A sharp scream came from a distance, breaking the virtual seal outside the monster-only subway channel and blowing away the train running inside.

Xu Luo hurriedly activated the Juxian Sect's bodyguard, and at the same time protected his two subordinates. Naturally, Lazy King didn't need to worry about him. The ancient sky ghost on his head swayed, escaped into the void, and disappeared.

Xu Liao could not help but be secretly surprised when he broke through the aftermath of the explosion. He did not expect that these "traitors" could actually obtain the spiritual bomb.

This kind of thing was developed by the Eighteen Immortals Sect. It is a low-level weapon for besieging high-level monsters. It is convenient, easy to use, safe and reliable. As long as you lock the target and throw it out, it can also automatically lock the breath, turn in the air, change direction, and have its own navigation. Tracking function.

The power is almost achievable. It is equivalent to a full blow from the peak of the Demon King. No matter how powerful the spiritual bomb is, it is not that it is technically impossible to make, but the cost is too high and too dangerous, so it is used by the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons. We will join forces to ban it.

As soon as Xu Li was in the air, more spiritual bombs flew over. It was obvious that the monsters who planned to assassinate him had no intention of leaving him alive in order to put him to death.

Xu shook off the demon flags of the two realms, and suddenly escaped from the explosion range. The special virtual realm that was destroyed continued to roll with breath, releasing the power of the virtual realm and repelling everything.

In just an instant, the special virtual world where monster-only subway runs disappeared without a trace. In front of Xu Liao, there were only endless farmland and uninhabited wilderness, as well as a very arrogant monster covered in white armor.

This monster's face is pale, and the white armor on its body looks strange and thick, but if you look carefully, you can see it. It was actually a set of paper armor with countless pale bone talismans meandering around on it, which was extremely weird.

Xu Luo put Yu Qingyuan and Bai Huchan down, smiled and said, "It turns out to be the evil spirit general! If you are not patrolling in Beidu City, why are you here throwing spiritual bombs? Do you want me to die?"

The evil spirit general said without a smile: "Promise! Your body protection skills are very good, and you can actually withstand spiritual bombs. But you can withstand one or two bombs, how about more than a hundred?"

The evil spirit general waved his hand, and hundreds of spiritual bombs flew out, directly attacking Xu, Yu Qingyuan, Bai Huchan and others. Xu Luo couldn't help shouting loudly, shouting: "General Evil Spirit! Don't you know how to count? How can there be more than a hundred here? At least three times more, okay?"

The evil spirit general didn't care at all about the extremely bad comment of "not knowing how to count". He slightly activated his demonic energy and manipulated these spiritual bombs, causing some of them to collide head-on. A part of it went around for a long time, and then came back again, forming a huge encirclement. Only then did a thought arise and die.

All switches of psychic bombs were activated.

Xu shook his body, and the Juxian Sect produced immeasurable swallowing power. These spiritual bombs fell straight into it, and there was no more movement.

Collect these psychic bombs. Xu Zuo pulled it with both hands, and a black iron rod flew out. Just as he was about to try his skills with this big monster, Bai Huchan rushed forward and activated the Bailong Claw, which was inherited from the Bai family. His claws were powerful and powerful, and he directly attacked the evil spirit general.

Both of them had demon general level cultivation, and they were fighting in an instant.

Yu Qingyuan screamed strangely. Just as he was about to go up to help in the battle, Mr. Ling appeared quietly. His long hair suddenly turned into snowy silver, and with a single move, several silver light spots appeared. It fell on Yu Qingyuan.

This is his bottom-of-the-box skill called Ling Lao, which is called Stardust and Falling Feathers!

These silver light spots are the purest light of the stars. Nothing can be burned and nothing can be destroyed. Old Ling has relied on this method throughout his life. Don't be an existence of the same level. He even relied on this method to sneak attack on the demon commander level. The enemy was severely damaged and eventually fell on the battlefield.

After being attacked by him sneakily, even though Yu Qingyuan had more than ten kinds of magical powers to protect himself, he couldn't help but let out a strange scream and turned into a golden light soaring into the sky.

Xu did not expect that Yu Qingyuan would suffer a loss in just one encounter, but he was not very worried. After all, Yu Qingyuan was a direct descendant of the Jade Cauldron Sect. As long as he knew that the enemy was powerful, he could quickly take advantage of it. sexual means.

