One Sword to Immortality

392. 2nd Realm Big Hairpin Flower

The Lazy King looked at the void below. Although the place was empty, it could not block his sight.

The empty void below was sealed by someone's magic and turned into a temporary virtual world. Even if you were an ancient ghost, you couldn't break through it freely. You could only rely on your own innate magical powers to break through it layer by layer.

Countless light curtains appeared in front of the Lazy King, and each light curtain had countless runes flowing down like a waterfall.

This ancient ghost is very lazy, but lazy people are often more willing to accept advanced technology, because more advanced technology can make him lazier.

The Lazy King combines the techniques of fighting beasts with his own insights and original spells to break any void barrier. If Chao Xi'er wasn't so strong, he would have broken the barrier that sealed the void long ago.

The Lazy King is working hard, and the demonic power in his body is rising and falling in a strange rhythm. But not far away from him, Yang Shuhua was meditating with his eyes closed, seemingly not caring about the sealed "elder of the master's sect" below.

The Lazy King scolded, and finally broke through the barrier. He took a step further, turned his head and glanced at Yang Shuhua, and couldn't help but screamed: "Is this your uncle here? Why am I called the Lazy King, but I am so hardworking?" You are like a scalper, you are known as the most diligent disciple under the Jade Cauldron Sect, but you have no intention of reaching out? Your void magic is still superior to mine, why am I the only one doing the hard work?"

Yang Shuhua opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "In that case! I'll take action too."

The Lazy King suddenly became happy, but Yang Shuhua did not take action to break the void barrier in front of him. Instead, he picked a flower in the wilderness with his hands, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace.

The Lazy King was immediately surprised and shouted: "You can actually break into this temporary virtual world?"

But no one answered him. Yang Shuhua stepped into the center of the void seal with just one step, and saw a ball of five-color flames wrapping a ball of glowing clouds and burning brightly.

A woman as beautiful as the void is stepping on a white lotus with her bare feet. Wearing a thin white gauze skirt, she wrapped her graceful body. Her eyes were like the blue sky, with an incredible look.

Yang Shuhua smiled lightly. Said: "You have trapped my uncle for so long, it's time to let him out."

Chao Xi'er didn't answer, but raised his two fingers together, and if he was a little weak, countless sword energy would come out. They criss-crossed and turned into a sword net, completely covering Yang Shuhua.

This is the Xuantian Great Five Elements Sword Qi that Chao Xi'er is famous for!

She relied on this method to kill masters of the Taoist Realm of the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

In terms of sharpness, it is almost as good as the three major sword scriptures of Dongxuanxian Sect.

The Xuantian Great Five Elements Sword Qi that fills the sky not only embodies the five elements, but also has the ability to seal the void. Chao Xi'er used it to seal this void, turning the battlefield between himself and Xu Liao into a temporary virtual world. Just rely on this method.

Chao Xi'er had no intention of testing at all, and his attack was a killing move. If the Lazy King were here, faced with such a powerful swordsmanship that happened to restrain his innate magical power, the only way to escape would be to drink hatred, switch between reality and reality, change yin and yang, and escape. Probably none.

Yang Shuhua faced this earth-shattering, thousands of sword energies containing infinite mysteries. He didn't make any hostile gesture at all, and walked around very leisurely.

With one step, he passed through thousands of sword lights. He gently lowered his hand and tied the flower he just picked on Chao Xi'er's temple. Then he took another step forward and pulled it out from the five-color flames.

The first person of three generations under the Jade Cauldron Sect, he raised his hands with a smile and flashed his body. He fled without a trace. Before leaving, he didn't forget to put away the one-sleeve robes of Mr. Ling and General Evil Spirit.

Even though Chao Xi'er had the power to confer gods from all directions, he could only watch helplessly as Yang Shuhua teased him and then left calmly.

This great magical power to move the void with one hand, seals the void of Xuantian's Five Elements Sword Qi into nothing, and escapes in and out of the five-color flames, which is better than strolling in the courtyard. It is simply miraculous, surpassing all void methods in the world.

Chao Xi'er roared loudly, and the five-color flames suddenly exploded and mixed with thousands of Xuantian Five Elements Sword Qi, turning into five-color flame sword Qi and slashing through the air.

In an instant, I don’t know how much void was cut into cracks.

The Lazy King watched Yang Shuhua save Xu Li and gave him a "go quickly" gesture. He was also a big monster who had experienced hundreds of battles, so he immediately ignored everything and used his innate magical powers to escape.

As soon as Lazy King's escape light started, he was chased by five-color flaming sword light. If he hadn't taken the first step, he would have been cut down by this terrifying sword energy on the spot.

The Lazy King was frightened and desperately escaped into Beidu City. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, he saw that all the paths he came from were covered with five-color flames, like a vast ocean. Chao Tide'er's magic power was much stronger than he expected. times. Gu Tiangui couldn't help but secretly thought: "There are a few handsome men in the Longhua Society who are better than me, but there is absolutely no one who can withstand this fierce woman. Her body is too strong." It’s terrible.”

Xu You was rescued by Yang Shuhua and calmed down. Then he couldn't help but ask: "Master Yang Shuhua's nephew! Why did you take action?"

Although Xu Lio did not intend to let Yang Shuhua take action this time, it was not that he did not inform the nephew. He had experienced being assassinated and knew that there were people with five-color flags plotting secretly. Naturally, he would not be careless and let him know long ago. Yang Shuhua paid attention to the battlefield from a distance.

However, the moment Xu was trapped, he knew that the void he was in had been sealed. Whether Lazy King and Yang Shuhua could find him was already unknown, so he did not place all his hopes on reinforcements. .

Yang Shuhua smiled slightly and said: "I saw that my uncle was making a breakthrough, so I took action for a while. My uncle is now improving in his cultivation. I am really happy to congratulate him!"

Xu Liao knew that Yang Shuhua could not be blamed, so he changed the subject and asked, "How can you break through Chao Tide'er's void barrier?"

Yang Shuhua smiled slightly and said: "If this woman fights me with the five-way god-conferring method, my nephew may not be able to take advantage. But if she fights me with her own void method, how can she compete with me?" The two world flags of our sect have changed?"

Yang Shuhua looked back and said solemnly: "My nephew defeated this woman with the method of provocation. But if we meet next time, she will be prepared, abandon her own method, and use the Five Directions to seal God versus enemy, I may not be able to scare off such a powerful enemy again. Next time my uncle encounters this woman, he should just run away!"

Xu Lio couldn't help but muttered: "I want to escape, but I have to be able to escape! This woman's cultivation is ten times better than mine. Unless I advance to the Taoist realm, there is no way I can be her opponent." (~^~ )

PS: PS: This section was created when I came up with the idea of ​​changing the banners of the two realms, but it was originally prepared for Yang Prajna... Anyway, it's pretty cool! The magic skill of flirting with girls, please vote for me to get extra points.

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