One Sword to Immortality

448. Bringing up old things again

It is actually very easy to digest this group of imperial soldiers, especially with the strong tactics of the Ten Thousand Demons Association and Xu Liao, almost no one can resist.

Xu Lio didn't pay attention to this matter from the beginning. He dealt with a few police department matters and found that the police department was operating normally. He even put aside the police department matters for the time being and waited quietly.

He didn't wait long before he saw Mr. Xu Fuyuan open the door of his office and walk in majestically.

Facing a big monster of this level, even though Xu Liao was quite confident, he still didn't dare to be frivolous and asked straight to the point: "What happened in Europe?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan sat casually on the sofa, then sighed, with a tired look on his face, and whispered: "Due to an intelligence error, I was not fully prepared, and as a result, I was led by a group of demon commanders led by Hu Bao Yi. A new world has opened up.”

Xu Liu was very curious as to what information had misled Mr. Xu Fuyuan, but he saw that Mr. Xu Fuyuan did not look tired on his face, so he wisely did not ask.

It must be an extremely important thing to be able to make even the great demon of the demon god level feel tired. Xu Fuyuan didn't want to touch Mr. Xu Fuyuan's bad luck.

He directly changed the subject and asked: "In other words, I can't complete the task?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan smiled softly and said: "That's right! No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to complete this mission, and you may even die in vain. If you can come back, you are lucky."

Xu Zuo tapped the table a few times, not intending to dwell on the issue, and continued to ask: "What next?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan pressed his forehead and said: "Hu Bao Yi is in a great situation, and even I can't do anything to him. In the new heaven, he can gather the power and body of one hundred and eight demon commanders at any time, as long as he doesn't Leaving New Heaven, he is invincible."

"Not long ago, the Eighteen Immortal Sect plotted the Longhua Society. Although I responded, I still refined this world for Master Taiqing. Now that Hu Baoyi is born again, the situation of the Ten Thousand Demon Society's dominance over the world has been broken. .So even I have a headache and don’t know how to deal with this kind of situation. Maybe it won’t be long before the world will enter war again.”

Xu was frightened, but he naturally refused to enter a war-torn world. He was not afraid of fighting, but he still had friends and family. And lovers.

Even if he becomes a Buddha immediately and breaks through the demon gods, he may not be able to protect everyone, not to mention that he is just a small demon general.

Xu Luo couldn't help but ask: "Is there definitely going to be war?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan laughed and said,

Said: "Of course it is not certain. There are many factors for the occurrence of war, and I don't know which factor plays a leading role. The attitude of the Eighteen Immortals has always been moderate, and they may not start a war, but the attitude of Hu Bao Yi is difficult to predict. If It’s just him and his demon commander. They may not start a war, but if he joins forces with the four major legions, he may have many new ideas, such as destroying the Eighteen Immortals Sect.”

Xu thought about it for a while, but felt that this problem was very unsolvable. After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "There should be a way to prevent this from happening."

Mr. Xu Fuyuan smiled faintly, and then said: "I sensed the power of a strange demon god not long ago. If you have nothing to do, just search for the whereabouts of this demon god!"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan stood up. It was obvious that he had planned to end the visit, but Xu Zuo was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.

He didn't know how Mr. Xu Fuyuan discovered the demon phoenix, and how he knew that the demon phoenix was related to him, but his secret was revealed by a big monster of this level. I still feel a little guilty even though I promised.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan walked to the door of the room, and suddenly seemed to remember something again, and said, "Are you still practicing the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra?"

Xu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Of course I'm practicing!"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan asked with a very strange expression: "Sooner or later, there will be problems with the combination of the Demon Killing Immortal Technique and the Dongtian Sword Sutra! I advise you to give up the Dongtian Sword Sutra as soon as possible!"

Just when Xu Li was about to say something, Mr. Xu Fuyuan had already walked away, leaving him very confused.

Xu Liao secretly thought: "Why did Mr. Xu Fuyuan specifically remind me of this matter? I don't feel that there is anything wrong with the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique and the Dongtian Sword Sutra fellow practitioners. What's more, these two techniques have been completely integrated. They are also part of each other, and there is no way to separate them.”

Xu thought for a while and decided to ignore the problem. In his opinion, although Mr. Xu Fuyuan's words had profound meaning, since he didn't find any problem with the integration of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique and the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra, he naturally You must continue to practice.

Even if he takes a step back and says that there are problems with these two magical powers and cultivation, the worst he can do is to give up the ten-color flower vine demon species. He still has other means and is qualified to cut off the wrist of a strong man.

After promising to be with Mr. Xu Fuyuan, he stayed in the office for a while, then left the police department and returned directly to Tiandi Garden with the help of the teleportation gate.

He moved the two realm flags away, shook them, and released all the void fragments he had received in the new heaven.

Under his intentional drive, these void fragments did not fall to Xiufeng District, but were attached to the floating island of Tiandi Garden floating in the sky one by one.

When these void fragments landed on the floating island, they turned into a space of varying sizes. In just a moment, the area of ​​the floating island nearly doubled.

It's just that the space made up of these void fragments is still fragmented and chaotic, cutting the edge of the Tiandi Garden Floating Island into dozens of areas.

Xu Le did not continue to take action. Sure enough, not long after, countless mana flew out from the depths of the Tiandi Garden Floating Island and transformed into various magic weapons. In just a moment, the void fragments Xu Ze scattered were all the same as those of the Tiandi Garden Floating Island. The sky island was refined into one, allowing the floating island to grow to more than two hundred square kilometers.

These void fragments filled in all the vacancies in Tiandi Garden, making the originally long and narrow floating island become regular again.

Within a moment, a ray of light rose into the sky, and Yang Shuhua said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, my junior uncle has such a method to plunder so many void fragments in the New Heavenly Court, allowing our Heavenly Emperor Garden Floating Island to grow again."

Xu Luo waved his hand and told Lord Xu Fuyuan that he knew about the demon phoenix. Yang Shuhua listened quietly to Xu Luo's description, and then smiled softly and said: "The Ten Thousand Demons Association should pay attention to it for the time being. Not us. Uncle Master doesn’t have to give an explanation to Lord Xu Fuyuan, and he himself doesn’t have to embarrass us."

Xu Liao also deeply agreed and said to Yang Shuhua: "Mr. Xu Fuyuan does not necessarily need to make things difficult for me. He is just afraid that Demon Phoenix will also join other forces. We, the Yuding Sect, should try to keep a low profile during this period." (~^~)

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