One Sword to Immortality

386. 10 auspicious clouds

As one of the most outstanding figures of this generation of the Bai family, Bai Xuanzai naturally ran rampant in Xixuan Cave. Even if it was a place where his ancestors lived in seclusion, he would walk in without anyone blocking him.

Bai Huchan was frowning a little. When he saw Bai Xuanzai walking in leisurely, he couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't like the third son of the Bai family very much. Bai Xuanzai was too lazy and free-spirited. Back then, he was a enterprising, brave and enterprising person. The two of them were incompatible with each other in terms of attributes and horoscopes.

Although Bai Huchan doesn't like Bai Xuanzai, he won't criticize him based on his status as an elder. Bai Huchan had enjoyed great success back then, and at that time he had almost no one left. However, as his strength was damaged and he fell to the level of the Demon King, many people in the clan wanted to cancel his status as the elder of the clan. After experiencing the harshness of the world, his life became mellow. .

Bai Xuan is at the height of his power now, but he is already a thing of the past. He uses his status as an elder to teach the younger generation. If others don't buy it, won't he lose face?

Bai Huchan just lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Aunt Lian was a little angry, pointing at Cui Ying who was beside Bai Xuan, and said: "Why did you bring women to our ancestors at will? I don't know, our ancestors don't just let outsiders come here?"

Bai Xuanzai saluted his ancestor, chuckled twice, ignored Aunt Lian, but took out a jade box, handed it to Bai Huchan, and said, "Uncle Jiu! I was promised to bring this to you." The gift for you is produced in Longhua Society and is quite precious."

Bai Huchan snorted coldly, but still took it. In any case, Bai Xuanzai was still his junior, and it was considered a good sign to ask someone to bring him a gift.

He is not the high-spirited young hero he was back then, so naturally he won't be impulsive. No matter whether the gift is good or not, he just accepts it first.

The ancestor laughed dotingly, and said half-questioningly, half-jokingly: "When I promised this child, I remembered to give your uncle Ninth a gift. Why didn't you remember to bring something to the ancestor?"

Bai Xuanzai shyly approached his ancestor and said, "How dare you not remember Xu? He specially asked me to bring ten auspicious clouds to build a cloud room for our ancestor!"

Aunt Lian couldn't help but sneered: "Does our Bai family need a cloud room? Such a simple gift. How can he give it to me?"

The ancestor smiled and said: "Don't say that, you already have your heart when you agree."

Bai Xuanzai laughed and said: "Aunt Lian! What I promised to give away was not the Yunxi beast, but the ancient Xiangyun. Don't say that our Bai family really doesn't have any. Even the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association probably only have those. Only very old guys have a few scattered treasures. If you don’t know the goods, don’t treat treasures like rubble!”

Bai Xuanzai turned his hands,

Ten auspicious clouds flew out, and the ancestors of the Bai family knew what they were selling. They were immediately surprised and shouted: "If it were an ancient auspicious cloud, this gift would be precious. Don't talk about me, an old woman." The other family heads were not afraid. I’ve seen it, let alone enjoying it.”

Aunt Lian immediately blushed. She had also heard of the Xiangyun Object and knew it was precious. But just now, how could she have thought that Xu Luo would actually come up with such a long-lost treasure?

At this moment, she wanted to hide something, but she had nothing to say.

Seeing these ten auspicious clouds, Bai Huchan couldn't help but wrap the jade box in his hand and gently opened it.

I promised to give my ancestors ten auspicious clouds and make such a generous move. Naturally, the gift for Bai Huchan was not bad. He was curious and took a peek.

At this glance, Bai Huchan was stunned. He didn't say anything for a long time. He was shocked for a while, and then he sighed and said, "It's such a generous thing to say yes!"

He closed the jade box and refused to say anything more.

Although the ancestor was curious, he did not ask, although Aunt Lian wanted to ask. But he knew that Bai Huchan would definitely not speak. Although Bai Huchan's strength has declined and his life has become smoother, his temper is still extremely stubborn, and Aunt Lian doesn't want to get in trouble with him.

Bai Xuan was not paying attention, and kept giving his ancestors advice on how to build a cloud chamber.

The ancestor called ten auspicious clouds into his hand, played with them for a while, and then said with a faint smile: "It's good to marry this child. My old woman doesn't need so many auspicious clouds to make a cloud room. I will keep five and the rest." Let’s divide it all!”

The ancestor read out five names, one of which was Bai Xia'er, who was quite familiar to Xu. After she finished reading the names, she smiled and said: "With Xu's ability, I guess I won't lose Xiao Jiu'er. I I won’t leave a portion for her. San’er, go and ask Xu for it yourself! I won’t leave any for you either.”

Bai Xuan smiled brightly and said a few words to his ancestor, but he really didn't care. Xu actually gave him twenty auspicious clouds, but he kept half of it privately.

It's just that Cui Ying, who knew about this, would definitely not say anything, Xu Luo wouldn't care at all, but Bai Xuanzai was very sure and never thought that he would be exposed.

The ancestor accepted the gift, looked at Bai Xuanzai with a smile, and said: "I also accepted the things. I promised the child to do whatever he wants! The ancestor will definitely support him."

What kind of person is the ancestor?

Although she was worried that the forces of the Ten Thousand Demons Society would invade Xiguan City, she also knew that if the Ten Thousand Demons Society really wanted to do something, the Bai family wouldn't be able to stop it. Since they couldn't stop it, why not be more open about it?

After all, the ancestor has been in charge of the Bai family for many years, and it is not comparable to someone like Aunt Lian who is short-sighted.

Bai Xuanzai chuckled and said: "I promised to make Xia the chief of the Xiguan City Police Department! And I want to send a group of people over, and then transfer a group of Bai family backbones from the Xiguan City Police Department to the Beidu City Police Department Take office!”

The ancestor smiled slightly and immediately understood Xu Le's calculation.

Bai Xia'a, like Bai Xuanzai, was very close to Xu Liao because of the incident where Bai Qiulian was petrified last time. Xu promised to appoint Bai Xia'a as the chief of the Xiguan City Police Department. Waiting to give the Bai family a face not only showed his control over Xiguan City, but also allowed the Bai family to continue to maintain the situation.

As for sending a group of people and transferring half of the Bai family children, it is not particularly difficult as it should be.

The ancestor said with a smile: "Whatever Xu Luo said, just do it as he said. After all, he is the son-in-law of our Bai family. Can the ancestor support him in what he does? You reassure Xu Luo, here in Xiguan City No problem at all.”

Bai Xuan chuckled and had to wait for dinner at his ancestor's place before leaving.

Although Aunt Lian was still unhappy, she really had no other choice. However, Bai Huchan was thoughtful all the time. He stayed until he and Bai Xuan were together to say goodbye. Before he left, he just took a deep look at Bai Xuan and he Cui Ying didn't say anything and just walked away, but she left Bai Xuanzai with a very obvious hint. (To be continued.)

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