One Sword to Immortality

357. One sword cuts the road between life and death (2)

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A black light sword energy erupted from Wang Chao's body, cutting off the heaven and earth. All the monsters that besieged him and Ying Qiang were smashed into pieces by this sword.

This black light sword energy is really too brilliant, especially when used in the hands of people at the Dayan level. It is purer and more powerful than the sword light that Xu Liao sent out just now!

Wang Chao slashed out this sword, reached out and pulled Yingqiang up into the air. He had already known that something was wrong with Long Hua, but he had no ability to cross the void, and there was no way to escape.

At this moment, Dongtian Sword Sutra has made the most critical breakthrough, how can he delay? He controlled the sword light and wanted to escape, but he was just like Xu Zuo. As soon as the sword light flew into the air, there was a strong force that pulled him down, sucking the park where he was in mid-air and into the black hole above.

Only then did Xu Luo realize what he was doing, he slightly cupped his hands towards Qu Wuji, pulled Bai Qiulian, turned into a black light and flew away to greet the two disciples.

Not long after, Xu Luo brought Wang Chao and Ying Qiang back. When they saw these many great elders from various sects, their moods were much more agitated than Xu Luo's.

Wang Chao sat down cross-legged, glanced at the great elders, and then stared at the light curtain in front of the Supreme Elder of the Changsheng Sect. This time Dongxuanxian sent seven disciples and three elders. Now five of them are safe. He Of course, I am worried about the remaining two classmates.

It was just a promise. He didn't have time to take a closer look just now. When he looked now, he found that he couldn't find the other members of the Dongxuanxian Sect, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

Qu Wuji knew what these juniors were worried about, and said: "As long as the disciples who break through to the realm of Dayanshi will be brought back, Ren Lingxuan is fine, and so are the three elders!"

Xu Luo couldn't help but ask: "Where is Junior Brother Bai Xian Ji?"

Qu Wuji sighed and said, "A total of twenty-eight people were killed or injured in the Longhua Club this time, and Bai Xianji was among them."

Although Xu Liao did not have a good relationship with Bai Xianji and even had a slight grudge, but since he rescued Bai Qiulian and killed him back from the devil's prison, he didn't care much about the fourth young master of the Bai family. But he thought of nothing. Bai Xianji actually died in Longhuahui.

Bai Qiulian was slightly shaken. Bai Xianji was her cousin after all. Hearing the bad news suddenly, she felt quite sad in her heart.

Even Hu Xiuqing. Wang Chao and Ying Qiang both sighed deeply and mourned for their fellow student, but they were more sober than Xu Liao.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "the immortal family is ruthless"!

After all, those who cultivate immortality and attain Taoism,

You can live for a long time, and you are used to seeing life and death. Even if you are born generous and affectionate, you will be tempered by the ruthless years and gradually become indifferent.

The disciples cultivated by the Eighteen Immortals Sect must naturally be the best, the most outstanding, the most talented, and the most promising, so that they can take over the power of the Eighteen Immortals Sect in the future and become immortals higher than all living beings.

As the Longhua Club is a place where disciples are trained, it is naturally impossible to be without danger. Especially this time, the Eighteen Immortals Sect attempted to swallow up the Longhua Society and open up a small world unique to the Eighteen Immortals Sect, which would put its disciples in the most cruel test of life and death.

The opening of heaven and earth contains the Purple Qi of Taishi, the Xuanhuang Qi of Taishi, the purest Qi between heaven and earth, and the energy of the opening of void, which is most suitable for breaking through the realm.

If there is such a good opportunity, even the disciples cannot seize it. After breaking through to the realm of Dayanshi, what awaits them is the indifference and ruthlessness of the teacher, who will sit and watch and die without any rescue.

This is truly putting one's life on the line. Unless there is astonishing luck, although he failed to break through the realm, he was absorbed into the cave opened by Master Taiqing along with the park where he lived, thus escaping disaster. People who practice Taoism are accustomed to regard luck as part of their own cultivation. If they can avoid such a disaster by relying on luck, they will also recognize it.

Xu took a deep breath. Eliminating all negative emotions, he asked: "Where is Ren Lingxuan now?"

Qu Wuji said calmly: "Of course it is also in the cave opened by Mr. Taiqing. Don't run around for the time being. When this cave is opened, I will summon all my disciples here."

Master Taiqing mobilized his magic power, and more than fifty parks of Longhua Hui have been included in the cave he opened. Three of the parks collapsed and turned into a billowing tide of vitality.

After losing so many parks, the origin of Longhua Hui was exposed, turning into a ball of brilliance as bright as the sun, attracting the remaining twenty or thirty parks to its side, and trying to resist the ingestion of Master Taiqing.

Among the remaining 20 or 30 parks, there are three parks that are more special. In one of them, an eight-armed dragon demon looms. Each palm is as big as a mountain. He is constantly reaching out to capture monsters and treasures in other parks. material. Xu recognized it at a glance. This eight-armed dragon demon was the demon god who turned into a giant hand that covered the sky and wanted to catch him. If Mr. Taiqing hadn't taken action, he would have been crushed to death at that time.

There is also a park where countless strange insects cover the sky and turn into a barrier. This barrier composed of countless billions of strange insects firmly protects a park and is actually able to withstand the Longhua Society. Heaven and earth split.

The third park is even more special. The clouds are clear and the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful. It seems to be normal. The energy from the outside world is rushing and the world is collapsing. It seems to have nothing to do with it. The mana fluctuations in this park are the weakest. , even if the cultivation level is slightly weaker, it is almost unnoticeable, but everyone knows that the thing suppressed in this park is probably the strongest among the remaining three-headed demon gods.

Mr. Taiqing is becoming more and more solemn. The purpose of his trip is to seize the origin of Longhua Society and the membrane of heaven and earth that is about to be formed. Only by gaining the origin of Longhua Society and allowing the hole he opened to create the membrane of heaven and earth, can a group of people be born. Chudongtian opens up into a small world.

Only a truly small world can allow the Eighteen Immortals Sect to build caves here, thrive, educate their disciples, and even move the caves and virtual worlds of each sect here, without being constrained by the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

Although the Eighteen Immortal Sects did not come out in full force in this battle, they also deployed their largest resources. They even sent out one of the five great masters, Mr. Taiqing. They all mobilized, and the Dongxuan Immortal Sect also eliminated Qu Wuji, the number one person.

Therefore, there was no room for loss in this battle. Master Taiqing swayed his body and suddenly disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he was already in the sky above the park where the eight-armed dragon demon was stationed.

His stature is just that of an ordinary person, but one little finger of the eight-armed dragon demon is already thicker than the tallest skyscraper built by humans on earth. The two are almost out of proportion.

But Master Taiqing was not afraid. He raised his hand and pressed down with his palm. With his body shape, this palm was even more funny than a cricket shaking a tree or a mantis using its arm as a cart. But no one really laughed at it, even the eight-armed dragon demon. With a look of fear, two arms flew out, trying to hold Master Taiqing's palm! (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Chapter 3

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