One Sword to Immortality

568. The 4th Formation Eye

"Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Technique" is also a very rare form transformation spell on earth. If the world map is leaked, I don't know how many monsters will fight for it. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

Once there are flaws in the transformation, there is no way to completely make up for the flaws, but excellent spells such as the "Yin and Yang Liujia Form Refining Method" can make slight changes and make up for some of the mistakes in the transformation.

Xu Liao did not fully count on this set of techniques. After all, this set of transformation spells could only make limited changes. He only used the "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method" as bait to obtain the Seven Friends of Xiu Yue. of trust.

Yue Po Suo also took advantage of the situation to mobilize the demon power to cooperate with Xu. Yue Po Suo's cultivation had already fallen to the first level of the Demon King, but now she 'revealed' the peak strength of the Demon King, which immediately shocked the six-headed Demon King and made him believe it. , but I still don’t have any confidence in Xu.

Hai Wuya has not recovered from his injuries. Although he is afraid of Xu, he does not want to break up with Xu. He asked in a low voice: "I don't know why you want to help us?"

Xu Liao opened his hands and said confidently: "I want to do something big and need many partners, but if there is no benefit to others, how can I gather more friends?"

Although Hai Wuya was rough but fine, he was a heroic man and promised to fall in love with him. He immediately had a good impression of him, so he didn't ask questions carefully and shouted: "In this case, I will believe you for once!"

Xu made a move with his hands together, and a magic formula suddenly appeared. This "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method" is real and true, and there is nothing fake about it. Although the perfect shape transformation spell is rare, it is not a profound one. The magic formula, so several monsters just glanced at it and understood that Xu Li was not lying.

The seven friends of Xiu Yue suddenly became excited. When they transformed, they all had some flaws. Yue Posuo was the best, but there were still many unsatisfactory places. Several monsters were almost thinking : "If I had understood this method back then, wouldn't I have broken through the realm long ago..."

Seeing Xu's heroic attitude, Hai Wuya immediately handed over his hand and said, "This magic formula is very precious. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to come to see us without any hesitation."

Xu Liao winked, and Yue Posuo reluctantly introduced Xu Liao: "Sun Wuwang is a disciple of Longhu Mountain. He is a disciple of Emperor Wen Zhong. He has profound knowledge and broad knowledge. Baijia also has a formation that can assist in cultivation. I also relied on the power of the great formation to break through to the peak of the Demon King. If my brother uses this formation, he will definitely be promoted to Demon General!"

Hai Wuya hesitated for a moment and said: "I am now being backlashed by the vitality of heaven and earth. I have been severely injured. There is no hope of a breakthrough for the time being. I will not try again. I will ask Little Brother Sun to help me when I have accumulated enough strength!"

Hai Wuya didn't want to owe Xu too many favors. Although he was heroic, he still recognized Xu.

But I always feel that once you owe too many favors, it will be difficult to repay them, and there is still a certain limit.

How could he promise to give them such a margin? He immediately said: "My formation is also very helpful in repairing injuries. Brother Hai is seriously injured. Although it is not difficult to treat, it is always good to recover his skills earlier!"

He stretched out his hand and patted the moon, and suddenly a golden lotus flew out and turned into a large formation. Not only Haiwuya, but also the other five monsters felt full of vitality, as if they were bathed in the spring breeze.

Hai Wuya hesitated for a moment, then shouted: "I'll forgive you!"

He sat down cross-legged and slowly started the "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method". Some of the physical defects that were difficult to make up for due to errors in transformation were actually slightly loose. Although the improvement was slight, it was much better than before. , which immediately made him overjoyed.

Several other monsters, seeing that Hai Wuya's cultivation was going well, couldn't help but start practicing with the help of the Heavenly Formation. Even Yue Posuo was infected by everyone and practiced together.

The more people who practice the Great Formation, the more powerful it is. With the seven demon kings practicing together, it is equivalent to combining the power of seven people to practice the formation, especially the Yue Po Spirit Tree Clan. There is the ability to refine the void, which is most suitable for the Great Formation. In just a moment, the demonic energy of the seven-headed monsters and the Great Formation are indistinguishable from each other, and they are refined into one.

Xu Luo activated the Jiuyuan Sutra, and the Five Method Tracks were running rapidly in the sea of ​​consciousness. In just a moment, the movement of Hai Wuya's magic power was deduced, and various flaws in Hai Wuya's demonic power were deduced.

He had an opportunity when Hai Wuya swallowed the vitality of heaven and earth, and casually injected a spell. Hai Wuya's innate blood was impure, so he did not transform the sea-swallowing black whale into Hai Wuya's sea of ​​consciousness, but instead cast it into Hai Wuya's sea of ​​consciousness. The Eight Methods of Zhenhai penetrated into the soul of this big whale.

Hai Wuya's bloodline was impure, so he could not receive the true inheritance of the Sea Swallowing Black Whale Clan. However, just as he was repairing his injuries and running the "Yin'Yang Liujia Form Refining Technique", a magic formula suddenly came into his mind and followed him. The demonic skills he had practiced throughout his life were incomparably compatible with each other, and he became several times more sophisticated. He could no longer suppress the surge of demonic power in his body, and became one with the vitality of heaven and earth again.

The seven friends of Xiu Yue were practicing when they all suddenly felt something was wrong. The six monsters opened their eyes together, only to see the demonic light on Hai Wuya's body turning into the sea, and the clouds and mist filled it, borrowing one ten thousandth of the power of the Southern Ocean out of thin air.

More than nine cities in the Four Seas Territory are covered by four seas. The Nanyang Sea accounts for one-fifth or sixth of the Four Seas Territory. One percent of the water power of the Nanyang Sea is almost equivalent to the size of half of the Atlantic Ocean on the earth.

Such abundant water power immediately pushed Hai Wuya's cultivation level up a level. The entire Xiuyue Mountain roared and faintly shook. Then he saw a stream of water rising into the sky and rolling down again. A giant whale was in the sea. Appeared in the "wave", looked up to the sky and roared, spraying out like a mountain water column, reaching a hundred miles high in the sky.

Liu Mingchuan, Xu Yi, Qianmo Tongzi, Boundless Hai, Hai Tianxiu and other five demon kings laughed loudly together and shouted: "Big brother finally broke through the demon general! Big brother finally broke through the demon general!"

Yue Posuo's expression was also quite strange. She didn't know what kind of magical ability Xu had, which could allow her to easily reach the peak of the Demon King, and also allow Hai Wuya to break through the realm and step into the Demon General level.

This kind of person is really scary, even though Yue Bansuo is not particularly smart, she is also afraid of Xu Zuo, and she doesn't feel like hiding some of her original little thoughts.

Hai Wuya stepped into the demon general level and merged with the aura of the Heavenly Formation. They were immediately inseparable and became the fourth eye of the formation.

I couldn't help but feel happy after saying this, and thought to myself: "With the two great monsters Hai Wuya and Liang Shanbo, and subduing some more monsters, this great formation will be enough to protect me before I break through the monster commander." .”

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