One Sword to Immortality

408. A grocery store surrounded by people

As soon as Xu appeared, his plump body attracted the attention of the demonized zombie.

A demonized zombie immediately gave up its prey in the shop on the street and pounced on him.

Xu Luo just made a posture with the kitchen knife in his hand, and waited until the demonized zombie rushed up. With a slight turn of his body, he removed the monster's head.

What he hit was the most fragile neck bone of the demonized zombie, and he used the power of the monster to attack him to minimize his own loss and output.

Xu Li knows his own affairs, but now his physical strength is not high. If he cannot reduce the physical consumption, he will not be able to survive a few battles. The way ordinary people distribute their physical strength, they can kill about three or five demonized zombies. It's almost exhausted.

Xu Liao killed the first demonized zombie, and the second demonized zombie immediately pounced on him.

Xu Luo still held the two swords in his hands and used the same moves to kill the demonized zombie. This kind of monster had almost no reason or intelligence. Even if he used the same moves ten thousand times, there was no need to worry that they would be broken.

While Kane was comforting his "pet", Xu Liao had already rushed into the group of demonized zombies, and chopped off the heads of eighteen demonized zombies in a row with a pair of kitchen knives.

Kane also admired Xu's sword skills. Just as he was about to charge forward, his pet roared, and its body suddenly swelled up, returning to its original appearance in an instant.

This husky is a beast of retribution summoned by a promise. This kind of ferocious beast has an extremely long lifespan. Even if it is weakened by the power of time and space for a few years, it still maintains 100% of its combat power.

It roared and pounced forward, easily killing the group of demonized zombies at a speed ten times faster than Xu Zuo.

Kane joined the fight with a kitchen knife. Under the combined impact of two people and one beast, he finally took a step ahead and stopped the last few demonized zombies when they broke through the store door and were about to rush in. .

Xu Ruo put away the kitchen knife and watched the retribution beast bite the last few demonized zombies to death. I couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

When he summoned the retribution beast, he didn't think too much about it, but he didn't expect that he would become a "back-up man" if it weren't for the retribution beast. He and Kane might be able to kill all these demonized zombies, but they might not be able to save people in time.

Kane rushed into the store and shouted: "Don't worry, we have killed these monsters, please leave with us."

There were actually two young children in the store.

The older one is only twelve or thirteen years old and is a girl, the younger one is only seven or eight years old and is a boy. Both siblings are very beautiful and have mixed blood. Seeing Kane trembling slightly, he was obviously very frightened and could not accept the kindness of this golden lion for a while.

Xu Zuo then walked in and took a look at the shop. There were two corpses in the shop. Judging from their clothing and age, they should be the parents of the siblings.

He didn't have Kane's kindness and shouted sternly: "Follow us! Otherwise, I will kill you."

The two siblings shook their heads for a moment, and then started to move under the pressure of Xu Xu's fierce eyes and the kitchen knife in hand.

Kane couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders and said, "Why do you want to scare them? We are obviously here to save them, not to kidnap them."

Xu Luo lowered his voice and said, "Because there is no time. By the time you persuade them to take a closer look at you, we won't have time to run away. There is a more ferocious and cruel aura lingering nearby. We must leave here as soon as possible."

Kane made a new appointment to Xu Feng. He glanced at the two children and could only sigh and said, "I'll carry them and go!"

Xu shook his head and had nothing to say to Kane. The other party is a person with this kind of personality. As for him, he doesn't want to do such a thing. His physical strength is just that of an ordinary person. Even if he is empty, he may not be able to run a few hundred meters. How can he have the energy to carry a child on his back?

Kane said hello to the second floor, and soon both Yan Siqi and Penny escaped.

Xu Zuo stretched out his hand and made a gesture. Said: "Follow me!"

Naturally, Kane would not have any objections. He had already keenly discovered that although Xu Liao's strength had dropped to an extremely weak level, his mental power was stronger than his own, and he could detect danger in advance.

Naturally, the two girls would not have any objections. They had already been panicked. No matter what Xu Zuo and Kane said, they would do it.

A group of six people walked along the street. In this era, there were no street lights everywhere in modern metropolises. The sky gradually turned completely dark. Penny couldn't help but whisper: "Why don't we find a place to hide first and continue to escape tomorrow morning?" "

Kane was about to explain to her that she couldn't stay in such a dangerous place, but Xu Liao waved his hand and lowered his voice and said: "I tried to avoid all dangers just now, but there was a lot of tyrannical aura in front of me, and we couldn't rush through. , it’s better to find a place to stay first.”

Kane believed Xu very much, looked around for a while, pointed to a bank building and said: "The walls of that building are thick enough, how about we hide inside?"

Xu Liu followed Kane's hand and asked with some difficulty after a while: "Do you have a way to open the bank's door? I don't have that power now."

Kane was speechless. If he were in his heyday, even with only 10% of his strength, he could open the door of this bank. But now he is only eighteen years old and only has 13 points of holy power. Facing the rather strict bank door, I can only look at the ocean and sigh, and there is nothing I can do.

Xu took a deep breath, pursed his lips at a nearby grocery store, and said, "It's better over there! I think the door to his house is not closed. Let's hide in and close the door. We should be able to hide for a while. Wait until daybreak to figure out what to do.”

Six people walked into the grocery store warily. The grocery store seemed to have been turned over several times. It was quite messy and the goods were scattered on the ground. Xu Liao and Kane walked around the store, nodded to each other, and were both quite satisfied with this temporary hiding place.

They first closed the door of the grocery store and blocked it with furniture. Then they spread some clothes from the grocery store on the ground and made a place that was barely big enough to sit and lie down. The six of them gathered together to rest.

Not long after Xu Luo sat down and closed his eyes to rest, he felt a warm body in his arms. Yan Siqi looked at him pitifully, her whole body trembling slightly.

Xu Liao wanted to push it out smoothly, but at the moment when he hesitated, another warmer body came closer. Penny also curled up on his back and lowered her voice and said, "I'm so scared, just let me lean against him for a little while, okay?"

Xu Luo gave up her plan to push the two girls away, closed her eyes and began to adjust her breath.

He still wants to regain some strength as soon as possible. Even a little strength can be enough to change his destiny and avoid the most dangerous crisis.

Kane hugged his pet and looked at Xu hugging him. He couldn't help but secretly sighed and muttered: "Is it because Moses is fat enough and his body is warmer than mine, so girls like it..." (To be completed.) Continued.)

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