One Sword to Immortality

389. On the eve of the war

Xu laughed and shouted: "Lazy King! It's better not to struggle anymore. Even though you are gifted with magical powers, you will definitely not be able to match the transformation of the two world flags of my Jade Cauldron Sect."

The Lazy King's body was constantly changing, switching between virtual and real, existence and non-emptiness, and all kinds of void magical powers emerged in an endless stream. But after hearing Xu Xu's words, he was immediately discouraged and turned into an ordinary-looking young man again, waving slightly at Yang Shuhua. , signaling that he had given up.

Yang Shuhua didn't hesitate. Yun Danfeng smiled lightly and gave Xu a human courtesy before saying goodbye.

Although Yang Shuhua obeyed Xu's orders, Xu would not just assign him at will based on his status as a master.

After all, as the first disciple of three generations, Yang Shuhua has an extraordinary status, so even if he agrees, he must be given enough respect.

After Yang Shuhua went down, the Lazy King showed his teeth and shouted: "If you weren't such a despicable kid, how could I have fallen to this level? To actually have to take orders from a little guy who has only just been promoted to Demon General?"

Xu laughed and said: "If you want to make another breakthrough and get rid of the limitations of nature, unless you become a disciple of Yuding and learn the true teaching method, your achievements in this life will stop here. If it weren't for this great temptation, even if Yang Shu Master Hua's nephew has unparalleled magical power. He can kill you, suppress you, and surrender you, but he cannot make you surrender."

As the body of an ancient heavenly ghost, the Lazy King has reached the limit of his racial innate magical powers, and it is impossible to go any further. Xu was able to make it obey orders not only because of Yang Shuhua, a master nephew with extraordinary abilities, but also because of the inheritance of secret techniques from the Jade Cauldron Sect, which was sufficiently attractive to the Lazy King.

The Lazy King shook his head and said: "I haven't decided whether to join the Jade Cauldron Sect yet, so don't tempt me with this method! What happened to your plan? Those little guys, haven't you discovered the truth yet?"

Xu shrugged and said, "They want to elect you as the head of the police department!"

The Lazy King smacked his lips and said, "These little guys are really good at calculating!"

Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei had already prepared the barbecue items and notified Zhao Yanqin and Lin Ning to come over. Yang Shuhua was a very advanced man and didn't like the excitement, but Yu Qingyuan liked this kind of scene very much and joined in, talking about Master. . The senior sister’s screams.

Xu Yue had no choice but to let this disciple go. Seeing that he had almost done it, he casually extended an invitation to the Lazy King. Said: "Lazy King, would you like to come and have something to eat together?"

Without any hesitation, the Lazy King walked to the fire. With a snap of his fingers, two yellow scarf warriors began to prepare meat for him. These two yellow turban warriors,

But the Lazy King found that it was too convenient to arouse these "magic people". Ask for what you want.

Everyone is a monster, and they all have the appetite to eat like tigers and elephants, so instead of setting up barbecue stoves like the Northeastern barbecue stalls, we set up ten bonfires. Beside each bonfire, there are two yellow scarf warriors who activate their magic power and use their own demonic valleys to stimulate the flames, making the flames of the bonfire soar into the sky. They even transformed into the shapes of various monsters, surrounding the whole cattle, whole sheep, and whole camels prepared by Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei. Bare teeth and show claws.

Xu Luo casually pulled out the Silver Fox Sword, looked at a piece of roasted beef, and cut off a large piece of beef, dipped it in the sauce Bai Qiulian prepared for himself, and swallowed it all in one bite. Very satisfied.

Lazy King and Yu Qingyuan were not so particular. They each manifested their demon bodies, one turned into a ten-foot-tall blue demon ghost, and the other turned into an eight-winged cloud bird. Small meats such as cattle and sheep are eaten whole, and only roasted camels are torn in half and divided into two bites.

But there are a few girls. They all ate quite elegantly and brought their own juice to go with the meal.

Xu was confident here, and his days were orderly and even a little leisurely.

The five-headed demon general-level demon was busy running around while Xu was enjoying life. He even contacted many monsters who had not yet been captured by the police department.

There are too many monsters from the Longhua Club in the police department. When they were in the Longhua Club, although they all had their own masters, they had some degree of friendship. Unless there was a death order from above, they would usually keep things aside or even secretly report the news. .

Xu Lio is not a strongman type leader. As long as the public security in Beidou City is improving, he is not very willing to kill them all quickly. Therefore, Beidou City is now filled with a large number of "wild monsters". They do not have monster registration cards and cannot enjoy the benefits of being registered. Monsters have various privileges and can only live like ordinary people, but they have freedoms that they think the registered monsters do not enjoy.

The vast majority of these monsters are types who hope to live in peace, especially those on the earth who want to give charity much better than Longhua Society, but there are also many rebellious parties who are dissatisfied with the promised "rule", so these five-headed monster generals In just ten days, together with the "traitors" within the police department, a total of nearly two hundred monsters were collected.

When they felt the time was right, Xu Zuo gave them the best opportunity.

The timeline has entered the end of the year, ushering in a long national holiday, and the High School Affiliated to Beidu Normal University is no exception. Of course, the student party has also entered the winter vacation.

He promised most of the detectives in the police department a long vacation, and he also announced that he would go on a trip. He even announced the travel route so that his subordinates could contact him at any time.

The five-headed demon general-level demon quickly made a detailed plan, selected a location to ambush Xu Zuo, and began to deploy troops and generals.

He agreed to this trip without bringing any of his girlfriends. Although ostensibly he took Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei on the special subway, after driving out of Beidou City, he let the two girls get off the bus and went back He went to Tiandi Garden to escape.

Several helpers who had been waiting at the platform for a long time got on the bus one after another after the two girls got off the bus.

Yu Qingyuan shrunk her body and turned into a palm-sized bird. She pillowed on the sofa and started to sleep after getting in the car.

The Lazy King played chess with Xu You leisurely, while Bai Huchan closed his eyes and meditated. Ever since he repaired his injury, he has been working hard to make up for his lost time.

With Lazy King in charge, Yu Qingyuan and Bai Huchan, plus Xu Liao himself, even if he faced the five-headed demon general-level monster, the chance of winning would still be more than ten points. There were even spies sent by Xu Liao in this team. The pressure faced was much less than expected.

Yang Shuhua promised the most trump card at hand, so he did not let Yang Shuhua come out. The other monsters below the Tiangang level had almost no value in participating in the battle, so he did not bring them out even though he promised.

Even though I said yes, I was still looking forward to seeing these "traitors"!

When he thought that from today on, there would be no second voice in the police department, even though he had no attachment to power, he still felt a little excited. (~^~)

PS: PS: It's Sunday again, so there will be more updates at midnight. Remember to vote for "One Sword Flying Immortal" in the new week.

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