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Mr. Taiqing pressed down with his palm, immediately blasting the two arms of the eight-armed dragon demon, and swatted it down without any hindrance, beating the demon-god-level demon into a ball of blood mist.

This battle ended so neatly that no one expected it. Even among the people of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, they felt that even if Mr. Taiqing could defeat the demon-god-level demon, there would still be a fight between dragons and tigers, or even He wanted to use some secret killing move, but Hun didn't expect that he would kill the eight-armed dragon demon with such an easy blow.

As for the two demon-god-level monsters who were watching, they each had different reactions. The park covered with countless layers of demon insects suddenly broke free and flew up into the air, trying to escape. The other park was filled with birds singing, flowers fragrant, and the wind gentle. , but a strange vine grew out, with flowers of ten colors, reaching up to the sky, even a bit of a challenge.

Master Taiqing killed the eight-armed dragon demon with one palm strike. With a flick of his hand, he captured ten areas of the park and slowly flew towards the black hole in the sky.

After collecting these ten parks, he slowly punched out, blasting the universe, crushing them all the way, and countless demonic insects were blown away by the power of this punch.

But the countless demonic insects also neutralized part of Mr. Taiqing's fist strength. When his punch landed, it hit an empty space. The demon god hiding in this park had already escaped without a trace.

Master Taiqing could only take over this area of ​​the park, and then he looked at the ten-color flower vine with his hands behind his back!

Of all the people, no one was more shocked than Xu Liao, because the ten-color flower vine represented the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique and was of the same bloodline as him.

What everyone didn't expect was that Mr. Taiqing did not take action again. Instead, he smiled softly and shouted: "Mr. Xufuyuan, you have been hiding in the Longhua Club for many years and have not been able to control the Longhua Club's income. Even if I Win!"

A clear and long roar came from the ten-color flower vines, and a gentle but extremely young voice said lightly: "I have got what I want, so it doesn't matter if I give Longhua to you!"

Mr. Taiqing was slightly startled. He smiled and said, "Can you tell me what you, the Ten Thousand Demons Society, got?"

The gentle but extremely young voice said softly: "It doesn't matter if I tell you! From today on, the Ten Thousand Demons Association will no longer be the four demon gods. It will be the twelve demon gods! The Eight Arms are unwilling to surrender, and their abilities are poor. Killing It doesn’t matter. The old bug is too cunning. The Dragon King of the East China Sea has other plans and has not surrendered to our Ten Thousand Demons Guild. From now on, if you people from the Eighteen Immortals Sect encounter you, you don’t have to hold back..."

Mr. Xu Fuyuan was silent for a moment, chuckled and said: "But for the rest of you, you Eighteen Immortals Sect, please don't move, otherwise your Neijing Yuan Shen is powerful, and my Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique is also good.

The outcome of the fight is still uncertain! "

Mr. Taiqing let out a long roar, his face was extremely solemn, and he shouted slowly: "Mr. Xu Fuyuan, please leave!"

Lord Xu Fuyuan roared loudly. The demon body of the ten-colored flower vines manifested, crossing the remaining ten parks, and then gently collected these parks, turning them into a colorful, brilliant and beautiful brilliance that soared into the sky.

Mr. Taiqing pressed the button in vain, and the black hole in the sky came down and swallowed up the origin of Longhua Hui. The vitality tide that was still flowing in Longhua Hui, the disintegrated continental blocks, and the outermost membrane of heaven and earth were all destroyed. Being swallowed bit by bit by the newly born cave sky...

This process lasted about ten days. The Longhua Society was completely devoured, and there was no more left in the world!

The cave that Master Taiqing evolved into has expanded to the size of more than half the earth, and is wrapped outside by a layer of fetal membrane of heaven and earth. It's even stronger than the original Longhua Club.

Master Taiqing bowed slightly in the direction of the earth. After a moment, four powerful spiritual ideas were transmitted through the air and poured into the cave.

The heaven and earth suddenly shook, the pure air rose, the turbid air descended, and the sky generated wind, clouds, thunder and lightning. All things grow on the earth. The sky and the earth are divided into twenty-four floors. Each floor has several parks of different sizes. The whole world is like a pagoda.

Xu Luo has seen the opening of Little Heaven. There are only two real people in Little Heaven, one is the Yuding Patriarch and the other is Chi Jing. Only later did Gu Yangshen break through the realm, which is far inferior to the background of the Eighteen Immortals Sect. Huanhou, the five great masters took action together, and immediately opened up this cave into a small world.

A few months later, Master Taiqing looked tired, but he finally stabilized the newly opened world, and then arranged for the great elders of various sects and the disciples from various sects to participate in the Longhua Society to go to the Qingning Garden where he lived to discuss matters.

No one knew why Mr. Taiqing chose this park. Xu Luo followed Qu Wuji and finally saw Ren Lingxuan and the three elders. He had mixed feelings.

The total number of disciples and elders sent by the Eighteen Immortals was three to four hundred, but at this moment, only less than two hundred people showed up. Except for the younger generation who were killed or injured in the Longhua Society, most of them were busy in retreat. With the help of these thousands of people, Opportunities that may not come for ten thousand years, and hard pursuit of breakthrough realms.

Even Hu Xiuqing, Ying Qiang and Bai Qiulian did not follow. Only Xu, Ren Lingxuan and Wang Chao followed the elder Qu Wuji and the three elders into Qingning Garden.

Prince Taiqing naturally chose the tallest ancient pagoda in the center of Qingning Garden. This ancient pagoda has a circumference of dozens of kilometers. Even the highest floor can accommodate a thousand people. Even if the people sent by the Eighteen Immortals are not Few, but still very generous.

Prince Taiqing changed into an ancient robe with wide robes and long sleeves. Looking at the monks from various sects who had been served in these clothes for thousands of years, he couldn't help but smile and shouted: "Everyone! This newly opened small world, I have discussed with the other four real people and named it Taiqingtian! From today on, I will be the master of Taiqingtian. If each faction is willing to move into Taiqingtian, I can divide a park for you. As for those parks that have not been allocated, they are temporarily closed and reserved for future use.”

Although Master Taiqing softened his tone, he immediately took up the position of master. Although the other elders of the other factions were not very satisfied, since the five great masters had already discussed it and the objections of the others were ineffective, they could only acquiesce. .

Each of the great elders or sect leaders of the Eighteen Immortals Sect reported to Mr. Taiqing, stating that they had already had private discussions on the park where their sect wanted to settle, but there was no dispute.

Xu Luo saw Qu Wuji go up and ask for a park, which was the Qingluan District where he had fought before. When the elder informed Mr. Taiqing and brought the park down, he walked over and asked: " Great Elder, why did you choose the Qingluan District? There is nothing special here except for the Blue Sky Bird. No matter how many Blue Sky Birds you surrender, it will only be driven by supply and may not be of much use!" (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Chapter 4

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