One Sword to Immortality

347. Yellow Turban Capture

Xu Liao did not combine the rune core in his hand with mana to turn into a yellow scarf warrior. Instead, he withdrew all his attention and spent several hours on the deduction of the third chapter of the Nine Yuan Sutra.

He has benefited a lot from the illusory Yellow Turban City, and his cultivation level has improved. If he goes all out, he can complete the deduction of the third chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra in fifteen days.

Although Xu Liao knew this, the reality did not give him much time. He could only let out a long sigh, raised his other paw and slapped his dragon body, rolled on the spot, and transformed into an extraordinary, young and handsome man. A slender yellow turban warrior with a wasp's waist and ape's arms.

After Xu moved his muscles a little, he used his authority to activate the high platform and started the first transformation. Countless treasures of heaven and earth, rare spiritual objects, and the surging vitality of heaven and earth, almost instantly transformed his cultivation. To push up.

His body was originally a first-level demon warrior, and the growth in his cultivation in the illusory Yellow Turban City had not yet been reflected on his body. But with the forging of the high platform, the demonic power increased steadily, from the first level demon warrior, to the second level demon warrior, to the third level demon warrior... until the ninth level demon warrior, and then! He broke through the level of demon warrior and entered the ranks of demon king.

Under normal circumstances, the transformation of the Yellow Turban Warriors will not lead to such a leap-like improvement. The results of the transformation are related to their accumulation, but Xu Zuo's accumulation is too strong, so he broke through the Demon Warriors in one breath and became a Demon Warrior. king.

But Xu was not satisfied, and immediately started the second transformation. The high platform once again transported various materials and vitality from the core of the Yellow Turban City, and the internal forging formation was also fully powerful.

It was like being hit by an invisible giant hammer, the body made a banging sound of forging, countless strange structures were integrated into the body, various rune arrays were imprinted on various parts one by one, and then a massive amount of heaven and earth energy was instilled.

Xu Luo's body gradually formed one Gang vein after another. As the thirty-six Gang veins were condensed one by one, he did not make any pause. After a little accumulation of momentum, he broke through to the realm of the demon general.

The high platform fell silent again, but Xu started the transformation process of the Yellow Turban City for the third time.

He took all the "trophies" he got. Combat experience and a lifetime of wisdom have been integrated into this rune core. After the Yellow Turban City has tested a qualified rune core, it will not be stingy. Various treasures for the construction of the Yellow Turban Warriors are continuously transported, and the billowing vitality of heaven and earth is gathered.

Xu Liao made a perfect triple jump, and with the help of the power of the Yellow Turban City, he opened the Great Evolution Veins one by one until the forty-nine Great Evolution Veins were flawlessly forged.

Xu Liu couldn't help but let out a low drink of satisfaction. The body of this yellow scarf warrior is truly the peak of Dayan's cultivation, which is higher than his own realm.

The magic power is like the Yangtze River, flowing endlessly, with great veins crisscrossing each other, absorbing the vitality of the world and forming a small world.

Xu Tan grabbed it with his hand and pulled out a long sword from the formation inside the high platform. The shape was very similar to the one he used in the illusory Yellow Turban City. But it was obviously a weapon that had been forged a long time ago, and there were runes on it that sealed the spiritual energy.

He made a smooth gesture and erased all the sealing runes. He smiled at Hu Xiuqing and said, "It's your turn!"

Hu Xiuqing was dazzled by what he saw. Although he knew that the Yellow Turban Warriors had been transformed by Xu and Ye Bai and turned into something like a fighting beast. It was not a real improvement in strength, but he still breathed a sigh of relief at Xu's transformation from level one. The demon warrior has been promoted to the peak of demon general. It gave rise to a feeling that neither heaven nor earth was real.

Xu Luo activated the Nine Yuan Sutra, invaded the high platform, and opened the authority to Hu Xiuqing. Hu Xiuqing took a deep breath. Stepping into the magic formation inside the high platform, as Xu Liao activated the formation, the cultivation level of the yellow scarf warrior he transformed into was also improving steadily.

It's just that Hu Xiuqing didn't have much experience and wisdom after all. After five transformation opportunities, he only raised his cultivation to the peak of the Demon King and could no longer accept transformation.

Xu Liao once again tried to connect to the illusory Yellow Turban City. But he soon discovered that the Yellow Turban City had activated a higher-level defense mechanism. He could not invade, and he could not even bring Ye Bai back. He could only put away Ye Bai's body, and then took Hu Xiuqing with him. Out of the high platform.

This time, Xu showed his strength without any scruples, and none of the yellow scarf warriors were wary or reacted in battle.

Xu Luo activated the rune core, gave birth to golden armor on his body, transformed into a fighting form, and truly used the power of the Yellow Turban Warrior, which suddenly made him feel a very familiar feeling in his heart. This feeling was so weird that Xu Leow couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He searched his mind, and suddenly an idea came to him, and a magical power seed appeared in his body. It was Senior Brother Gu Yangshen who helped him deduce the "Zhou Tian Sacrifice" magical power seed, one of Tianting's top ten magical powers.

There were too many Taoist practices in Xu Xu's practice. Since he used the Jiuyuan Suanjing to divide what he had learned in his life into the five major demon species and the seven major talismans, he finally determined his future path and got rid of the shortcoming of what he had learned was too complicated. .

However, he had learned too many magical powers in the past, which still left some sequelae. For example, Gu Yangshen helped him deduce the six magical powers, but he had almost never been exposed to them, let alone practiced them. He just sealed them in his body. Some waste of natural resources.

But when he used the magic power of the Yellow Turban Warrior for the first time, it felt vaguely familiar, and he couldn't help but think of the method of worshiping the gods in Zhoutian. There seemed to be an extremely close connection between the two.

It's just that now Xu has no time to think about this matter at all, so he can only put it aside and speed towards the center of the Yellow Turban City.

Hu Xiuqing also followed closely behind. The purpose of the two of them was to rescue their fellow disciples, not to compete for the authority of the Yellow Turban City. At this time, they actually had some hope, and he was quite excited and uneasy in his heart.

Xu Liu flew over several city walls, and finally encountered a yellow scarf warrior who came to life from the sculpture and flew towards him to stop him.

Xu used his hands for a moment, without even using the long sword, and used a big yellow scarf grab, imprisoning the yellow scarf warrior. Under his magic power, the body of the yellow scarf warrior gradually shrank, and finally turned into a doll-sized head. , held in his palm.

He agreed and said, "Are you willing to surrender to me?"

The yellow scarf warrior hesitated for a moment, then he could only nod his head, and promised. The murderous intention poured into him was already full to the point of substance. If he refused to agree, he had no doubt that he would kill him easily if he agreed!

"I am willing to surrender to you. Your name is unknown, so that I can develop the core of runes and let you leave your mark!"

Xu Xu was slightly stunned. He really didn't give his body of a yellow scarf warrior a name! (To be continued.)

PS: PS: In Chapter 4, should I give you a recommendation ticket or a monthly pass?

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