One Sword to Immortality

565. Alliance under the city

Xu Zuo immediately made an evil appearance, a five-color golden lotus flew out of his sleeves, and two "thunder whips" were looming. Yue Posuo was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that this kid-looking guy would actually fall out with him at the slightest sign. There is no relaxation. -79 Novel Network-

Yue Posu didn't dare to fight with Xu Zuo, so she turned and rode the wind, but was caught in the air by the five-color golden lotus, which bloomed with five-color light and pinned her to the spot.

This five-color golden lotus has been refined to the point where thirty-six gangang veins are complete, and it has adopted two monsters, Ao Tianxiang and Liang Shanbo, as the eyes of the formation. Ao Tianxiang can just give it back, but Liang Shanbo is a new monster general. At this level, The great demon's aura spread out, immediately increasing the power of the five-color golden lotus by several percent.

The majestic formation contained in the five-color golden lotus can even open up the void. Locking down the space is just a trivial matter. Yue Posuo's skill has degraded and is no more than the first stage of the Demon King. How can he struggle?

She activated her demonic power and wanted to escape, but when the demonic power was released, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, being sucked away by a force. She couldn't help but feel horrified, and shouted: "I have no grudge against you, why are you so cruel? Our Yue Po The Spirit Tree Clan does not produce spiritual juice, even if you force me to do so!"

He gave a "smile" and shouted: "Since you scared me, how can you easily walk away? If you can't hold back and have a good discussion, maybe we can also discuss a charter. If you insist on going your own way, you have to fight... Then... You can’t blame me for being cruel and cruel.”

Yue Posuo didn't know that Xu Ze was just threatening, and thought that this guy had already had murderous intentions. She was frightened by Xu just now, and now she was imprisoned by the five-color golden lotus. She was so flustered that she no longer knew what to do. response.

Yue Posuo is used to living alone, mostly because she has an extreme temperament and can't get along with anyone. People with this kind of personality, when faced with danger, are often willing to give up their interests and just seek An escape.

This method seems to be able to get out of trouble, but in fact it is just weakness and giving in. People will continue to take advantage of them, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Xu You learned about Yue Posuo's nature from Xu Feiniang, and immediately found a way to deal with it. Although Xu Feiniang had practiced Taoism for a longer time than Xu Feiniang, she was not as understanding of human nature as Xu Feiniang, so she I don't know how to solve Yue Po Suo's problem at all. After a while, there are many ways. It just depends on which one I like to use.

Seeing that he had already bluffed Yue Posuo, Xu Liao immediately said in a "good manner": If you are willing to give up your struggle and negotiate with me, I will not be able to give in. After all, I am from Longhu Mountain. Longhushan is a well-known sect and will never be unreasonable. "

Although Longhu Mountain has a great name, how can it have a good reputation with a guy like Xiongtie Mountain and Wei Qingbat?

But people in the world are so strange. Many people are willing to believe in some famous things, and they naturally think that these people are of high moral character.

Just like in schools on Earth, all scientific celebrities and great figures from various countries are always promoted as saints. In fact, the moral character of these people may not be as noble as that of ordinary people. But just this kind of crude propaganda can cost tens of millions of people. Billions of people believe it.

Yue Posuo was no exception. When she heard the name of Longhu Mountain, she couldn't help but believe it without thinking about it carefully. The name of Longhu Mountain was resounding, but it had never been so resounding in terms of reputation.

After only half an hour of persuasion with Xu's combination of strength and softness, threats and softness, Yue Posuo gave up the resistance and allowed the huge formation to erode the acupoints all over her body, and was captured alive by Xu.

Xu Lao squinted his eyes and looked at Yue Po Sua whose eyes were suppressed by the great formation. He couldn't help but admired secretly: "The people of the Yue Po clan are so gullible. Will their brains freeze when they turn to a certain problem?" , can’t think deeply about the problem at all?”

Yue Posuo is a kind-hearted person who is very indifferent to acquaintances who don't care a little bit, but is very gullible to strangers, so she promised not to show up as a disciple of Lan Taoshan, but as a disciple of Longhu Mountain, Yue Posuo can make Yue Posuo stand out. Whirling believe.

Xu Le has also developed five Gang meridians. If he really takes action, he may not be able to defeat Yue Po Sua, but if two people take action, many of Xu's subsequent methods will be useless.

Yue Posuo only felt that Xu was boring and overbearing, and she only hoped that this person could keep his word. She sat quietly in the huge formation made of five-color golden lotus, letting the formation erode her demonic power, and her face Lu' sneered, making a gesture like I'll see what you want to do.

Of course Xu Luo would not make a strong gesture at this time. He asked a few questions casually, diverted Yue Posuo's thoughts, and deliberately looked surprised and shouted: "It turns out that your cultivation level is close to that of a demon." General, why did you fall to this point?"

When Yue Posuo mentioned this matter, she couldn't help but feel hatred in her heart and shouted: "Of course it's because of that cheap maid..."

Yue Posuo thought that Xu Lio didn't know anything about it, so she told her what happened that year in detail. Most of them were almost the same as what Xu Feiniang said, but there were some differences later.

Xu Feiniang combined Yue Posuo's skills and broke through the demon general. Even if she wanted to spit out her skills, she could only spit back half of her skills. As a result, her own cultivation level would be damaged, falling to 70% of its original value.

The demon nerve's serious cultivation method can only be combined, not split. The combined skill can instantly break through the realm, but if it is split, the skills of both schools will not be able to return to their original state, and they will both be reduced by half, and the loss in the middle will be huge. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever planned to go back after cultivating the combined power.

Xu Feiniang did not mention this matter, obviously still caring about her former best friend.

Xu Luo made a gesture of listening attentively, and when Yue Posuo got to an emotional point, he interjected at the right moment and said, "Do you want to regain your skills?"

Yue Posuo said without thinking: "Why don't you want to? I even dreamed of killing that bitch!"

Xu nodded and said: "Originally I wanted you to compensate me, but your skills are too weak and you can't help me at all. If I can restore your original skills and then take revenge, will you be willing to repay me?"

Yue Posuo couldn't help but be stunned. She didn't believe that Xu Zuo had such ability. Just when she was about to refuse, Xu Zuo continued: "If you don't want to, I think you are of no use and I will definitely kill you. Please think carefully." Bar!"

Xu Luo is well aware of the character of people like Yue Posuo. If you are easy to talk to, she will pick on Qiao. If you are evil, she will humbly agree, so he will not use any tricks. , that is, upright 'force'.

Yue Po Suo almost cursed, she had the intention to refuse, but she agreed not to beg her, or to discuss with her, but to directly force him to the point of life and death, leaving the wood demon of the Yue Po Spirit Tree clan with no other choice.

Yue Po Suo thought aggrievedly for a long time, gritted her silver teeth and said, "I promise you! But our Yue Po Clan will never be able to squeeze out any spiritual juice, even if we break through the realm, it is impossible."

Xu looked at her coldly for a while, and then said: "I have a riddle for you to guess: Pa Pa Jiang! Beat a vulgar thing!"

Yue Posuo couldn't help being stunned and asked: "What does this mean? 8

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