One Sword to Immortality

393. 4 big dog legs

Although Xu Liao was able to escape the catastrophe, he had a deep worry in his heart. Yang Shuhua was his strongest trump card, but he was forced to expose it by Chao Xi'er.

Yang Shuhua took him back to Beidou City and returned to Tiandi Garden on his own. Lazy King didn't want to contact anyone else, so he followed Yang Shuhua back to Tiandi Garden. Only Xu went back to the police department office area in Yalongshan.

When Yang Shuhua left, he had already transferred the hands of Mr. Ling and General Evil Spirit to Xu, so Xu Liao sat behind his desk and just closed his eyes for a moment before his true spirit descended into the Gathering Immortals Sect.

The evil spirit generals, Ling Lao, Liang Guan, Desire Snake, and five rebellious demon generals have already suppressed four of them in the Juxian Sect. The remaining two hundred or so demons are even more trembling, not knowing how Xu will deal with them.

Xu Luo ascended the throne, looked around, and found that all the Yellow Turban warriors in the four immortal sects had used their spiritual skills, and their strength had improved a lot. He couldn't help but feel a little relieved, and secretly thought to himself: "I didn't expect that Zhou Tianji's magical powers were actually the same as those of the Yellow Turbans. The warriors are so in tune with each other. It must have been inherited from the ancient heaven. This magical power is inextricably linked to the Yellow Turban Warriors, which is why it has such an effect!"

Xu waited for a moment to gather his thoughts. For him, the biggest gain from the battle with Chao Xi'er was not the transformation of Zhoutian Sacrifice God, but the cultivation of the Nine Yuan Sutra into the fourth chapter. Now his wisdom has greatly increased, and he can deduce The calculation ability has also increased ten times more than before, and it can even slightly predict the past and future.

Throughout the ages, those who can calculate time are the most amazing people in the world. Even if their cultivation is not the strongest, they must live the longest.

Xu Liao has no ambitions, so he is naturally very interested in the breakthrough of Jiu Yuan Suan Jing.

Yu She was the most cowardly and begged loudly for mercy several times, but Xu Zuo was busy studying the Nine Yuan Sutra and ignored him.

Although Ling Lao and the Evil Spirit General did not beg for mercy, they were still willing to give in. After all, the strength and methods Xu showed were too strong to suppress all their attempts.

Mr. Ling was even complaining secretly, thinking: "If we knew that Xu was so tyrannical and had so many cards, even the top demon commander like Chao Xi'er couldn't do anything about it, why should we rebel? Honestly, in Xu Wouldn’t it be nice to work under someone else’s command?”

Only two levels are relatively bachelor. Just waiting for the execution, he showed no sign of surrender.

Xu Lio was silent for a long time, and then he let out an ouch, stretched out his hand and patted his thigh, and shouted: "This is a rebellion. If I forget about it, I won't be able to deter others in the future. Can you tell me if I still have a way to survive?" ?”

The snake hurriedly shouted: "I am willing to be planted in a life and death contract,

As long as the owner is willing to have a dog to control him, the snake will have a way to survive. "

Xu Aha laughed, glanced at the snake, he pointed at it, and a ball of rune core fell down, and shouted: "If you swallow this thing, you will be trained into a yellow scarf warrior. Just so you know, policeman All the Yellow Turban warriors in my department are my subordinates. If you become a Yellow Turban warrior, I will naturally feel relieved."

The snake was horrified, of course he knew what the Yellow Turban Warrior was? After all, he was also from the Longhua Society, and he also knew that if he was controlled by Xu, even if a demon-god-level boss took action in the future, he would not be able to save him, but at this moment, he was under the low eaves, and he could not help but bow his head.

The snake hurriedly opened its mouth. Swallowed the rune core.

The method Xu used was not the method used by him, Bai Qiulian, Ye Bai, Hu Xiuqing and others. They just borrowed the body of the Yellow Turban Warriors and could escape at any time.

But the method he used now was to completely turn the snake into a yellow scarf warrior, turning everything from his feet to his soul to his body into a magic weapon-like existence. And there is no way to reverse it.

Xu Luo has long cracked the refining method of the Yellow Turban Warriors and the Yellow Turban City. Even if the Yuanling of the Yellow Turban City, the Golden Mother, revives, there is no way to snatch away the Yellow Turban Warriors he controls and turn the snake into a Yellow Turban Warrior. , there is no way to create any waves in his hands.

Xu glanced at Mr. Ling and General Evil Spirit, and shouted: "Do you two want to live or die?"

Mr. Ling and the Evil Spirit General lowered their heads together, losing any momentum, and begged for mercy: "We are willing to be like snakes!"

After all, the two of them still have some sense of shame, and they can't say anything about being willing to be a dog-legger for Xu, but this statement is extremely naked and can be regarded as a sincere admission of defeat.

Xu Liaoyi separated two groups of rune cores and turned Mr. Ling and the evil spirit general into yellow scarf warriors.

He glanced at the three-headed demon general-level demon, with demonic energy surging all over his body, transforming into a physical body. Although he was not a particularly cruel person, he did not feel a little happy.

Repaying kindness with kindness, taking revenge with hatred, gratification and revenge are the most passionate actions of men.

These guys betrayed him and wanted to kill him. They were subjugated by him as slaves. They will always do things for him in the future. They are humble and submissive. They can no longer resist. Just thinking about it for a moment will make you feel so happy, let alone really... After doing this, I drank a bowl of refreshing tonic in the dog days of summer and felt refreshed from head to toe.

Liang Guan said angrily: "I don't want to be a slave to others, please kill me!"

Xu Liao still smiled and said: "In this case, I will refine you into a Yellow Turban Warrior. They can still retain their own consciousness, but I will not retain their self-consciousness for you. Without your own consciousness, you are considered dead. Bar!"

After two passes, his face suddenly turned pale, and he wanted to be a snake. The evil spirit general and Mr. Ling hid down and took refuge. Although they were dogs, they still had some thoughts of their own. However, they were going to become even worse. Not only were they turned into dogs, but their thoughts were also wiped out. …

When Liang Guan thought of this, he couldn't help but tremble all over and shouted loudly: "You can't do this to me?"

Xu gave a drink and shouted: "What do you think? I can't do this or that? As long as I am willing, you have to put on eighteen postures for me to rebel against me. If you don't give me some Such harsh tactics, do you think I run a charity hall?"

A rune core fell, and this rune core became overbearing and ruthless, constantly eroding the self-awareness of the two levels, and a new consciousness penetrated into it. If the transformation is completed, the two levels will form a new personality, a new Consciousness, become the most loyal guy.

The two people screamed in agony and suffered for a while. They really couldn't bear the consequences, so they also learned to be greedy. Ling Lao and the evil spirit general begged for mercy, but they ignored it.

The Gathering Immortal Sect rotated three times, and after two passes, his consciousness was wiped out. He stood up again, with demonic power surging throughout his body, even better than before. However, he completely turned into a magical person, with no body or consciousness anymore. Half alive.

Ling Lao, Evil Spirit General and Desire Snake were all shocked by Xu Xu's thunderous methods, and finally realized that this young commander was not a good man and a believer. He was much more ruthless and ruthless than any of them. (To be continued.)

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