One Sword to Immortality

371. The potential of practice

d Bai Qiulian’s face turned red!

Qu Lei's face suddenly turned red.

The delicate girl's face turned pale at first, and then turned red, like a little apple. She hurriedly retorted: "I don't know Xu..."

Xu Liaoye hurriedly objected: "I know Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei. This is the eldest sister upstairs. She came to ask us to borrow something."

The delicate girl nodded hurriedly and said, "Auntie, my name is Lin Ning. I...actually came to ask about my homework."

Lin Ning was not good at lying, and her face turned red after speaking. As for why she came to Xu Liao, a freshman in high school, to ask about her homework when she was already a senior in high school. Not only did she not think of this flaw herself, Xu Liao's mother didn't care either. She did a good job The food was served one by one, and everyone had a very strange dinner.

Although Lin Ning's joining was a bit weird, it alleviated a bit of the awkwardness, saving him the trouble of having to face Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei, and how to explain to my mother that he had two girlfriends.

After dinner, Xu Zuo's mother washed the "fruit" given by Qu Lei and served it to everyone.

As the most sensible person and the one who knew the inside story best, Bai Qiulian secretly left the most precious fruits to Xu's mother, without eating them at all.

Qu Lei didn't know that these fresh fruits came from Longhuahui. She just thought they were ordinary fruits. After a few words of humility, she took a small fruit and took a bite. The flesh of this fruit was delicate, melted in the mouth, and extremely sweet. Qu Lei held it in her mouth for a moment, swallowed it, glanced at Bai Qiulian, and finally understood the extraordinary origin of this bag of fruit.

Qu Lei glanced at Bai Qiulian lightly, and suddenly understood that this bag of fruit must be a gift she planned to give to Xu's mother, and it was extremely precious. She asked her to send it over, and it must be mixed with a demonstration...

Although Qu Lei didn't know Bai Qiulian's family background, the bag of fruits clearly divided the gap between the two.

She had a good relationship with Zhao Yanqin during this period, and she also learned all kinds of secrets in the spiritual world.

Qu Lei never regarded these secrets as very useful information, but at this moment. She clearly understood that the family background gap between herself and Bai Qiulian was already a negative score item for her.

Qu Lei sighed slightly and ate the fruit in her hand. Although these fruits were so delicious, she would never take another one.

However, Lin Ning didn't think too much. After eating one fruit, she only felt the fragrance lingering on her teeth and cheeks, so she couldn't help but take another one.

Xu Xu sighed secretly.

He wasn't too reluctant to part with it. After all, there was a lot of inventory, and he had even scared Lin Ning, so he just took this as compensation, but he still couldn't help but admire this girl's good luck.

If Xu Zuo hadn't frightened her on a whim, he wouldn't have discovered that she was suffering from a serious disease, and he wouldn't have rescued anyone. Now Lin Ning is not only free of all his illnesses, but he is also lucky enough to eat delicious fruits from the ancient heaven. This kind of luck is for an ordinary person. It's so good.

Xu Liu’s mother also ate a fresh fruit that Bai Qiulian specially selected for her. This fruit was called Purple Striped Longevity Peach! It is much larger than ordinary peaches. If you take one, you can live for hundreds of years without any disease or disaster. Although it is not as good as the flat peach in myths and legends, it is also a rare spiritual creature among immortals.

After Xu’s mother ate one, she still felt unsatisfied, so she picked another fruit that looked a lot like a peach.

Although he promised, he didn't eat. He took the initiative to clean up the bowls and plates, and also tidied up the housework. Bai Qiulian originally wanted to help. But he refused.

Lin Ning talked happily with Qu Lei and didn't say anything about leaving for a while. She promised to finish the housework and didn't know what to say. However, Bai Qiulian took the initiative to chat with Xu Liao's mother and talked about some school things, which made Xu Liao's mother very happy.

Although both Xu Liao and Qu Lei knew that Bai Qiulian had not reported to the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University, Bai Qiulian was very good at speaking and she did not show that she did not go to school. He didn't deliberately lie, he just told some anecdotes about this high school over the years.

Xu Li was silent for more than an hour before he couldn't bear the atmosphere and proposed to send the three girls home.

Lin Ning was chatting happily with Qu Lei, but she was still reluctant to leave, but Xu Xu had already issued an eviction order, so she could do nothing but get up with nostalgia.

After Xu Xu sent the three girls out of the house, he breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Qiulian suddenly suggested with a smile that he should go for a walk in the nearby Yaohuai Street.

Qu Lei glanced at Xu and agreed. Lin Ning also cheered. Xu Xu was slightly surprised. He didn't understand why Bai Qiulian proposed to go to Yaohuai Street, but he understood the reason after a moment of concentration.

There was actually a faint spiritual energy flowing through Lin Ning's body, which was obviously due to the few fresh fruits she had eaten just now. For an ordinary person, even if he eats fresh fruit, his body will be nourished by the spiritual energy contained in the fresh fruit. However, the spiritual energy in Lin Ning's body is natural spiritual energy that is automatically stimulated after being stimulated.

This means...this girl has the potential to practice.

Although Xu had a big head, he could only agree and walked with the three girls to Yaohuai Street.

Yaohuai Street is still the same. It looks very old but is very lively. Lin Ning encountered some obstacles, but with the help of Qu Lei, who sent a stream of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi attached to her body, she successfully entered this street. Monster Street.

Qu Lei had been to Yaohuai Street several times, not to mention Bai Qiulian, but this was the first time for Lin Ning to see such a spectacle, and she couldn't help but marvel.

Not long after Xu Lecai stepped into Yaoshuai Street, he sensed an angry demonic energy. After a while, he saw the monster girl running towards him. Zhao Yanqin pointed at Xu Lecai and was about to scold him when she saw When he arrived at Lin Ning, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise and asked, "Why did you bring new people here?"

Xu shrugged and said, "She needs a guide, and I think you are great!"

Zhao Yanqin smiled slightly and narrowed her eyes into crescent moons. The monster girl's affinity was very strong, and she quickly dispelled Lin Ning's doubts and introduced her to the common sense of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

Xu turned his head and asked, "Qu Lei! Your guide is also Zhao Yanqin, right?"

Qu Lei nodded and muttered in her heart, "Zhao Yanqin really likes this job."

Zhao Yanqin was also promised to be his guide. He now knows that although there are many benefits to being a guide, it also comes with many corresponding responsibilities. If any troubles or problems arise with the new monsters he leads, the guide will be responsible.

Of course, Xu's own strength has been improving all the way, and his status in the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association has also been rising steadily. It has only benefits for Zhao Yanqin, and there is no harm. Zhao Yanqin has no way to take responsibility for monsters of his level. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: Although there are no updates today, I still want to ask for a monthly pass c

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