One Sword to Immortality

447. We will always be friends

Xu Liao and Yang Shuhua fell tens of thousands of meters. They soared side by side over Beidou City. They went around half a circle and discussed some things before they separated.

Xu Luo landed on Luoyang Street full of thoughts. Although he fell from the sky with great momentum, the street was full of monsters and no one paid attention to him.

Xu Ru walked half a block along Luoyang Street while walking in the car, then turned into an entrance, passed through the entire Forbidden City, and slowly climbed up Yalong Mountain.

Because Yalong Mountain is at the bottom of the Forbidden City, it is called Yalongwei. However, it is actually in front of Wansui Mountain and is not the real Dragon's Tail.

There is another street in the human world in front of Yalong Mountain, but ordinary humans will only pass through Yalong Mountain and will not come into contact with the world of monsters.

So when Xu Liao set foot on Yalong Mountain, he could still look at the bustling crowds on the street with interest, watching these ordinary people passing by in a hurry.

When he returned to Beidou City, it happened to be the first time the lights were on, which was when the army was most crowded after get off work, so he could see a long queue of motorcades, swaying from one end of the street to the other, twisting and squirming, almost no faster than walking. .

When Xu Liao appeared in Yalong Mountain, almost all the personnel of the police department immediately got the news. Although Xu Liao was young enough, he was powerful and his authority in the police department was unmatched. When he climbed to Yalong Mountain, All the remaining personnel from the police department have left the office area and came to greet the chief.

When Xu Liao saw his subordinates, he didn't say much. He just shook his hand and released all the imperial soldiers.

Including the Bright Lion Kane, Yan Siqi, Penny, dozens of white dragon female warriors, and servant soldiers... But except for those with cultivation, almost most ordinary people have become decrepit. .

Xu Luo has regained his strength and time has flowed back again, but to others, it is equivalent to them experiencing decades of long time, living from the World War II era to the 21st century.

Those who possess cultivation. Almost when New Heaven left the main world, its power increased dramatically for decades. This was the passage of time. The reward they win, those without cultivation, are the passage of life and the cruelty of time.

Although the number was reduced twice due to fighting. Some people died of old age, but there were still more than 800 people in this force, almost all of them European and American. The office staff of the police department were stunned, wondering where their superiors got so many old men.

Xu gave a faint order and said: "Arrange accommodation for these people. People with demonic aura. Give them as much training as possible and integrate them into the police department system.

The remaining ordinary people should be given certain compensation and sent back to Europe. "

Of course Xu would not return these people to the empire. In fact, he didn't know how to extradite these people to the empire.

New Heaven has separated from the main world. Although Xu Zuo can cross the void, he cannot guarantee whether the empire will detain him or kill him at will. Naturally, there is no plan to send the population back.

Leona, Yan Siqi, and Penny didn't understand what was going on. They watched people from the police department come up to ask questions in English, French, and German with various accents. After a long time, someone asked cautiously: "Does anyone here know Chinese?"

The detectives from the police department all looked extremely embarrassed. They could only switch to their most proficient Chinese, and their minds were full of strange associations.

Some people even thought: "Are these old men the illegitimate children of our boss? Are those young beauties their mothers? Although this kind of thing is weird. But it is not impossible..."

Xu Liao ordered the subordinate agents and was about to go back to his office. Kane, the bright lion, who had also recovered his strength and was even stronger than him, stopped Xu Liao and asked, "Can you tell me what happened?" thing?"

Xu shrugged his shoulders and said: "For some reason, we have returned to our time, so your and my strength have recovered. Even because of the intersection of time and space, our strength has improved somewhat."

Kane couldn't help shouting: "That's not what I'm asking! What I want to ask is, what happened... Why did we suddenly come back?"

Xu Luo made a gesture of invitation, took him to his office, and asked his subordinates to brew coffee. Then he considered his words and said, "I don't know what's going on. What I know is that there is A group of ancient monsters used a treasure to reverse time and space, integrating decades of European history, as well as all the ruins, caves, virtual worlds, dimensional spaces, etc., into a new world called For a new heaven.”

Xu paused for a moment, and then said: "The New Heaven is separated from the main world and becomes a world of its own, and its control on us has loosened. I regained my strength and led everyone to escape. There are some things that I cannot control. , it’s useless for you to ask me.”

Xu Liao knew how Kane was feeling now. The problem was that he had no way to comfort Kane. Seeing his comrade suddenly aging, no one else could accept it.

Kane stayed alone for a while, then lowered his voice and asked, "Can I leave?"

He nodded and said, "If you want to go back to Europe, I can book a flight for you."

Kane shook his head and said: "I am also a demon general! This kind of distance does not require artificial flying props."

Xu thought for a while and said: "Okay! But I have to trouble you about something. I can buy a batch of rejuvenation potions, which can also extend the life of ordinary people for decades. I can't reverse time, but let Ordinary people who are stronger and can live a few more years can still do it. But this kind of medicine is too rare, and it will take me time to get enough."

Kane's face looked better and he said, "I thank you on their behalf!"

The bright lion paused for a moment, and then asked: "What is your real name? Don't tell me it's Moses."

Xu smiled slightly and said, "The police chief of the Ten Thousand Demons Association agreed!"

Kane sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, I have been friends with the top leaders of the Ten Thousand Demons Association for a while."

Xu shook his head and said, "As long as you are willing, we will always be friends."

Kane hesitated for a moment, stood up, and said, "Let me think about it more! I will handle the things you entrusted me to do well, and I will also make arrangements for the people you send back to Europe. We can wave With the power of the Pang family, there is no problem in doing small things."

Xu Zuo watched Kane off immediately. Although he felt quite sad, he did not stop him.

Xu Luo only officially started working after Kane left. What he really needs to worry about is not this group of people, but the current attitude of the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

In particular, he regretted that he could not rescue the members of 3X. He also needed to ask the higher-ups of the Ten Thousand Demons Association about this matter. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: I was extremely busy during the day, and at night... I answered the phone for another two hours... So I overestimated myself. If I want to complete the third update, I have to stay up late to rush the manuscript. Everyone can go to bed first, so you don't have to stay up late with me.

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