The number of yellow scarf warriors who had promised to be subdued gradually exceeded a thousand. He was having fun when he heard a roar in the distance and two golden lights suddenly flew closer.

Xu Zuo held the long sword in his hand and slowly floated into the air. He roughly understood that the Yellow Turban City now had no master, and the people in charge were probably a few demon-level Yellow Turban warriors. Although these demon-level yellow scarf warriors are powerful and have great potential, they are like human Taoist practitioners and monster bosses. They have begun to pursue higher-level things, and their desire for power has become extremely weak.

Nowadays, the most prestigious people in the Yellow Turban City are several demon general-level Yellow Turban warriors, including Yadu and the already killed Nubis.

Although these two golden light auras are not Yadu, they are already at the peak of the demon general level. They are still more than a hundred kilometers away from them, but the demon aura is so powerful that it makes it difficult to breathe.

Now Xu Liao is also at the peak of the demon general level. Although he has not been able to master the body of a yellow scarf warrior for a short time, he is not afraid of yellow scarf warriors of the same level.

Xu looked up at the two golden lights flying not far away, sneered, pulled out his long sword, and shouted to all his men: "Gather your strength and kill these two bastards together!"

Xu Liao is definitely not a fan of single combat. He is alone most of the time. Even if he wants to fight in a group, he does not have the conditions, but when he has the conditions for a group fight, he will never waste it.

Hu Xiuqing had originally made a fighting stance, and was still reflecting on what he should pay attention to when fighting as a yellow turban warrior, reminding himself to be more cautious, but in the blink of an eye, he saw Xu Lao leading a group of yellow turban warriors rushing up, and suddenly felt that he The mental activity just now was a bit redundant.

Aunt Xu took the lead, holding the long sword tightly with both hands, and made a brutal straight thrust. Although he had not controlled the body of this yellow scarf warrior for a long time, he deeply understood the power of this body, so he struck with this The power of the Yellow Turban Warriors can be fully displayed at the fingertips.

The sword light turned into a hundred-foot-long rainbow, encircling the two demon-general-level yellow scarf warriors.

The two yellow scarf warriors did not expect that Xu Luo would fight whenever he wanted, without caring at all that there were two people on his side. There is only "one person" on his side. In the eyes of these two yellow turban warriors, Xu Zuo is just one person. They have various innate limitations. There is no way to understand the possibility of being "beaten by a group".

The yellow-turbaned warrior smiled slightly and said to his companion: "I'm going to test Moses' skills first. You should step away first."

The other yellow scarf warrior slowed down his flight speed slightly and immediately distanced himself from his companion. He shouted loudly: "I believe you Batu! This guy named Moses has just become an awakened person, and he dares to establish a power without paying attention to these adults at all.

However, it is not easy for an awakened person of this level to appear. Try your best to hold back and let him surrender! "

The codes of the rune cores of Batu and Yadu are consecutive numbers, so he always felt that he was Yadu's younger brother. Especially when the two of them broke through to the demon general level together, it made him feel that he was related to Yadu. Different from other yellow scarf warriors.

After Batu awakens. He has always been by Yadu's side, and he is the most capable person who is the number one candidate for the next leader of the Yellow Turban Warriors.

Xu gave himself the name of Moses, and all the Yellow Turban warriors immediately received the news that another awakened person had appeared. Most awakened people will join the disciples of several demon-level Yellow Turban warriors. In addition to the two major factions, liberal and orthodox, Yellow Turban warriors pay more attention to which adult they are from.

Xu Xu had just "awakened", and the other awakened people still felt that they needed to observe, so they did not exclude the leader and allowed Xu to move freely.

But no one expected that he would subdue his men on his own. He also destroyed the control marks of several awakened ones and made them surrender to him. This aroused the dissatisfaction of several adults and sent out two demon general-level yellow scarf warriors, Batu and Huang He.

They are all in the same system as Yadu. They were all disciples of Master Qianli, and they all deliberately subdued Xu and made him his direct subordinate.

Among the Yellow Turban warriors, in addition to their family background and the sect of an adult, they also value their own strength. Then there is the strength of his direct subordinates. If he can have direct subordinates at the same level as himself, this yellow scarf warrior will naturally have a higher status than his peers at the same level.

How could Xu Liao know what Batu and Huang He were thinking?

When he saw that Huang He suddenly slowed down his escape speed, allowing him to lead his men to attack Batu, he was really happy and the flowers in his heart were blooming in all kinds of colors.

Xu Jianguang circled around and struck hard with the two short spears in Batu's hands. The more than a thousand yellow scarf warriors who followed behind suddenly shouted in unison and threw the weapons in their hands together, turning into more than a thousand streams of light. Towards Batu.

Xu Luo's sword was extremely cunning, and Batu had to deal with it with all his heart. When he sent out his two short spears, he never had time to recover, and watched helplessly as he was locked by more than a thousand streams of light.

Even though he was arrogant and had powerful magical powers, at this moment, except for being blasted with golden light all over his body, there was no other result.

Even though most of the more than a thousand yellow scarf warriors who were promised to be subdued were demon warriors, with only more than a hundred demon kings, the bombing of more than a thousand spiritual soldiers could not kill Batu, but only destroyed his protection. Xu Xu's Gang Armor severely damaged him, but Xu Xu's second attack made Batu feel endless regret.

If he had a choice, he would remember this for the rest of his life, and he would never show off alone next time and challenge more than a thousand people.

He made a big yellow scarf grab, crushed Batu's armor, forcibly knocked him out of his fighting form, and returned to his normal body.

How could Batu have imagined that Xu was so fierce?

After being severely injured when he came up, he could no longer keep his rune core and was forced to crack it by Xu Luo. He quickly erased Master Qianli's mark on it and added his own mark.

Huang He, who was lagging behind, didn't react at all. How could he have thought that the battle would have reached this level in just a few dozen seconds? Batu was directly promised to be subdued, and even forcibly subdued.

Xu Luo let go of the seriously injured ones and let him repair his body. He smiled ferociously at Huang He and shouted: "It's your turn! Are you going to surrender on your own initiative, or wait for us to take your turn again to make yourself feel better?" Only when you feel good do you surrender?"

Hu Xiuqing couldn't help shouting: "How can he be happy if we take turns again and again? Yellow scarf warriors have no gender!"

With a black line, he didn't think of anything when he said these words just now. When Hu Xiuqing interrupted him like this, he couldn't help but refute: "Junior brother Hu Xiuqing, you are so dirty!" (To be continued. )

PS: PS: In Chapter 6, I have worked so hard, but I am still beaten to pieces... It’s so miserable. Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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