One Sword to Immortality

387. The rivers and lakes are unified and the rebellion begins.

Bai Huchan returned to his residence and couldn't wait to open the jade box.

He looked at the Taisheng Fruit in the jade box, and his mood was extremely intense. The Taisheng Fruit could repair the physical body. He promised to give him this gift. It was unclear what the meaning was.

Bai Huchan didn't hesitate. He swallowed the fruit with a big mouth, not even leaving the core or handle. Soon he felt a clear breath, coiling around his chest and abdomen, and then It gathers in the lower abdomen.

His body, which had suffered internal injuries in his youth, was gradually repaired by the power of Taishengguo, and the places where the demonic energy could not be transported to were suddenly penetrated.

Bai Huchan was so excited that he wanted to shout loudly. The demon power index in his body was rising steadily, and he soon broke through the peak of the demon king. After the thirty-six Gang meridians were completed, they collapsed instantly. After more than ten breaths, There is a Dayan Vein born from within the body.

After all, Bai Huchan's cultivation was astonishing back then. As soon as his internal injuries healed, he broke through instantly. But after all, he had been injured for many years. Even with Taishengguo's repair of the injury, he could only condense one Great Evolution Vein. If he wanted to completely restore his strength, he would have to have three more Five years is not enough.

Even so, Bai Huchan was extremely excited. Without this Taisheng Fruit, he might not be able to recover to the Demon General level even if it takes hundreds of years. Now not only is he breaking through the realm again, but he is also expected to return to the top. What will happen in a few years?

Bai Hu Zenhu roared, and the demonic energy in his body shook, turning into a layer of tornado wind, rushing straight into the sky, and resting for a long time. He knew that he owed Xu a huge favor, which was not easy to repay.

Bai Huchan made another breakthrough here, and many people in the Bai family were immediately alarmed.

No one could have expected that Bai Huchan, whose future was at an end, could be reborn and return to the peak of his life. So when someone senses that the breath of breakthrough is actually him. They were all so surprised that they didn't know how to react.

Although Xu Lio was in Beidu City, he still got the information about Xiguan City immediately, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.

Everyone in the Bai family thought that Xu had taken action in this matter, even Cui Ying thought so, but in fact this matter had little to do with him.

The person who presided over this matter was actually Yin Suhua. As well as several demon generals who were promised to be subdued, Bai Xuanzai was also one of the people who knew the inside story.

These people even prepared a back-up plan to launch the Yellow Turban Warriors to raid Xixuan Cave Heaven if the Bai family was ignorant and refused to return the power of the police department.

The Police Department is considered a relatively weak one among the 17 clubs in the Sannomiya, Sixth Ward, and Seventeenth Club.

If this administrative structure had not been set by the highest level of the Ten Thousand Demons Association and would not be easily changed, it would have been abolished long ago by people looking for excuses.

I was promised to become the Minister of Police because everyone felt that this department had no future. All he did was hard work, and he was promised a status in the Kyoto Monster Affairs Institute, which was even lower than Cui Ying, Granny Huai and Yun Shuai, the directors of the institute.

However, after promising to absorb the new generation of monsters from the Jade Cauldron Sect, two hundred more yellow scarf warriors joined the team, and the captured monsters were continuously absorbed into the detective team, allowing the police department's strength to expand rapidly. Even if he There is no way to suppress the ambitions of his subordinates.

Xu Xu held the document sent from Xiguan City. He sighed softly and filed the document away. No instructions were given!

After the Xiguan City Police Department changed hands, within a month, the Police Department set off a storm of centralization!

Of the fifty-three police departments across the country, forty-seven were subdued by the inspection team sent by the headquarters. Only six had strong backings that could not be taken down by the inspection team.

Then the police department did another thing. Seventeen new police departments were established, bringing the number of police departments across the country to 64. The other six police departments were declared to be supernumerary organizations and were kicked out of the police department.

At this point, the Police Department has easily and happily completed the integration of the various branches of the Police Department. Coupled with the continuous influence of "ideological and moral education", more and more wild monsters "voluntarily" join the police department, allowing the police department to become a community-level organization again.

Although Xu Liao wanted to sit back and watch at the beginning, he did not take any action. He continued to secretly release the yellow scarf warriors directly under him to join the police department, because the original two hundred yellow scarf warriors existed and there were no People noticed that the number of yellow scarf warriors was increasing.

In particular, these yellow scarf warriors are obedient and forceful, they point things in the right direction but don't push in the direction, and they work hard without complaining. When the inspection team suppresses police departments in various places, they like to bring a group of them with them. And because they are easy to do, they often keep a few of them when they return home. The modernized police station does its work.

Everyone thinks that the Yellow Turban Lux is really useful, especially when there is never a "manpower shortage". As long as you ask the headquarters to mobilize them, they can be mobilized almost every time. Many people have overlooked one point, and that is why so many are mobilized. The headquarters continues to send out more.

In a moonlight cafe in Yue Coffee, five demon general-level demons are drinking coffee. Although they have not been on earth for a long time, they are already familiar with life on earth. When drinking coffee, they behave in a polite manner, and there is no trace of it. A few dozen days ago, they didn't know what coffee was.

Zhu Jiulie said enthusiastically: "I didn't expect it to be so easy to integrate the police department, and it was all done within a month. The monsters on Earth are really too weak. There is almost no way to compare with the monsters from our Longhua Society."

Another demon general-level demon took a sip of coffee with a gloomy face, ate half a piece of muffin, and said slowly: "Jiu Lie! Stop talking nonsense. Everyone knows the purpose of our coming here. Don’t you just think it’s not appropriate to allow this waste to occupy the minister’s position? Don’t you hope he can step down? Let’s talk about who agrees and who opposes...”

This ghastly-looking demon general-level demon smiled softly and said to himself: "Isn't that enough?"

Zhu Jiulie smiled coquettishly, but did not express his opinion. He just tapped the plate with a coffee spoon and asked thoughtfully: "If I promise to step down, who will be the police minister? Mr. Ling! Do you have any ideas?"

The big monster with a gloomy face sneered: "What else do you need to think about? Of course, the Lazy King is in power. Who among us can compare with him? We just help the Lazy King and wave the flag, and he is the policeman Even the top management of the Ten Thousand Demons Association dare not say they are dissatisfied."

Several general-level monsters all agreed. They all came from the Longhua Society, so they naturally knew what kind of character the Lazy King was. If this adult is in power, it is almost foreseeable that no one will control them at all. They, the demon kings at the level of demon generals, can do whatever they want. (To be continued.)

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