The Evil Spirit General and Ling Lao took action. Xu Liao knew that he would not be idle either. He shook the floating Immortal Gathering Gate outside him and looked around. As expected, he saw three demon general-level monsters. More than two hundred monsters actually formed a strange formation.

The formation was activated in an instant, and countless starlights fell from the sky, immediately locking onto Xu Lie's figure.

Zhu Jiulie and the two demon generals walked forward proudly. One of them had a strange light all over his body. This person was said to be like a snake and become a spirit. The light all over his body could trigger all kinds of desires in living beings, and he also had the ability to enter dreams. Although his strength in frontal combat is low, various strange methods emerge in an endless stream. If he is allowed to use any method at will, even Xu Liao will not have the confidence to resist. Xu Liao has never felt that he is a good young man without desires.

The other demon general was named Liang Guan. He was covered in armor and had a double-edged spear in his hand that was as bright as the sun. This was a pure demon clan martial arts path, reaching the point where the body could generate magical powers on its own. In terms of strength, this person is the number one among the five demon generals. Xu Liao once tried his skills with this guy, but he did not gain the upper hand at that time.

When Yushe and Liangguan saw Xu Ye, they both showed sarcastic smiles. Yushe even said mockingly: "Mr. Minister! You didn't expect this day after all, did you?"

While Xu urged the Immortal Gathering Sect to withstand the suppression of the formation, he asked casually: "Even if you kill me, you will still be punished by the Ten Thousand Demons Association. How can you still reach the top just like this?"

Desperate Snake laughed loudly and shouted: "We all have the support of demon god-level bosses, so what if we kill you? Can the Ten Thousand Demons Association actually kill us to avenge you? How could the Ten Thousand Demons Association do such a stupid thing? As long as you give the above a reason to explain the past, no one will hold us accountable. Five-headed demon generals are more valuable than one, not to mention, where is the Lazy King?"

Xu Luo heard Yu She mentioned Lazy King and said with a half-smile, "Are you sure that Lazy King will definitely join you?"

Desperate Snake smiled sinisterly and said: "Of course I am very sure! The Lazy King is a subordinate of the Queen of Heaven. Jiu Lie has an irreversible friendship with him. They are both subordinates of the Queen of Heaven. Do you think... there will be any other changes?"

Xu Liu bared his teeth and smiled at Zhu Jiulie, and Zhu Jiulie said viciously: "The position of minister is occupied by virtuous people. A young boy like you. Why should you be our superior?"

With two gentle blows, the air in his chest was suddenly blown away. He shouted in a low voice: "Why don't you be so verbose? Kill this kid!"

Taking two steps forward, he performed the trick of shrinking to the ground. The double-edged spear in his hand pointed at Xu Lio's waist. This marksmanship is extremely skillful but not very skillful. With amazing domineering attitude.

In particular, the formation composed of more than two hundred monsters can also transport monster power through the air, which slightly improves his realm. This shot is almost beyond the standard, especially the time he competed with Xu Liao.

Xu Liaqing shouted and pushed out the mountain and sea stick in his hand with difficulty. The formation formed by these monsters was so strange that every time he made a move, he had to consume more than three times the monster power.

actually. If these two hundred or so demon kings and demon warrior-level monsters also came to fight, Xu would have killed them all with a little bit of use.

However, the formation they formed caused great trouble to Xu. After a fierce battle with the two levels for more than ten moves, Xu You was clearly at a disadvantage.

He is able to exploit every opportunity, and his natural powers are fully unleashed. The colorful halo fell on his head, causing Xu Luo to have all kinds of hallucinations. I just feel that the sky is full of beautiful legs flying, all kinds of magical skills and secrets are at my fingertips, rare elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can directly ascend to the heavenly demon are floating in...

If Xu hadn't activated the changes in the Ding Xuan Mirror in time to see through all the illusions, I might have fallen into the trap of lusting for snakes.

Even so, he would be distracted from fighting against the snake. His hands and feet couldn't help but become a little slower, and he was suppressed harder by the two levels.

The more he swung the mountain and sea stick in Xu Zuo's hand, the heavier it became. Every move and every move was extremely laborious, but this black stick was heavy. It's like a strange python that has been cultivating for three thousand years. No matter how slow and laborious it is, it can always intercept the double-edged spear at the most critical moment.

