One Sword to Immortality

564. Moon whirling

Xu Liao pressed down the escape light in Xiuyue Mountain, and according to what Xu Feiniang said, he quickly found the Feiguang 'cave' where Xu Feiniang lived back then!

Xu Luo activated the talisman given by Xu Feiniang, opened the "cave" door of Feiguang Cave, and walked in slowly, only to see that this "cave" mansion was not luxurious. There were only three exceptions. Apart from the central cave that can be used as a hall, there are only two caves on the left and right. -79 Novel Network-

Feiguang Cave is sealed by magic. Although no one has come for a long time, it is still spotless. Xu can live in it without even having to clean it. He did not close Feiguang Cave again, but still opened the door. I chose a 'cave' room on the left to meditate.

Suddenly a few days passed, Xu Liao heard the wind blowing loudly outside, and knowing that those words were coming, he smiled slightly, pushed back, blocked the incoming wind from outside, and shouted: "Which fellow Taoist disturbed my Qing Cultivation! "

A woman with a graceful figure and light steps gave a clear drink and shouted: "Who are you? Why did you occupy that wretched maid's cave?"

She didn't expect that even though Yue Posuo had a little daughter like Yue Mingxin, she would still look as graceful and graceful as a peach and plum, especially every move she made, she would still be as graceful as a virgin. She couldn't help but praise in her heart: "The Wood Clan is really weird. The reproduction of offspring is different from the creatures of our flesh and blood."

He had already thought about his words, and shouted angrily: "I am a disciple of Longhu Mountain, and I bought the Feiguang Cave Talisman from a fellow disciple. I wonder who the humble servant you are talking about is? What does it have to do with you? ?”

Yue Posuo couldn't help being slightly stunned, then sneered and shouted: "Who are you lying to? It must be the lover of that cheap maid. She is quite dirty in private, so she gave her nest to you. Come on, talk to that cheap maid. Where are you now? But I want to have sex with you privately? But judging from your age, you are too young. I don’t know if you are her privately raised child! That bitch was quite serious back then, and she didn’t break through without thinking. The demon general has become so shameless. Whether he is coveting babies or raising children privately, he is still shameless!"

I didn't expect that Yue Posuo was such a charming woman, and every word she spoke was laced with "papa sauce". She had a more vulgar speech than a man, so she couldn't help but frown slightly, and the Nine Mysterious True Laws were cultivated in her body. Under the deduction of the Jiuyuan Sutra, his demonic power faded away from its origin and evolved into a strange sutra. With a clap of his hands, two lightning whips flew out of his sleeves, and he shouted: "This is the special skill of Longhu Mountain! You But take a closer look, are they genuine?"

Although Xu Liao's own cultivation level is only the Nine Mysterious True Method, he has the destiny of Collapse Dragon and can also practice the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan. Therefore, although he has not practiced it carefully and only temporarily simulated it with the Nine Mysterious True Method, this Wen Zhong's The housekeeping spell still works like a charm, without any flaws.

Wen Zhong practiced the true art of controlling thunder and lightning, but the two thunder whips were one of the eight secret techniques. Thunder was used to generate thunder, and the magic power was intertwined with thunderbolts, making it unstoppable.

Xu Liao is well aware of the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan.

Even if they were hastily simulated, the two thunder and lightning whips were still very powerful. They seemed to have the lethality of the demon king level. Yue Posuo was taken aback and hurriedly activated the demonic power of her body to deflect the two thunder and lightning whips.

Yue Posuo, like her own daughter, has never practiced the demonic skills passed down from the Yue Po Spirit Tree clan, but relying on her talent and inheritance, she pieced together here and there to create a method called Yue Po. Yagakure!

Yuepo Bayin is not an invisibility spell, but a method of hiding demonic power. It can cultivate the demonic power so that it is almost invisible. Ordinary enemies have no way of catching it. They have already been attacked before they feel that the demonic energy is approaching. .

But Xu Liao would not give her a chance at all. The two lightning whips were like two thunder and lightning dragons, attacking with every move. Xu Feiniang's Yue Po Suo skill was sucked away, and her cultivation fell to the first level of the Demon King, no better than Xu Liao. How many, how dare you take such a powerful move? He could only activate his body skills and dodge constantly, but Yue Po Hayin couldn't do it either.

In fact, Yue Posuo didn't know that Xu Luo was just deducing it based on the calculation of nine yuan, and temporarily simulated the 'operating' lightning control magic and thunder whip. However, if Yue Posuo tried hard to hit it a few times, she would find that it was just a silver pewter spear head that could be easily punctured.

But how great is Wen Zhong’s reputation?

He has magical powers of thunder and lightning, and can almost be regarded as the number one person in the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Even if the other three Dragon Palaces can surpass Wen Zhong and others, they are only a handful.

The disciples under his sect also practice the authentic Dragon Tiger Mountain magic. They all have similar cultivation levels. Who dares to fight against the demonic magic that is known as the most powerful attack of the Dragon Clan?

Yue Posuo fought with Xu Zuo for several rounds, and she couldn't help but believe his lies, and hurriedly shouted: "I recognized the wrong person, and I hope Dao Chang Haihan has taken away my magical powers!"

Although Xu Liao's two lightning whips are superficial, his fighting consciousness and skills are impeccable. There are only a few people in the world who can match him. The earth is in a lot of chaos due to wars. The monsters have long innovated their fighting techniques, and their martial arts are also changing day by day. However, the battles in the Four Seas Territory are still the same as the old ones. They may be able to plot against Ling Wei Da. The handsome parent and son, the weak defeating the strong, is a testament to this difference in fighting skills.

The thunder and lightning whip that Yue Posuo only promised was indeed powerful. How could he have thought that the other party was just cheating?

Xu made a few fierce attacking moves to let Yue Posuo know how powerful his "whip technique" was. Then he stopped when he was good, put the two lightning whips back into his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Since it is a misunderstanding, no Do you know how you plan to compensate Pindao? Pindao was so frightened just now that his whole body was trembling. He will never rest without a heavy compensation!"

Although there are bad people in the Four Seas Territory Map, because the information is not developed enough, most monsters are still simple in nature. Yue Posuo staggered when she heard Xu's words, and almost fell down. Her cheeks immediately turned red, and she couldn't bear it. He stopped and shouted: "Why did you take my fright? Just now I was forced to do something by my Taoist fellow!"

Xu said boldly: "Although I am still a little advanced in my practice, I am still young and naturally timid. It is natural for me to be frightened. If you are unwilling to compensate, I will go back to Longhu Mountain and beg my teacher and fellow students. The 'door' will come to reason!"

Xu Luo said so confidently, Yue Posuo was a little skeptical at first, but looking at his appearance of only three years old, she became a little convinced. She couldn't help but said with embarrassment: "I am poor, where can I find any good things?" Make compensation?”

Xu groaned slightly, thought for a moment, then slapped his thigh and said, "I see you are a monster from the Wood Clan. I heard that most of the monsters from the Wood Clan can produce spiritual juice! Not only is it very sweet, but it's also It has many wonderful uses, if you give me a thousand cups of spiritual juice, this matter will be revealed!"

Yue Po Suo was even more embarrassed and shouted: "Our Yue Po Spirit Tree is not a tree tribe that produces spiritual juice. Not to mention a thousand cups, we can't get even one cup!".


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