One Sword to Immortality

444. The demon god buys the way

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Mrs. Fei Ling chuckled, and then became silent again.

The Golden Spear Evil Tai Sui hesitated for a moment, then shouted loudly, jumped with all his strength, broke through the void barrier, and walked away without even collecting the bloody flag. He used the lives of more than ten thousand imperial soldiers and the creatures in this cave to refine this Blood God Flag in order to contaminate the Tianji Qin and surrender this treasure. Since the Tianji Qin was taken away by Mrs. Fei Ling, this A temporarily refined magic weapon is naturally useless.

Golden Spear Evil Tai Sui didn't care about this level of magic weapon at all, and just threw it away.

The battle suddenly stopped. Xu Liao didn't know what happened. He just suddenly sensed the emergence of an extremely tyrannical force. This force even far exceeded the level of the demon commander. After this tyrannical force appeared, all the aftermath of the battle disappeared.

He thought that the evil Tai Sui of the Golden Gun had summoned a powerful being, even the mysterious big demon Hu Bao Yi, to subdue the mysterious consciousness of this cave. He was horrified and secretly thought: "Is it possible that there is still no time in the end? ?"

Xu waited in surprise for a long time, but no one showed up.

It was not until seven or eight days later that the imperial soldiers under his command finally extracted a sealing stone, and then they realized that this cave had been abandoned.

Whether it was the mysterious consciousness, the evil Tai Sui with the golden gun, or the sudden appearance of an existence far beyond the level of the Demon Commander, they no longer paid attention to this place.

The value of a cave is simply immeasurable, but these people gave up so easily, which made Xu Liao puzzled.

There was no more crisis, and Xu Zuo breathed a sigh of relief. He did not mention this matter to everyone, nor did he even show the slightest emotion. He just kept urging these warriors to work hard to practice the Star Swallowing Style. Accelerate and activate the two voids to form a grand formation.

The first sealing stone only sealed three cubic meters of void, and could only be used to make a Qiankun backpack at most.

But Xu believed that as his cultivation level increased, his soldiers would become more and more familiar with the Star Swallowing Style and the Two Realm Void Forging Formation. The speed of refining the void will inevitably become faster and faster.

Another seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye, and Xu Luo once again broke through the third chapter of the Nine Yuan Sutra.

After his breakthrough in cultivation, Xu Liao used the ability of the Jiuyuan Sutra to deduce this cave again.

Found several keys to refining.

At the same time, Xu Liao also found several void nodes that allowed him to release the Moon Wolf and Black Beetle. After a few months, he finally figured out the scale of this cave.

This cave is actually composed of forty-one virtual realms. Although it is far less than Longhua Hui, it is even larger than Qingxu Cave, about fifty times as vast as the Emperor's Garden.

Xu Luo was in this cave, desperately refining the virtual world, and when he was preparing to escape, the world outside had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ordinary people all over the world. Even beings below the Demon Commander level cannot detect that a huge world is rising.

Almost all the real-person and demon-god-level beings on the earth have set their sights on this newly born world.

This huge world is like a maze, consisting of dozens of cave worlds and countless large, medium and small virtual worlds. Only in the center is there a mountain and a river, which turns into a paradise-like palace, majestic and majestic, with the feeling of dominion over the world and invincibility. The spirit of the world.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan is dealing with kung fu. He suddenly threw down the pen in his hand, jumped into the void, and looked at this newly born world from an infinite height, his handsome but young face. A very heavy look of worry arose.

A big man in black robe suddenly appeared next to Mr. Xu Fuyuan, lowered his voice, chuckled, and said: "You worked so hard to suppress those demon gods, but you didn't expect that you would upset a group of demon commanders. Bar?"

Lord Xu Fuyuan mocked his old friend in good faith. He didn't react much and asked calmly: "Where are the president and the bird? Why didn't they come?"

The big man in black robe laughed at himself and said: "Perhaps, they think that no matter how bad the situation is, they can always make a comeback easily. I haven't been able to contact them for a long time."

This black-robed man was also one of the original four demon gods of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, and he called himself Huntian!

Mr. Xu Fuyuan sneered and said: "There are many heroes in this world, geniuses are emerging in endlessly, and even all kinds of skills are improving with each passing day. They must think that they can always be at the top?"

Lord Xufuyuan grasped it, and suddenly a ten-color flower vine appeared on the rising world, the membrane of heaven and earth shrouded outside.

The roots of the ten-color flower vine were like hooks, and in a moment they pierced the membrane of heaven and earth and penetrated into this world.

A big man with a leopard head suddenly appeared in front of the ten-color flower vine. He glanced at the ten-color flower vine and did not make a move. Instead, he raised his hand to Mr. Xu Fuyuan and made a sign of supplication.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan snorted coldly and reached out to summon the ten-color flower vine back. Although the ten-color flower vine came in and out, in just a moment, its roots had already connected more than ten virtual worlds and a cave.

The big man in black robe, Huntian, couldn't help but laugh and said, "Is there a time when you have to give others face?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan stared at the leopard-headed man for a long time and then said: "If it hadn't been for the leopard-headed god's intervention, I wouldn't have been able to succeed in being promoted to the demon god. I must sell this face!"

Hun Tian shrugged his shoulders and said: "Since you have betrayed your face, I have no way to take action. I just don't know if those guys from the Four Legions will not be willing to give in."

Mr. Xu Fuyuan lowered his voice and said, "Unless that bird takes action, the rest of the people may have nothing to do with Tiger and Leopard B!"

In the void, a five-color lantern suddenly appeared, and countless books appeared outside the lantern. As soon as these two things appeared, a cave with more than ten virtual worlds flew out.

A large book with pale yellow pages flew out, covering the cave and more than ten virtual worlds, and disappeared together with the lights and flowers.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan shook his head and said: "The magic lamp is really deceitful. He has defrauded a cave and dozens of virtual worlds, looking like a bandit asking for bribes."

Hun Tian laughed and said, "I just don't know what the attitudes of Gu Banlan and Baofeng are."

As soon as the black-robed man Huntian finished speaking, he saw a ball of five-color flames flying up, and a dragon-wielding master appeared.

This time, the small world that ascended into the sky refused to pay the "travel money." The leopard-headed god shouted sharply, and when he grabbed Xuxu, he had a snake-shaped spear in his hand, and dozens of demonic auras shot into the sky, entangled with this spear. On the serpentine spear.

When the leopard-headed god threw out the snake-shaped spear, the five-color flames and the dragon master swayed in the wind and disappeared, and they did not dare to direct their spears.

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