Every time he fought hard with Xu Zuo's giant stick in the two levels, his wrists would feel numb. He maintained the violent attack, but he was still secretly surprised and thought: "Xu Zuo, this kid, everyone said he can wake up." The bloodline of monsters only lasts for one or two years. Even if he cultivates in the cave and can speed up time, having more than a hundred years of skill is already the limit. Why can he actually develop such terrifying strength?"

The two people were frightened, but their hands and feet were not slow. The double-edged spear swept across the vertical body, and their movements became faster and faster. They were like incarnations. Standing at the most comfortable place, he shouted loudly: "Zhu Jiulie! Why don't you take action? ?”

Zhu Jiulie shook his mane, pulled it with both hands, and there was a nine-foot-eight-inch steel fork in his hand, with nine sharp fork heads. When he waved it slightly, it was like a mountain of knives, shining brightly and chilling people. .

With the addition of Zhu Jiulie, it became even more difficult for Xu Liao. The mountain and sea rods could no longer block him, and he could not always use the weapons of Juxian Sect's two current enemies.

Mr. Ling activated the Stardust Falling Feather Technique, and countless fluorescent lights flew up, but Yu Qingyuan was not an easy person. Although he suffered a loss in the beginning, this second disciple of Xu's sect had already changed his method. He activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change, and when he saw the silver light flying towards him, he shone it.

Although the technique of falling stars and feathers is magical, it will still fly away and turn into nothing when it is illuminated by the Dingxuan Mirror.

Old Ling was filled with resentment. He had never expected that there was such a magical magic in the world, so he restrained his own innate magical power. He fought fiercely with Yu Qingyuan for hundreds of rounds, and then he took off far into the sky, looked down, and secretly thought: "Although I can't defeat this bird in my hurry, there is nothing he can do about my method of falling feathers with stars." . Bai Huchan and the Evil Spirit General are evenly matched. Needless to say, it depends on when Zhu Jiulie, Yu Snake and Liang Guan can kill Xu. Once Xu dies, Bai Huchan will definitely understand the situation. The bird heard that I have a good relationship with Xu Liao, and I even call him master, but how can Xu Liao train a disciple of Dayan level? I am afraid that the relationship between the two may not be as close as the legend..."

Mr. Ling thought for a while and knew that the key to this battle was to kill Xu as soon as possible. He did not expect that he would arrange for three demon generals to join forces, and there were more than two hundred demons to form a "one fights the other and grows up" Formation", but still could not win Xu.

Mr. Ling secretly thought in his heart: "Although the place where we ambush is not in Beidu City, it is not far from Beidu City after all. If the battle lasts too long, if we provoke the powerful demon commanders of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, such as Prince Jiejie, This is very bad. We should fight quickly. I didn’t want to use this killer move, but I had no choice but to use it."

Ling Lao waved his hand, and a signal spark flew out, sending a signal to summon helpers.

Even though he agreed, his heart sank slightly. He had slightly realized that the situation was beyond expectation. Logically speaking, the five-headed demon general-level demon had no helpers, so why could he still make a gesture of summoning helpers?

Xu Le's doubts did not last long before he heard a clear and long roar rising into the sky from afar, and a five-color flame carrying boundless domineering power. There was a sound of thunder and explosion, breaking through the atmospheric barrier, and shot straight towards him.

Xu Leo's eyes immediately widened, showing a somewhat incredulous expression, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Five Directions Conferred God?"

The Five Directions Conferring Gods is one of the seven great demon strategies. Among the four legions, the five-color flag commander Gu Panlan and his sister Chao Xier have special skills. After the fall of Heaven, one of the only four great demons to ascend to the position of heavenly demon. , the secret method taught by the five-color peacock known as the King of Punishments.

Not long ago. Xu Luo had just suffered a loss at the hands of the Five Conferred Gods. Even the Yellow Turban Warriors and the Jade Cauldron lineage's spiritual treasures couldn't control the changes. He still relied on the Zhoutian God Sacrifice Technique to wipe out a ball of five-color flames. .

Despite all the intelligence agencies and hidden agents, there was no news about the five-color flag, although this was not surprising. After all, the police department has just been integrated and has a complicated staff. Where is the intelligence agency opponent of the Five Colored Flags, one of the four major legions?

It's normal if you can't find any clues that the five-color flags are involved in this matter, but it's abnormal if you can find them.

But... Xu Zi at this time has absolutely no way to accept this explanation.

