One Sword to Immortality

573. Assistant who runs errands

This kind of monster at the level of a monster has absolutely no value to Xu Luo, and they even have no value in cultivating it, because the bloodline of origin determines everything. .The fastest update visit:щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

Of course, this refers to the origin of monsters. If they change to practice immortal magic, they will be almost like ordinary people, without the problem of blood.

The only problem is that Xu Liao is not very optimistic about the character of the siblings, so he has no idea of ​​teaching the superior method.

Among the siblings of the Emerald Hornbill clan, the elder sister was obviously much smarter. She rushed over and knelt at Xu's feet, made a look of repentance, and whispered: "I just wanted my younger brother to follow my benefactor and learn some skills. Unexpectedly, He is used to being a thief and has not changed his nature, so he actually stole things from his benefactor. Please forgive him for being young and not very sensible..."

The younger brother changed several expressions in an instant to match his elder sister's, and finally made a confused look. Nono moved his lips, but it seemed that he was not good at talking, and he just kept kowtowing.

Even if he promised, he couldn't help but secretly praise: "If these siblings were to act, they would be on the level of movie queens and movie kings. They often perform on the verge of life and death. If their acting skills were even the slightest bit worse, they would die immediately." , no wonder he has such acting skills.”

Life on earth is comfortable. Although there are poor people and children living in war-torn countries, it is never like that in the Four Seas Territories. As long as they don't have strength, they will be treated like animals, and no one will care about their life or death.

The little monster who grew up in this environment has a cunning mind that is even more cunning than those on earth.

After comparing the maps of the four seas with powerful monsters, Xu suddenly felt that the intelligence of those powerful monsters had almost stopped developing.

He watched the siblings perform for a while, then he said with a smile, "Give me a reason not to kill you siblings?"

After finishing speaking, Xu added another sentence and said: "You only have three chances. If you can't give me a satisfactory reason three times, I will add a roast bird tonight!"

The words that the two siblings were about to blurt out were immediately choked back. The two looked at each other, not knowing how to solve the dilemma. Xu looked very difficult to deal with. None of their usual tricks seemed to work. .

The two siblings thought hard, but it was the elder sister who tried timidly, and whispered: "Our siblings are pretty good-looking, if..."

Xu Lio categorically rejected: "I don't care about women's sex, nor do I like men's sex. This is not the right reason!"

The green-haired girl and her brother looked at each other. They agreed to buy her sister, but let her go easily. This proved that he didn't like beauty, and the two of them suddenly became distressed.

After a while, the younger brother timidly tried to ask: "Our siblings are also quite smart. We have obtained the magic technique from our benefactor, and can even cultivate demonic power..."

Xu Luo interrupted again and said flatly: "The Jade Hornbill is just a low-grade demon species. Even if he practices again, he can only reach the level of a demon warrior, not even a demon king. Without demon power, what's the use of being smart?"

The two siblings suddenly looked ugly. They failed twice in a row and had only one chance. They did not dare to try again, for fear that if they missed this opportunity, they would be promised a "roasted bird".

Without urging, he casually released the two fighting beasts and began to concoct artificial spiritual consciousness.

Combat beasts have many functions and are not just used for fighting. For most monsters, they are like a portable computer. Some more advanced combat beasts may also serve as transportation tools. However, once a monster is promoted to a monster, it has many functions. King, you can fly on your own, and the function of the transportation tool is only useful at the level of the demon warrior.

Xu Leo has already set up Feng Yi Bian, but has not yet set up communication, network, and various small programs. Although these things are small, they are also the essence of the wisdom of various technical personnel. Fortunately, Xu Leo used the Heavenly Demon to Kill the Immortal at that time. He has devoured many battle beasts and divided the applications of many battle beasts. These magic programs are stored in memory and brought into the Four Seas Territory by him. Therefore, he only needs to copy them at this time. If he is allowed to compile them himself , but it is a very painful thing.

The green-haired girl and her brother did not understand the mystery of the fighting beast, and only thought it was a magic weapon. They couldn't help but secretly thought: "Why did he reveal such a treasure? What is the purpose of this treasure?" It looks so powerful, but it’s extremely complicated and I don’t know how to control it!”

The two siblings were slightly understanding, thinking they understood Xu Lie's thoughts, and said together: "We siblings are not afraid of death, we can serve as death warriors for our master!"

Xu laughed and said, "Your ideas are interesting! That's fine, just stay here for now! Run 'errands' for me."

These two little monsters from the Emerald Hornbill clan are, after all, natives of the Four Seas Territory. Although they are smart and experienced, their vision and insight are ultimately poor.

In fact, Xu didn't covet their beauty, nor did he care about their strength. He just wanted two assistants to run errands. It was rare that they could understand one or two points. Although they might have misunderstood the meaning, it was basically the same after all.

Xu Zuo shook his hand casually, flew out two talismans and landed between their eyebrows, saying: "This is the Rotting Bone Curse! If you don't appear in front of me for three consecutive days, this curse will take effect and your whole body will rot into mud. , the death is unspeakably miserable!”

The two siblings were horrified and surprised. They finally understood Xu Ling's powerful methods and put away many small tricks.

Xu Luo casually flew out a combat beast with only two Gang veins, and said: "You can use this thing for now, it will be more convenient when you do things for me."

The green-haired girl boldly reached out and grabbed her hand, and the fighting beast landed in her palm in one glance. Then countless information poured into her brain. Xu Ruo also deliberately simplified the operation. This girl The child figured out how to operate Yimulian in just a moment, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

She opened her hands gently, and suddenly a pair of wind wings fluttered behind her. Countless air currents surged under her feet, slowly floating in the air. The various techniques of the wind wings came into her mind, and she picked them up at her fingertips, including a few wind elements. little magic.

The green-haired boy was stunned. He had also seen magic weapons manipulated by those with advanced cultivation, but even though they were quite powerful, none of them could allow people to control spells they had never learned before.

He secretly thought: "This magic weapon is so powerful. It can actually make my sister know a set of wind spells. Why does this set of spells look like Crazy Xieya's Wind Wing Transformation? Crazy Xieya is a famous strongman in Xiaoye District and has been promoted." I have been the Demon King for many years, and I heard that it is very possible to break through to the Demon General in the future!"

Xu Zuo waved his hand, collected the wind spells emitted by the green-haired girl, and shouted: "Don't try out the spells in my room! You are not allowed to show this fighting beast in front of others. With your Once your ability is revealed, you will definitely be robbed by others. Although I am not afraid, I still find it troublesome!"

The green-haired girl hurriedly took away the eye-catching Lian and said respectfully: "We know!"

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