One Sword to Immortality

574. Hualong Pond

This pair of siblings from the Emerald Hornbill family, the elder sister is called Feili and the younger brother is called Fei Qing!

After promising a few words, he let them go. The siblings quietly left the yard that Hai Wuya bought. They were both very happy. Feili turned around and looked at the yard where he lived, and couldn't help but turn over the pages. After doing a few somersaults and yelling for a while, he released Ichimokuren, and the wind magic power surged throughout his body, turning into a pair of wind wings. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

Fei Qing whispered: "Sister, don't show off too much. What if someone sees you?"

Feili chuckled and said: "I can feel that with this... what kind of fighting beast that boy mentioned, Yimulian, I will be the level of the Demon King. Think about it, how many people do we have in Xiaoye District?" Head Demon King? Who can be much stronger than me? I have such great abilities, why should I be afraid of those people? That boy is very capable, but very timid. I don’t know how he developed such abilities. I If he had such ability, he would have gone rampant in the Xiaoye District long ago."

Fei Qing thought about it for a while and didn't realize what her sister said was wrong. She just said with some fear: "My benefactor has cast a rotten bone curse on us!"

Feili waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "He's not a benefactor! Besides, we didn't do anything to harm him, we just lived more comfortably. What's wrong? Besides, I don't believe it, and he doesn't It's just a demon king level. No one can undo this bullshit rotten bone curse. If I can find someone to unravel this rotten bone curse of Lao Zi, with the Eye Lian in hand, we siblings can be proud and proud. Who will return it to him?"

At this point, Feili suddenly rolled his eyes and said to his younger brother: "This kid is rich, and he must have some kind of fighting beast like this. Do you want to find a way to deceive one? Let's find someone to break the rotten bone curse. I no longer have to worry about being bullied, and my life will be many times better than before."

Fei Qing nodded, convinced that he believed in his sister's words, not to mention that he was very envious of his sister for being able to get the Yimulian.

The two siblings murmured, not expecting that Xu Liao did not turn off the communication system at all. Every word they said was transmitted to the head of Xu Liao's hand. Xu Luo couldn't help but shook his head, and suddenly lost his words to these two little monsters, and said to himself: "You are really bold, even I want to harm you, so I will give you some preferential treatment and see what you can do. "

Xu was naturally not afraid of these two little monsters from the emerald hornbill family. He was pressed for time, so he immediately began to retreat, trying to open the sixth Gang Vein.

Now there are two demon generals, Liang Shanbo and Hai Wuya, as well as six demon kings and one Ao Tianxiang in the Mitian Formation. The aura of these people's cultivation will be poured into the Mitian Formation regardless of distance. It is still far from enough, but it is enough to greatly increase the ability of the Great Formation to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Xu Xu only practiced for more than ten days.

I vaguely feel that the demonic energy in my body is condensing, and there may be another breakthrough at any time.

He even had a hunch that if he had one or two more breakthroughs and condensed a few more Gang Veins, he might be able to comprehend the third form of the Nine Mysterious True Method.

Just when Xu was practicing hard, he suddenly heard the long roar of Hai Wuya, which seemed to be very pleasant. His heart moved slightly, and after a little deduction, he stopped practicing and broke out.

Xiu Yue's seven friends all gathered in the hall. Seeing Xu coming over, Hai Wuya was also very excited and shouted: "Hero Mansion has issued a document, asking us to go to Zhen Tian Hou Mansion to obey the order. This time we should go to Zhen Tian Hou Mansion." The heavenly army.

Under the throne of Ying, there were eight great demon commanders, all of whom were named princes. Sun Zong was named the Marquis of Zhenjiang and guarded the Tongquan River. Commander Lingwei was named the Marquis of Lingwei and guarded Feiling City. Bai Mengzhen was named the Marquis of Yongchang and guarded Yongchang. close! Xu Luo met Feiyun Hou's general on the street some time ago. Feiyun Hou was called Yun Jiuxiao, and he alone led the Feiyun Army and fought outside.

The remaining four demon commanders are Zhentianhou Wei Zhentian, Guanglinghou Zhang Xuyi, Weiyuanhou Xu Qiling, and Dongxiang Houba Shinto!

Now Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongyan was forced to rebel by Commander Ling Wei and Bai Mengzhen because his son's destiny violated the Dragon Clan's taboo. There are only seven demon commanders under the Ying throne, and it is already quite difficult to conquer the four directions, so recently Recruiting various monsters, the conditions given are slightly more generous.

Hai Wuya passed the documents from the Hero's Mansion to everyone for viewing. Xu Liao saw that he had been granted a small official position and could recruit three hundred demon soldiers on his own. He couldn't help but smile and thought to himself: "The map of the Four Seas Territory" The army is also interesting. The demon commander is only in charge of the demon general level, and the demon general is only in charge of the demon king level. Below the demon king, he recruits his own soldiers. All the monsters of the demon king level are under the hands of the demon kings. The handsome man and the general will not care about you."

In fact, this situation is normal in the world of monsters and immortals. No matter how many monsters there are, the monster king and generals are not enough to kill them. Why do the big monsters still care about the little monsters at the bottom?

In ancient times, battles between monsters and ascetics were fought by strong men, and their subordinates had to clean the battlefield and do some chores.

Only on earth, because they have absorbed the earth's culture, the big monsters rarely take action, but the bottom monsters are more active.

This is also because the earth's environment is relatively peaceful. Monsters and immortal cultivators don't fight much. The top-level demons and gods all restrict each other. Unlike in the Four Seas Territory, there are no top-level monsters to restrict. The remaining demons and commanders will fight endlessly. .

Xu read the documents for a while and found out a few advantages that could be used. He secretly thought in his heart: "If you give me some opportunities, in just one year, I can make the Great Formation reach a thousand people." Only when the formation has a thousand monsters can it function normally. Maybe I can refine the five-color golden lotus that carries the huge formation into a top-grade spiritual weapon at the level of a demon general!"

Once the thirty-six Gang meridians merge into one Great Evolution Vein, the power of the five-color golden lotus will increase more than ten times?

Xu thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "I would like to congratulate Brother Hai Wuya, are we going to immediately exorcise the demons from Zhentianhou's mansion?"

Hai Wuya said: "Of course it's best to go as soon as possible! Zhentianhou is the number one demon commander under King Ying, and his strength is unfathomable. We can join the Zhentian Army and make great achievements. Maybe in a few years we will You can accumulate enough merit to roll around in the Hualong Pond!"

Hai Wuya was very happy, but Xu Luo was slightly surprised and shouted: "Is King Ying still in charge of Hualong Pond?"

Hai Wuya was asked in reply, his expression suddenly became strange, and he said: "It is known to the whole world that King Ying holds the Hualong Pond. Why don't you know about it, little brother? You are from Wen Zhong of Longhu Mountain. How can you not be considered ignorant as a member of the Emperor's family?"

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