"The tyranny of this demonic energy is beyond expectations, but it still cannot reach the level of a demon god... There are only two people practicing in the Five Directions Conferred Gods, since it is not Gu Melai. The one who comes must be Chao Xi'er, Gu Beautiful sister!"

Xu Luo no longer dared to retain his strength, and with a low roar, Zhou Tianji's magical power was fully activated, and the two levels were the first to bear the brunt. This big monster was covered by Juxianmen's bag and was swallowed up alive without even making a sound.

After suppressing the two levels, Xu Liao did not take action against Zhu Jiulie, but gave him a meaningful look. The big monster escaped without thinking.

Xu gave him a chance to escape. If Zhu Jiulie didn't escape, those who were left behind would be waiting to die.

Lushu didn't expect that Xu Zuo suddenly turned the battle situation around and closed two levels in one encounter, scaring away Zhu Jiulie. He secretly thought something bad and was about to activate the escape light to escape, but he was covered by the Juxian Sect. Can you still take it off? He was promised to have more than two hundred monsters together on the spot.

After Yu Qingyuan received Xu Le's message, the bird screamed strangely, suddenly used the two-world flag transformation, and escaped to Bai Huchan's side. He grabbed his colleague and ran away with all his strength.

Under the hands of the demon commander-level monster, these two demon general-level existences were the food deliverers, so after a brief message, Yu Qingyuan ran away with all his strength. As a disciple of Jade Cauldron, making the most rational choice at a critical moment is already the most basic ability to survive. No one will have unnecessary stupid thoughts at this time.

The faces of Mr. Ling and General Evil Spirit were a little pale. If they hadn't known clearly, no matter how powerful Xu was, he wouldn't be able to kill them in time, and what little courage they had left might have disappeared.

The five-color flames were a moment later and hit Xu Zhe's protective divine light hard.

Xu no longer dared to hold back, Zhou Tianji's magical power was fully activated, the four immortal gates including the Immortal Gathering Gate, the Immortal Killing Gate, the Immortal Transformation Gate, and the Immortal Swallowing Gate were opened wide, and the infinite fairy light clouds spurted out, and they were able to resist them all. This five-color flame.

If there is only one person named Xu, no matter how powerful Zhou Tianji's magical power is, it can only last for a moment or three before it will be wiped out. But among the four immortal sects where his Zhou Tian Sacrifice magical power was condensed, there were still 60,000 Yellow Turban warriors and nine Yellow Turban war cities. These yellow scarf warriors merged their magic power into the four immortal sects. Although they could not improve Xu Le's realm, they gave him almost inexhaustible magic power, as infinite as the ocean and as boundless as the sky. .

Xu Luo's whole body turned into four immortal gates, wandering around in the void, wrapping these four immortal gates, and a ball of five-color flames burned around them.

A very melodious female voice rang in Xu Liao's heart, shouting: "You are actually proficient in the art of worshiping gods in Zhoutian. Are you a remnant of heaven?"

Xu gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on, and the four immortal gates bloomed with thousands of meters of glowing clouds. However, no matter how he activated his magic power, he still could not make the light emitted by the four immortal gates increase by one point. They were all firmly suppressed by the five-color flames.

Under such circumstances, how could he be in the mood to answer questions?

The five-color flame burned scorchingly, suppressing one-third of the thousands-foot-high glow cloud in just a few minutes. However, the glow emitted by the four immortal gates, namely Juxian Sect, Zhuxian Sect, Huanxian Sect, and Swallowing Immortal Sect, became more suppressed. The more pure it becomes, the five-color flame can only be suppressed by one-fifth if it takes the same amount of time.

A few hours later, the magnificent light and mist emitted by the four immortal gates had shrunk to a ball with a diameter of eight thousand meters. Although Xu Lao tried his best to gather his magic power, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. According to this speed, even if the four immortal gates are suppressed, the more pure the rays of luck they release will be, but they can only last for more than ten days at most.

At this time, he would never think about why the Lazy King hadn't taken action yet, nor would he worry about Yang Shuhua's sudden appearance to save him. His sea of ​​consciousness was empty, with only four portals spinning around endlessly.

Countless yellow scarf warriors circled back and forth among the four immortal gates, forming large formations and providing endless mana to the four immortal gates.

This battle has exceeded Xu Zuo's expectations... (To be continued.)

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