One Sword to Immortality

348. Call me Moses!

The real names of the Yellow Turban Warriors are not only useful for distinguishing each other, but also for the convenience of being summoned!

In the ancient days of heaven, many gods would summon yellow turban warriors when they needed coolies. However, they did not recall them randomly, but could only summon the designated yellow turban warriors assigned to them.

Therefore, the poorer gods can only summon the poorer Yellow Turban Warriors, and the awesome gods can summon the top-notch Yellow Turban Warriors.

Xu thought for a moment and said, "You can call me Moses!"

The yellow scarf warrior who was promised to capture immediately let go of the rune core, but he also had selfish motives, because he had long surrendered to the other yellow scarf warriors. If Xu had no way to defeat his original master, there would be no way to subdue it. , or even suffer backlash.

Xu Luo didn't pay attention to the small movements of the yellow scarf warrior. With his understanding of the core of the runes, it was easy to erase the previous mark.

Xu Tan grabbed it with his hand, and a strange rune flew out from the rune core of the yellow scarf warrior. This ball of runes was constantly changing, as if it wanted to penetrate the core of his runes, but where could Xu Zuo be attacked like this? With a gentle squeeze, the rune was crushed into pieces, erasing the original brand of the yellow scarf warrior.

With a casual finger, he separated a rune from his own rune core and fell into the rune core of the yellow scarf warrior. He set himself to level zero authority, which was greater than the yellow scarf warrior's own authority to control the body. A higher level, then smiled slightly, suddenly remembered something, and thought to himself: "If a Yellow Turban warrior is branded by others, he will be ordered around by others and driven around like a slave. There are so many Yellow Turban warriors here. , Why do I have to compete with the Awakened? If I can subdue most of the Yellow Turban warriors, wouldn’t I also be able to gather a large army?"

Xu Liao smoothly made a big yellow scarf grab and caught another yellow scarf warrior. This yellow scarf warrior was dumbfounded and did not even release the sculpture state.

After a brief experiment, Xu Lu cracked its rune core.

This yellow scarf warrior originally belonged to a heavenly deity called "Purple Cloud Fairy", but this heavenly deity has fallen for who knows how many years. Xu Zuo easily erased the original owner's brand without any reaction and changed it to his own brand.

Xu Ruo threw the yellow scarf warrior and suddenly felt that this idea was really brilliant.

It’s not like no one among the Awakened Ones in the Yellow Turbans thought of this. But after all, they are inherently limited and cannot do things beyond their authority. Only the awakened ones can fight, and only the awakened ones can seize each other's rune cores.

There are no awakened Yellow Turban warriors who go back to obliterate those ordinary people,

The same kind as the owner. Because they are born unable to do it.

Xu Lio had not thought of this before. At first it was because he did not have this ability, and later he had a misunderstanding in his thinking. But when he reacted, he immediately began to fly out the "Hand of Sin" again without any courtesy, and the Yellow Turban Capture flew out , and immediately captured the four or five yellow scarf warriors nearby.

This time, he was not so overwhelming, but made a selection, and only wiped out the original mark of two demon king-level yellow scarf warriors. He erased the brands of their original owners "Barefoot Immortal" and "Lancaihe Fairy Boy", leaving his own, and then commanded the four yellow scarf warriors to subdue the demon king-level similar ones.

Like the illusory Yellow Turban City, the City of Yellow Turban is divided into fifty levels. Each level is a tall city wall. There are countless high platforms on the city wall, and on the high platforms stand the Yellow Turban Warriors guarding the heaven.

Xu Luo picked and subdued them all the way, and quickly captured more than thirty demon king-level yellow scarf warriors. Each of these demon king-level yellow scarf warriors also subdued five or six to seven or eight demon king-level warriors. A demon-level yellow scarf warrior.

Xu Zuo became more and more surprised. The strength of the Yellow Turban Warriors clan, as long as these Yellow Turban Warriors are born, they can improve their strength in the illusory Yellow Turban City. Breaking through to the ninth level of demon warriors is almost a time-consuming matter. They have almost no lifespan limit, so the chance of being promoted to the Demon King is dozens of times greater than that of ordinary human cultivators and monsters.

Hu Xiuqing followed Xu Liao, subduing dozens of yellow scarf warriors along the way. After he subdued more than ten yellow scarf warriors, he quietly grabbed Xu Liao and said, "Those fresh fruits and vegetables we got from Qingning Garden Immortal seeds. I don’t want them anymore. How about I want these yellow scarf warriors whom I have subdued?”

Xu was quite surprised and asked: "You subdued the Yellow Turban Warriors, but it doesn't affect anything? Can I not let you get the benefits? You have a share of those fresh fruits and fairy seeds, why must you give up?"

Hu Xiuqing shook her head and said: "If I also participated in the effort, I would not be embarrassed, but now I am just doing things because of others and enjoying the results, so I am somewhat ashamed."

Xu thought for a while, smiled brightly, and said, "That's okay! I will leave a share for you after all. Everyone's accounts are accounts, and feelings are feelings, and there is no need to be so formal."

Hu Xiuqing breathed a sigh of relief and boldly began to subdue the yellow scarf warriors. Each of these yellow scarf warriors can be used as a tyrannical fighting force. They are at least four to five times stronger than the yellow scarf warriors produced by West Kunlun, and also stronger than the fighting beasts. Too much force.

The strength of the Yellow Turban Warriors produced by West Kunlun, that is, ordinary practitioners and monsters, is far inferior to that of geniuses like Hu Xiuqing. The combat beasts are also weaker than ordinary practitioners of the same level. After all, they are not themselves. Strength. However, the Yellow Turban Warriors produced by the Longhua Society are much stronger than ordinary practitioners. Even if Hu Xiuqing faced a Yellow Turban Warrior who was also at the Tiangang level, he would not have any confidence and would even lose most of the time.

Such a yellow scarf warrior can be used as a weapon. Of course, Hu Xiuqing understood the value of these yellow scarf warriors.

Xu Ruo didn't care, he also knew the value of these yellow scarf warriors, but after all, he had seen a lot, and he had the Jade Cauldron Sect as his backing, his family business was big enough, and he also had the East Palace as a dojo! These Yellow Turban warriors don't value it that much, but he values ​​the Yellow Turban City more.

When he promised to subdue the Yellow Turban Warriors, he also thought to himself: "It's a pity that I can't compare to Senior Brother Ye Bai after all. If my cultivation of Jiuyuan Sutra was more advanced, I could seize the opportunity to seize the Yellow Turban City and put it in the Eastern Palace." Within, the position in Little Heaven will be stable."

Xu Ruo's East Palace only has three disciples with not very good cultivation, leading a group of unreliable subordinates. It's not clear what's going on now, whether they can keep their share of the family fortune.

In a daze, he was really thinking about it. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: In Chapter 5, these fairy-tale authors are all perverts. They update so much that they are simply bullying newcomers. Newcomers are not human beings! Why don't you give me a way to survive? Don't give me more. Why don't you let me go up too?

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