One Sword to Immortality

443. Mrs. Feiling

Xu Zuo's prestige was already very high, and everyone immediately became quiet.

Xu Zuo slowly said: "I roughly understand the specific mission of this trip. Since we have no way to leave, we have no choice but to complete the mission. I predict that there will be a mechanism in this world. As long as we complete a certain mission, we will They will send us away automatically.”

Leona couldn't help but ask: "Is this true?"

Xu sighed and said: "This is my expectation. It may or may not be the case. But the only way I can point out to everyone is that if anyone has a better way, I can adopt it."

Xu Lio did not tell the truth, but it was not a complete lie. Naturally, there was no so-called mission in this cave, but if he could control this cave, let alone send everyone away, he would not even be a god in this cave. question.

Of course no one can come up with a better solution.

Although Xu Liao has no experience in controlling Dongtian, he has the experience of controlling Tiandi Garden and the East Palace. Although he was not able to control Qingxu Dongtian because of his status as a trainee, he has lived in Qingxu Dongtian for a long time. , so he still knows Dongtian very well.

If it were a cave that had been refined by someone, he would naturally be helpless, but this super cave had a mysterious will, but this will could not control the cave.

If this mysterious will can control the cave sky, it only takes one thought to eject everyone out of the cave sky. There is no need to fight hard against the evil Tai Sui with the golden gun, and there is no need to mobilize the giant rat swarm and the black beetle swarm to attack.

It is not easy to occupy and refine a cave that no one occupies, but at least for Xu Liao, it is something that can be tried.

After collecting all the consents. He passed on a simplified version of the Star-Swallowing Style. Of course, he could not refine a cave by himself, but with more than a thousand people working together, including more than a hundred strong demon warriors, the refining probability was natural. A hundredfold increase.

After passing down the simplified version of the Star-Swallowing Style, Xu started arranging the formation of two realms of void. This formation is a method given by the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Demons Association to those who participate in the Seven-Day War to refine the Demonic Prison.

Although Xu Lio is not very proficient in this set of formations, it is difficult for void spells to break away from the changes in the flags of the two realms. He only needs to slightly adjust the changes in the flags of the two realms, arrange a set of voids in the two realms to form a large formation, and Don't be embarrassed.

Anyone who is in a desperate situation will have unlimited potential, not to mention that this imperial team is of extremely high quality, under the command of Xu Liao. The team quickly went into mobilization mode.

Xu promised to constantly give guidance to everyone,

How to practice the Star Swallowing Style, and how to cooperate with the two voids to form a grand formation. One day later, this improvised rough formation became a disturbance to the void.

While Xu was struggling to survive, the Golden Gun Evil Tai Sui had already reached the limit and was fighting against a certain mysterious consciousness.

This mysterious consciousness can no longer hide itself at this time. He was pulled out of the void by the evil Tai Sui with the golden gun.

This mysterious will is not a living thing. It is a strange Yao Qin, twenty-four feet long. Its ancient shape is different from the ordinary Gu Qin. It has twenty-six strings. The body of the Qin is actually made from the corpse of an ancient monster. There is a qin on the head. The strange beast head. The tail of the piano is a coiled tail that looks like a dragon or a python.

This guqin kept emitting clanging sounds, and turned into countless warriors, one by one, pounced on the golden spear evil Tai Sui.

The imperial general was not afraid, and his two golden hooked sickle spears had endless changes, constantly blasting away the warriors gathered by the sound of the piano. However, he is extremely brave. But he could never get within 300 meters of this guqin. Whenever he dared to get closer, he would be repulsed by invisible sharp blades transformed into countless chilling sound waves.

The bloody flag behind Golden Gun Evil Tai Sui was still flying, but it was not used by him in a fight.

However, this guqin was very afraid of the bloody flag. It kept making clanging sounds, turned into countless weapons, and shot at the bloody flag, but they were all intercepted by the evil Tai Sui with the golden gun.

The Golden Spear Evil Tai Sui is a powerful demon commander, and this Guqin is also a demon commander, but something went wrong when it seemed to be practicing. Although it has self-awareness and innate sonic powers, it cannot transform. I suffered a lot during the battle of wits.

The evil Tai Sui with his golden spear continuously destroyed sixteen invisible demonic soldiers with the sound of music. He gave a loud shout and shouted: "If you are willing to submit and dedicate this cave to heaven, I can spare your life and leave your self-awareness behind." But you still resisted, but don’t blame me for using the Blood God Flag to pollute your spiritual consciousness and destroy your thousands of years of cultivation."

The sound waves of the guqin became urgent and played an extremely high-pitched tune, obviously unwilling to give in.

Naturally, Jin Gun Evil Tai Sui didn't want to persuade him too much. He was not a lobbyist, but a brave and good fighter. What's more, he already has the upper hand. As long as he gives him a few more days of effort, he can defeat this guqin.

When the two demon-level warriors were fighting fiercely, suddenly a melodious bird song, like a mixture of various tones, containing countless instrumental sounds, was extremely melodious and melodious, and passed into the battlefield.

Jin Qian evil Tai Sui's face changed greatly, and then he saw a slender hand, gently reaching down from the clouds, and patted the guqin. The guqin made a pleasant sound, and fell into the man's arms. embrace.

The golden gun evil Tai Sui's pupils were filled with blood, and he yelled angrily: "Who are you? How dare you snatch what our commander wants? If you don't put down this Tianji Qin, Commander Tiger B will never spare you!"

A slightly hoarse but tender woman's voice said calmly: "Hu Bao B doesn't have the ability yet. I am Mrs. Fei Ling. Please let him come to me."

When Golden Gun Evil Tai Sui heard Mrs. Fei Ling's name, the anger on his face gradually disappeared, but a look of doubt appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Didn't you practice magic and fall into the devil's prison? How can you be reborn?"

Mrs. Fei Ling smiled softly and said: "I was surrendered by this old guy Yuding. He used the great formation to refine the demonic energy, allowing me to regain my intelligence. I didn't expect that Tiger Leopard Yi was so big. With his arm, he can reverse time and space, he wants to be a new generation of Emperor of Heaven!"

The Golden Spear Evil Tai Sui carried a pair of golden hooks and sickles on his back. He already knew that he would never be able to touch this formidable enemy. Mrs. Fei Ling was also a peerless demon in the ancient demon clan's heaven, and she was not comparable to him.

But he was not afraid of Mrs. Fei Ling, and shouted in a low voice: "Now that the Imperial Clan has been destroyed, the Emperor of Heaven has also fallen long ago, and both Heavens have fallen. We, Commander-in-Chief Tiger and Leopard B, have one hundred and eight demon commanders under our command. , whose power is invincible, why can’t he become a new generation of Emperor of Heaven?” (To be continued.)

PS: ps: Starting from tomorrow, we will update three times a day to make up for the lack of effort in the past few days and continue until the end of the month!

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