One Sword to Immortality

569. Only life and death can have true meaning!

The Great Formation of Heaven is the most superior Taoist teaching passed down by the ancestor of Jade Cauldron. Its importance in the first sect of Jade Cauldron is not inferior to the thirty-six transformations of Jade Cauldron, especially the refining. The power of the void was still made possible by the two realms of void refinement formation given by the Ten Thousand Demons Society when they first participated in the Seven-Day War. -79 Novel Network-

In addition, the Heavenly Formation can gather hundreds or even thousands of monks, and its effectiveness against powerful enemies in higher realms is also unparalleled. It is much more powerful than any similar spells. The monks who have been refined into the formation eye , there is no way to realize that I am tied up.

The Great Formation was originally meant to assist fellow disciples in their cultivation, so those who were refined into Formation Eyes would only feel that there were countless benefits and would not feel any harm at all, although the ancestor of the Jade Cauldron also passed down the method of restraint. , but it is only for precaution, not for controlling people's hearts.

How can Hai Wuya be compared with the ancestor of the ‘Jade’ Ding? He had no way of realizing that he had been controlled by the heavenly formation. He only felt that the demonic power had broken through the realm. He hesitated and roared, and the water light rolled down from the sky, and he transformed into a human form in the boundless water.

It turned out that although Hai Wuya's body was high and hidden, he gave birth to a fish head with chopped pepper! It seems that he can't generate momentum no matter what. Now he has broken through the demon general and practiced the magic of transformation. Although it has not made up for many shortcomings of transformation, he has finally turned a fish head into a man's head with majestic features. .

He looked around for a moment, but he felt very satisfied, and even had a rather sissy feeling like "I am such a hero, I finally have a look that matches him!"

His affection for Xu Zuo suddenly increased a lot as his cultivation level reached a breakthrough. He pulled Xu Zuo after he landed on the ground, made many promises of thanks, and even proposed to become brothers with Xu Zuo.

Xu Liao has never been fond of the extraordinarily rustic behavior of becoming sworn brothers.

The ancient and backward model of making friends by making sworn brothers and sisters has long been eliminated by modern society. Only the student party is still maintained, but it has long lost its core value.

In ancient times, the concept of sworn worship was based on the concept of living and dying together. It emphasized kowtowing one head and living and dying together. Today's student party calls eldest brother, second brother, third brother and fourth brother, just because of the living pattern of sleeping together. There is no process of selecting friends and reviewing friendships, and does not care whether the other person is worthy of being a 'partner'. Compared with the ancient sworn sworn relationship Especially ignorant and backward.

Xu Li was not a fan of this kind of making friends, and he was born on Earth. He was already estranged from the ancient world of the Four Seas Territory, and he had no intention of getting close to the creatures in the Four Seas Territory. It is impossible to think that we are brothers with Hai Wuya and others.

So he simply refused and said: "My master's sect, Longhu Mountain, has quite a rule. Unless we are from the same sect, we are not allowed to sworn sworn brothers. If my brothers don't give up, and follow me to worship in Longhu Mountain in the future, we will naturally become brothers." , but it’s unbearable at this time.”

I didn't lie when I promised,

Wen Zhong was born in a royal family and always valued his status. Especially since he knew that there were several incompetent disciples under his sect, he was afraid that they would make friends with some bullshit brothers and cause trouble, which would also implicate him.

Wen Zhong was not afraid of trouble, but he was really too lazy to care about such nonsense and nonsense, so he established these rules. If there were no such rules, people like Xiong Tieshan and Wei Qingbat would be able to sworn thousands of brothers.

Hai Wuya had also heard of this rule. He couldn't help but sigh when he heard the words: "We brothers have our own ideas and cannot worship in Longhu Mountain. It seems that we have no destiny as brothers."

Xu Zao was not very clear about the thoughts of these wandering cultivators. Yue Posuo just didn't want to worship in Lan Taoshan. Even if she encountered a formidable enemy, she would rather die and fight on her own than seek protection from others.

For him, survival is the first need, and he can do anything to survive.

Just like when he was studying at the Cave Xuanxian Sect, even though he knew it was wrong, he still stole the gold chainmail because he would soon face Sun Zhonghu's pursuit. The only way to survive was to The important thing is that even if you do something wrong, you can always change it.

But if you can't survive, all your persistence and entanglement will just disappear. At most, you will be called stupid by others, and you will not be as great and disciplined as you imagined.

Only life and death can have true meaning!

It's a pity that I can't marry the seven friends of Xiu Yue, not to mention Hai Wuya, Liu Mingchuan, Xu Yi, Qianmo Tongzi, Hai Buliang, Hai Tianxiu, and even Yue Posuo. Liu Mingchuan, Xu Yi, Qianmo Tongzi, Hai Buliang, and Hai Tianxiu were all because Xu Xu seemed to be such "friends", but they couldn't be as close as brothers. If everyone becomes sworn sworn friends, they won't harm themselves too much.

Although Hai Wuya felt sorry, he was a very heroic man after all. After sighing, he excitedly said to his brothers and sisters: "I originally wanted to surrender to the army under Ying's throne, but my cultivation is not enough. Even if we defect to Ying, The king will not receive much attention and can only serve as cannon fodder! Now that I have broken through the demon general, all brothers and sisters will come with me to join King Ying. There will definitely be a future. This is the promise I made to all brothers and sisters back then. It’s time. It’s time to finish.”

Xu Liao was slightly nervous when he heard the words, but he soon understood and said: "I also want to join the king, but my teacher has a 'sect' rule and cannot join the army as a disciple of Longhu Mountain. If a few If you don’t give up, can you allow me to change my name, hide my origin, and go to King Ying?”

Except for Yue Posuo, the rest of the Seven Friends of Xiu Yue didn't think it was a big deal. They agreed immediately. After agreeing, they gave up the reincarnation name of Sun Wuwang and used a "pseudonym" to agree!

Hai Wuya relied on his magic power to stir up a cloud, took his six brothers and sisters, and Xu, and went straight to Chaoge City where King Ying lived!

The Four Seas Territory map was originally the home of the Qinglong Clan, but the pure-blooded Qinglong had left long ago, leaving only the mixed-blood dragon clan. Although to the outside, the dragon clan still occupies the Four Seas Dragon Palace, there are many big demons who are dissatisfied and think that The Lord of the Four Seas Dragon Palace is not worthy of his position, so wars continue throughout the Four Seas territory.

In fact, in addition to the long-standing heritage of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the other three Dragon Palaces are all latecomers. However, in addition to the four Dragon Palaces, there are also many great demons who are fighting endlessly against the Four Seas Dragon Palace. King Ying is the crown prince of the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea. He holds the power and is responsible for external conquests. The monsters who join his sect can not only gain glory and wealth, but also obtain resources for cultivation. Not only are there superior techniques, but also various secrets for refining the bloodline. The magic is a secret treasure that improves qualifications, so it is very attractive to casual cultivators and monsters.

Sun Wuwang's father, Zhenjiang Marquis Sun Zongyan, was originally a demon commander under King Ying, responsible for suppressing Tongquan River!

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