One Sword to Immortality

360. You are the worst, should you be the senior brother?

Hu Xiuqing's face looked as ugly as possible. He originally didn't want to take on the position of senior brother because he felt it would be a burden on his cultivation. Now even if he doesn't want to take up this position, he has promised to be a trainee. Wang Chao has broken through the realm, Bai Xianji has died again, and Ren Lingxuan, Bai Qiulian and Yingqiang are all female disciples, so he can't shirk it even if he wants to.

The most important thing is that originally he didn't care about him and didn't think he was worse than Bai Xianji, but now it has become "You are the worst. If you don't want to be the senior brother, who should?"

Hu Xiuqing felt that her true energy was stagnated in her chest, and she couldn't breathe. However, there were only a few Tiangang disciples in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. Apart from the few people who came to attend the Longhua Meeting this time, only Jason and Sun were left. and another person in retreat.

Jason has been in a state of despair since he lost to Xu, let alone the other person. He doesn't even want to participate in the Longhua Conference, he just wants to break through to the Dayan realm. Of course, if he can come to the Longhua Conference, it would be so good. The opportunity may be easier than his seclusion, but this kind of opportunity is even less able to entrust the position of senior brother.

Hu Xiuqing could only respond aggrievedly, feeling sad but having nowhere to vent!

Xu Luo patted him on the shoulder. After this battle, the relationship between the two became a little closer. It was also understandable that a guy like Hu Xiuqing, who was so arrogant and arrogant, was reduced to being the "worst senior brother".

Qu Wuji arranged the affairs within the sect and began to discuss with several elders how to build a cave for the Dongxuan Immortal Sect in Qingluan District.

Nowadays, in addition to the original three elders of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, Yun Qingke, Li Qingya and Lu Mingchi, there are also two newly promoted elders, Ren Lingxuan and Wang Chao. The Dongxuan Immortal Sect has 30% of the senior officials present, who can make decisions. A lot of things.

Qu Wuji had not thought that there would be security problems in Qingluan District before, but the scene just now made him realize that if he wanted to establish a sect in Qingluan District, he must first solve the problem of hundreds of thousands of Blue Sky Sparrow monsters. question.

He is diligent in practicing. Naturally, I'm not very good at this kind of thing, so I asked everyone to brainstorm ideas.

Xu Luo had a few options. He obtained the Yellow Turban City's database, which contained many ways to deal with the Blue Sky Sparrow. But if he wanted to donate these things, he had to find a way. He is now considered to be a wealthy man, and of course he knows the reason why holding a jade is a crime. If he has a high level of cultivation, he will make a great contribution to the sect. Of course it doesn't matter, but on the surface he is just a demon king, and he is not a formal disciple. He has made too many achievements, which is not good for himself and the sect.

The sect didn't know how to reward him, and he didn't know how to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Qu Wuji gave him a position as a protector in the sect, which was already a great deal of courage. He replaced three elders.

Because they do not have such authority, the status of the guardians of each faction is almost equal to that of their elders. There is no way to make such a promise.

Xu did not speak, and Bai Qiulian naturally did not say anything. Hu Xiuqing did not understand Jiuyuan Sutra at all, so he naturally did not know what Xu Li and Ye Bai had obtained. He was not good at planning, and naturally he had no idea.

In the end, several elders discussed this matter and decided to establish a sect on Yunxiu Peak in Qingluan District. They would first find ways to build a defensive array, and then slowly subdue these Qingtian Birds.

Although this idea is conservative, it is better to be cautious. Not bad either.

Qu Wuji broke up the meeting and asked everyone to go to Yunxiu Peak to explore the terrain first. Xu Ruozhi naturally joined Bai Qiulian and ignored Hu Xiuqing, who was a dragster.

When the two left. Xu Luo occasionally looked back and found that Ren Lingxuan had been looking at him, with a hint of affection on his face. Seeing him turn around, Ren Lingxuan immediately turned her head, as if she didn't want him to know that she was looking at him.

Xu sighed. He pulled Bai Qiulian away and never looked back.

The two walked for dozens of kilometers, and then they suddenly remembered something. Ye Bai's body was still in his hands. The Yellow Turban City took the Yellow Turban Rex District and flew away, and Ye Bai followed him. Knowing whether I could come back or not, I couldn't help but sigh. He could only choose to preserve Ye Bai's body and return it when he had the opportunity in the future.

Xu Lio didn't know that not only Ye Bai had flown away with the Yellow Turban Lux District, but also a famous younger generation disciple of the Eighteen Immortals Sect had also flown away with the Qinglong District.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is looking at the handsome young man in front of him with great interest. This young man is Ao Youxing from West Kunlun. He is comprehending the six magical powers of the Qinglong clan, but just like Bai Qiulian and Xu, he still has It was surging spiritual energy, without any signs of demonization.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea chuckled and said: "Although you have inherited my bloodline, it is already thin after all. Do you really not want me to give you a purer bloodline?"

Ao Youxing opened his eyes, shook his head, and said: "It was very easy for me to refine the bloodline of the Ao family and cultivate the spiritual energy. I never want to go back. What's more, I can still practice the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan. The entry is no slower than the body of a real dragon."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was thoughtful. He did not tell Ao Youxing that he had met Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian. Although Ao Youxing could be regarded as his descendant, the old Dragon King felt that after all, I don't know how many generations have passed, but the two are not close to each other.

Despite this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea still tried his best when he taught Ao Youxing the six magical powers. Ao Youxing was originally from the Ao family. He was proficient in more than half of the six magical powers of the Qinglong clan, and the other half was due to his age, so that The method is incomplete and has been lost.

Now that he has received an authentic teaching, and with Ao Youxing's talent, and being from a pure dragon clan, his cultivation has progressed faster than Xu's, and he is now able to use the six magical powers freely.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Ao Youxing for a while, roared suddenly, and passed it far away. A ten-color flower vine protruded from the void. With a slight hook, it hooked the entire Qinglong District and dragged it into the void.

The Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect have not yet reached the point of breaking up with each other. Both parties have what they want and there is no fighting. However, various undercurrents are surging and can no longer be suppressed.

At Xu's level, it was still impossible to know what the top leaders of the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect were doing. When he and Bai Qiu reached Yongyun Xiu Peak, their eyes suddenly became enlightened.

The reason why this mountain peak was chosen by Qu Wuji was because Yunxiu Peak was not very high, but it was quite strong. There were several natural platforms on the mountain, which were most suitable for building houses. Precisely because Yunxiu Peak is not high enough and there are many flat areas, there is no atmosphere of a large group of Blue Sky Birds here. There is only a group of no more than a thousand Blue Sky Birds, led by a bird demon who is not even the demon king. (~^~)

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