xiuqing waited for several days. He knew that Ye Bai and Xu Liao were different from him. He was purely a martial artist, but Ye Bai and Xu Liao both had equal emphasis on wisdom and martial arts, so they urged Xu Liao to move without any hesitation. After learning the taught technique, he slapped the rune core against his chest. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Chapter 3 today, please give me your monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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