One Sword to Immortality

370. Has your home been haunted recently?

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The world of monsters rarely produces entertainment technology products. Most of them are for practicality. Therefore, if monsters want entertainment, most of them have to use products made by ordinary people. However, there are very few exceptions, such as time and space monsters. Games, such as this VR game set Xu Xu has on hand.

This kind of thing can be connected to the artificial spiritual consciousness of the battle beast, and it can simulate fighting with the battle beast. Like the time and space demon spirit, it can be regarded as a training game.

Even when the monsters develop games, they are all targeted and practical. This thing can help you become familiar with the various properties of the fighting beasts as soon as possible and enhance their actual combat capabilities.

Xu Liao knew that Qu Lei had no fighting beasts, so he lent his Hanming Bingchan. Under Xu Liao's enthusiastic introduction, Qu Lei was getting familiar with the equipment when someone knocked on the door of Xu Liao's house.

Xu Le's mother ran out of the kitchen almost reflexively, opened the door, and saw a pale but very delicate girl. She had suffered too many shocks today, and she blurted out almost without thinking. , shouted: "Are you also our family's promised girlfriend?"

The delicate girl's face suddenly turned red, and she waved her hands quickly and said, "No, no, I don't know your son. I am..."

She hesitated for a long time, then lowered her voice and asked: "I want to ask auntie, has your house been haunted recently?"

Xu Lio's mother was stunned. Qu Lei and Bai Qiulian, who leaned out half of the kitchen, looked at Xu Lio with aggressive warnings in their eyes.

Although the two girls didn't know what happened, how could Xu's house be haunted? The only possibility is that Xu is causing trouble, and they don't want to have another competitor, even though they all have confidence in themselves.

Xu Zuo recognized it. This girl was the eldest sister he had scared twice. He hurriedly lowered his head, hoping not to be recognized, but it backfired. The delicate girl slightly poked her head and looked at Xu Zuo's home. He saw Xu Liao at a glance and screamed, pointing at Xu Liao and shouting: "Ghost! Ghost! He is a ghost!"

Xu Zuo was very frustrated and waved his hand. Then he whispered: "How could there be a ghost in broad daylight?"

The delicate girl was obviously frightened, her whole body began to tremble, and her eyes were full of uncontrollable fear that she wanted to turn around and run away, but she finally bravely picked up a thermos bottle. Rushed towards Xu Lei.

Xu Lao's eyes were so sharp that he immediately saw that the lid of the thermos bottle had not been opened, so he just stretched out his hand to block it and did not dodge.

But what he didn't expect was that this delicate girl stretched out her hand and slapped the "aunt's scarf" hidden in her palm against Xu Leow's face.

If Xu Xu hadn't reacted too quickly and cast a body-holding technique in time, he would have almost been hit in the head by this "thing".

Bai Qiulian couldn't help but chuckle, and Qu Lei also pursed her lips. Both girls couldn't help but laugh. Bai Qiulian walked out of the kitchen, took the thermos cup from the pretty girl's hand, opened the lid, took a look, shook his head and said, "It's still hot!"

Xu Luo's whole body collapsed and he shouted: "She dares to deal with evil spirits with these two self-produced weapons? How courageous she is!"

Bai Qiulian quickly closed the lid of the thermos cup and sent it to the trash can downstairs along with the "Devil and Ghost Killing Towel". Qu Lei put the girl on the sofa to prevent Xu Jie from losing her body-fixing technique. She would fall over in one fell swoop.

Only Xu Le's mother rubbed her eyes, then walked back to the kitchen silently, and muttered: "I'm actually dazzled. I must have watched too many TV series recently. I'm a little nagging."

Xu Luo hurriedly released the immobilization technique. The delicate girl woke up and found that the two "weapons" she was holding were missing. She screamed and tried to escape.

Bai Qiulian reached out and grabbed her wrist, gently pressing it on the sofa. He said softly: "Xu has some special abilities. I guess he usually scares you because he is not very restrained, but he is really not a ghost. I can do experiments for you, such as letting him eat garlic!"

The delicate girl nodded, then realized something was wrong and quickly shouted: "I'm not afraid of vampires!"

Qu Lei interjected: "Do you also watch Black Butler?"

The delicate girl nodded, but then she shouted: "Black Butler is not a vampire!"

Qu Lei patted her head and reassured: "I know, if you can refute me, you won't be afraid, right?"

The delicate girl found that she was really not afraid anymore. She looked at Qu Lei and Bai Qiulian. Beautiful girls always make people feel close to her. She took a few deep breaths gently, and then realized it later. He reacted and shouted: "What did you say? Did you promise him to have special abilities? Are you demons, vampires, monsters, or spiritual beasts hiding in the city?"

Xu Luo couldn't help but cover his face. He suddenly felt a little ashamed. Qu Lei smiled and lowered his voice and said, "We are ordinary people who understand special abilities."

The delicate girl pointed at Xu Liao and said, "Is his special ability the ability to walk through walls? He comes out from under the floor every day to scare me!"

Xu almost choked to death, but he didn't want to wear the hat of a voyeur and said hurriedly: "How could I come out every day to scare you? I only have two times in total..."

The delicate girl's words made Xu Zuo collapse. She said quietly: "I feel like you come out to see me every day."

Bai Qiulian patted Xu Le's head and said, "Do you still have this hobby? Why didn't you notice you peeping on me when we were together? Is it because I'm not feminine enough?"

Although Bai Qiulian has a strong personality and is very leader among his peers, he is definitely not a boy and does not prefer neutral dressing. Xu Xu nodded naturally, but he saw Qu Lei's eyes dimming slightly. Only then did he realize that he had fallen into Bai Qiulian's scheme.

Although I have indeed lived with Bai Qiulian for a long time, this kind of thing...

It’s hard to explain clearly!

The three girls got together and quickly became passionate. Especially this girl, like Qu Lei, is a lover of comics, but she is not interested in cosplay. Because she is weak and sick, she rarely even does outdoor activities. She just likes Reading comics alone.

Qu Lei quickly extended an invitation and asked the other party to join her comic club. The delicate girl hesitated for a long time. She didn't know that her body was "all right" and she was still worried that her body wouldn't be able to hold on.

At this time, Xu Zuo's mother walked out of the kitchen. When she saw the three girls in the room, she rubbed her eyes again, and then said: "Xu Zuo... you and your... girlfriends!" Get up and eat! The food is ready." (To be continued.)

PS: PS: I had this plot planned out in the first volume, and now I can finally write it out. It’s still very fun, right? Brothers who laughed after reading this chapter, please vote

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