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In addition to his own two mental methods of swallowing stars and eclipsing the moon, Xu Luo also practiced the Dongtian Sword Sutra, the Qiankun Sword in his Sleeves, the Shadowless Whip Technique and the Crane Control Technique. Some of the techniques were still cultivated by him. If he succeeded when he was extremely weak, it would not be very powerful compared to his current level of cultivation.

For example, although the Shadowless Whip Technique can still be used after breaking through the Demon King level, it can only deal with weaker enemies and is no longer useful at the Demon General level.

Not to mention the Crane Control Technique. The function of controlling other objects is still quite useful when the cultivation level is extremely weak. But at this level of cultivation, there is almost no need for special techniques to control things outside the body. , the Crane Control Technique also has the effect of saving mana and controlling subtleties.

The Golden Spear Grass, the Jasper Seven-Star Mantid, and some other miscellaneous things that were originally promised to be included in the demon core were completely useless. Only the space that was originally opened became more powerful because of the completion of the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra. For strange.

Because of the Dongtian Sword Sutra, this space has been fragmented to the extreme. It is no longer a complete space, but is composed of billions of tiny spaces. One thing is divided into dozens or hundreds of pieces, and they are placed in different places. In different fragmented spaces, it is still a "complete" one.

In addition to these, there is another change that makes Xu Liao feel happy, that is, the ten-color flower vine demon species is finally no longer inseparable from the blood of the imperial clan, but there are still thousands of entanglements. I don’t know when. , can it be completely separated.

Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian went up the mountain. If they met any living beings, Xu Liao would activate the Qiankun in his sleeves. However, the Qiankun in his sleeves that he had cultivated with the method of killing immortals with the sky demon was somewhat special, regardless of whether it was ordinary. Monsters and other creatures will be assimilated by the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique and transformed into a kind of neither life nor death. A monster born from Zhu Xian's demonic energy.

These monsters look like living beings and can use all kinds of demonic skills during their lifetime, but they are lifeless. Penetrating Xu's consciousness, just like those black beetles.

Bai Qiulian still looks like the female giant spirit. Nearly three times taller than Xu Liao, she followed behind her boyfriend with a double-edged spear in hand.

Bai Qiulian looked at where Xu had passed, including branches, weeds, rocks, and all kinds of obstacles that blocked the road. Any monsters he encountered by chance had disappeared. Even if he makes no move, the monster will disappear out of thin air, which makes him feel envious in his heart. But Bai Qiulian was more worried about another thing. Someone was there before and she didn't have the chance to ask. Now that they were alone, the girl from the Bai family couldn't help but ask: "Promise! How did you regain your human body?"

Xu shrugged his shoulders and said: "My Qinglong body has broken through the Dayan realm, and I can naturally transform into a human body."

Bai Qiulian was quite embarrassed and annoyed.

He kicked some dirt and said, "I don't know when I will be able to recover."

He smiled and said, "You are quite beautiful like this!"

Bai Qiulian was very unhappy. With a wave of his hand, he inserted the double-edged spear into the ground and said angrily: "I have become like this. Are you so happy? Or do you have too weird tastes and like me like this?"

Xu Li scratched his head. Bai Qiulian had always been very sensible, but this was the first time he lost his temper. It was not that he had no way to help Bai Qiulian recover, but he thought that this was also a test, and it might help Bai Qiulian. Also broke through Dayanshi. 【ㄨ】

Xu Luo had actually discovered a long time ago that since Bai Qiulian followed him, the original pride in his heart was gradually disappearing. The reason for being promoted to Tiangang Shi is because of the inheritance of the light egg, but let’s continue like this. The mental shortcomings made it difficult for her to break through Dayan Shi again.

For a while. Xu was also a little embarrassed. If he took action, he felt that he had lost this opportunity. It would be difficult for Bai Qiulian to have such a test in the future. But if he didn't take action, Bai Qiulian really cared about it.

Xu Lio thought about it and decided to suppress it first, so he could only say insincerely: "Let me take care of this matter. I will always have a way to restore your human body."

Bai Qiulian's face looked better now. She and Xu Zuo started chatting again. This time the Dongxuanxian Sect had taken over Qingluan District. Bai Qiulian said: "If I choose, I will definitely choose Qingning District. Qingning District There are so many ancient pagodas that you can live in as long as you move them in and do a little cleaning. Although there are hundreds of thousands of Qingtian birds in Qingluan District, which can serve as Taoist soldiers if they are domesticated, they are very deserted. I don’t know when a modern one will be built. All kinds of buildings.”

Bai Qiulian was born in the Xixuan Cave of the Bai family since he was a child. The prosperity of the Xixuan Cave is almost as prosperous as Luoyang Street. It is a famous prosperous place for the demon clan, so naturally he has no favorable impression of the barbaric land.

In fact, even the Qingxu Dongtian of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect has many recreational facilities. Although it still maintains the ancient customs, life is no longer so uncomfortable.

Xu understood Bai Qiulian's dissatisfaction and said with a smile: "Even if this place is not prosperous enough, what are you worried about? I will leave the Void Ceti to you. You can decorate it yourself and keep it no different from home."

Bai Qiulian shook his head and said: "You should leave a Jade Cauldron Gate in the Void Cetus! After all, that is your foundation! I won't stay here for long. It is just a waste to put a Void Cetus house here."

Xu Zuo casually took out the Void Cetus, handed it to Bai Qiulian and said, "Put it wherever you want. There's nothing wrong with taking it with you."

Bai Qiulian knew that Xu Zuo was not short of this treasure, but he still happily collected it, and then asked happily: "It's rare that you want to give me a gift. I've known you for so long, and you haven't given me a few. Give me a gift."

He made a promise and said haha, he really didn't need anything, but he was busy almost every day, so where could he find the time to think about gifts?

Bai Qiulian rarely lives with such a girl, so Xu Liu always felt that his girlfriend was different from the legendary ones and did not have the various problems in the legends. When Bai Qiulian mentioned the gift, he felt that the girls in the Bai family were just like ordinary girls. They also had some small thoughts, but they never showed them off. He also felt quite guilty. Although there were various reasons, he still felt that he was really busy with his own affairs and did not take good care of Bai Qiulian.

Xu reached out and patted Bai Qiulian's calf. He returned to his human body. Bai Qiulian still looked like a female giant spirit. He could only take pictures from this height. He said softly: "After this Longhua meeting, I will go out with you to play." Once upon a time, there are so many prosperous places on earth, and I haven’t even been abroad!”

Bai Qiulian chuckled and said, "You have been to the Demon Prison and the Longhua Society. Do you still think the ordinary scenery on earth is good?"

Xu thought for a while and then found a self-conscious answer: "Whether the scenery is good or not depends on the mood of the people around you. If you are in a good mood, the scenery will naturally be excellent, better than any paradise!" (To be continued.)

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