One Sword to Immortality

407. Demonized zombies

Xu Liao had no interest in explaining all the changes to the two girls. He returned to the room and began to try to regain his strength. On the contrary, Kane was still patient and explained to the two girls what happened.

The two girls found that their age had become smaller, and they were still able to accept this explanation of reversing time and space. However, after comparing their ages, they found that everyone's age was different. Yan Siqi lost about seven or eight years. Years old, Penny only lost two or three years, and Kane returned to when he was eighteen years old.

When they wanted to ask Xu Zuo, they found that Xu Zuo didn't pay attention to them at all, and his fat face was hard and cold.

None of the three of them knew why Xu Luo suddenly became so repulsive, but they could only shrug their shoulders and start discussing what to do next.

After all, Kane is the Sun Knight of the Bourbon family and has rich experience. He just pondered for a moment before making a suggestion and said: "Even if we go back to 1942, I can still find a few acquaintances. Let's prepare some food and food first." Drinking water, and transportation, and try to leave Germany!”

World War II will be over in three years. Staying in Germany is definitely not a good choice. Moreover, the Bourbon family from which Kane was born is a French wealthy family with hundreds of years of history. Even in this time and space, it has huge power. As long as the Bourbons can be found, With people from the Bourbon family, they can use the power of the Bourbon family to gain a safe fortress.

Penny couldn't help but ask: "What to do with the body in the room?"

Kane sighed and said: "Let history deal with it! Let's not change history."

Xu Lio suddenly opened his eyes, sneered, and said: "History has changed a long time ago. There is no Hitler here, and there is no anti-Axis alliance. There are not even various ideological trends sweeping the world. We lack power now, don't say It’s difficult to leave Germany, even if you want to leave this neighborhood.”

Kane concentrated slightly, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly rushed to the window and saw a group of people staggering past on the street. This group of people walked stiffly, their faces were black and blue, their mouths were drooling, and they even let out low roars...

He returned to the room, glanced at Xu Zuo, Penny and Yan Siqi, and lowered his voice and said, "It's actually the World War II version of Resident Evil. There's something very wrong with these people outside!"

Xu Lio didn't get up at all, nor did he look out the window. But he understood what happened better than Kane. He sneered: "It's not a biohazard, and those people are not zombies. Although these people have long lost their reason and human emotions, they are actually no different from zombies, but They are still considered living beings.”

Xu paused, then lowered his voice and said: "They were tested on artificial monsters.

The demonization that ultimately failed...demonized zombies! "

Xu Luo thought about it for a while. Just gave these guys names.

Kane couldn't help but gasped and shouted: "The man-made monster plan created by those in the Dark Court?"

Xu nodded. He had tried to practice hard just now. Although he had not recovered any demonic energy, he found that his mental power was still stronger than ordinary people, and he could slightly sense the aura in the distance.

The aura of these demonized zombies is very similar to that of Colored Snow, except that Colored Snow is full of vitality. These people are full of decay and decay.

Penny couldn't help shouting: "Then what should we do?"

Xu Li looked around the room and then walked into the kitchen. Kitchens in German homes were very luxurious. He actually found six kitchen knives, and the steel quality was pretty good.

He gave four of them to Penny, Yan Siqi and Kane, and kept two for himself, whispering: "Wait, get ready to fight!"

Kane took the two kitchen knives and couldn't help but smile bitterly. As the Sun Knight of the Bourbon family, he has an exclusive golden lion sword!

But of course he had no choice now and could only use a kitchen knife. He also knew that having a sharp blade was better than empty hands. After all, his own strength was also declining sharply.

After a few tricks, Xu found that although his physical fitness had returned to the first year of junior high school, his control over his body was slightly better than expected. It should be that he had worked hard to practice various demon clan martial arts, and there were still some traces left on his body. memory.

Xu Liao spread the newspaper he just picked up on the table and lowered his voice and said, "Everyone should learn more about this world! If you don't understand Chinese, I can help you translate."

Kane nodded and said, "I understand Chinese, and I have no problem reading, writing, and listening."

Yan Siqi also lowered her voice and said, "I am Chinese. Penny is the only one who doesn't understand Chinese, so I should translate for her."

Xu Lio didn't say anything, walked to another room, and practiced a set of sword skills. He passed through the Twelve Sword Pass of Dongxuanxian Sect. His sword skills were at the Grand Master level, although he had never used a kitchen knife as a weapon. , but with a little practice at this time, there is no problem in creating a few sword skills of your own.

Xu Xu is more familiar with this identity, his agility, endurance and strength. Once he encounters demonized zombies outside, although he has 10,000 ways to kill these monsters, his body cannot keep up. It's just such a joke.

After all, Kane is also a qualified fighter. He immediately recovered after seeing Xu, made the most targeted preparations, and also opened his posture to get a little familiar with his body.

It's just that Kane is good at two-handed swords, but he's really not good at kitchen knives. He thinks that he is just dealing with a group of ordinary people who have failed to become demons, and more sophisticated sword skills are useless, so he is familiar with what he used when he was eighteen years old. That's all for his body. He doesn't have the talent to create his own sword skills, nor the willingness to waste energy.

The demonized zombies on the street suddenly roared and rushed towards a shop on the side of the street. Screams soon rang out from inside. Apparently someone was hiding inside and was discovered by these monsters.

Kane hurriedly shouted to Penny and Yan Siqi: "Hide well and don't come out. I'll go rescue them."

Xu Zuo clasped the kitchen knife with both hands, turned over and jumped out of the window before Kane. Kane did not expect that Xu Zuo would be so desperate to sacrifice himself to save others.

If both of them were at their peak, this group of demonized zombies wouldn't even use their ultimate moves and would be wiped out by just moving their fingers. But now that their strength has dropped to that of ordinary people, it would be very noble to save people now. of quality.

Kane is willing to risk life and death for the justice in his heart, but he has no such requirements for others, so he has no intention of asking permission to take action, but agreeing to take action voluntarily makes him feel a little more respectful.

He also turned over and landed on the street. Just as he was about to kill the demonized zombies, he heard a grunt and a cute and cute husky jumped out from the corner. He hugged Kane and gave him a lick. He seemed extremely excited. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Here are some recommendation votes

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