Zhen Tianhou looked at Hai Wuya, Xu Liao and the others with no expression on his face. He just said lightly: "You can recruit demon soldiers on your own, go down!"

Hai Wuya and the others immediately bowed their heads respectfully, saluted, and prepared to leave. However, they hesitated slightly, then showed a look of realization, pointed at the serrated long knife behind Zhentian Hou, and shouted: " The ultimate sword! The ultimate sword!"

Hai Wuya and others were startled, and hurriedly grabbed Xu Zuo. Their faces were full of panic, and they couldn't help but apologize to Zhentian Hou. However, Zhentian Hou Wei Zhentian, who had a metallic face, could not show surprise on his face. He was so 'sexy', but there was a buzzing sound in his mouth, and he shouted: "How do you know the Jueshen Sword?"

Xu Luo broke free from the restraints of Hai Wuya and others and said loudly: "I once obtained half of the magic formula, which is the method of sacrificing and refining the Jueshen Sword, so I know this magic weapon!"

Zhentianhou shouted: "Hurry up and present the magic formula!"

Xu took out a volume of silk book from his sleeve and held it in both hands. Zhentian Hou reached out and grabbed the silk book. Without hesitation for a moment, he started to read it. He read it for a moment and showed a strange look. ', shouted: "It is indeed the 'sect' of the Jueshen Sword's sacrificial refining method. Where did you come from?"

Xu Liao said in a low voice: "This is a family heirloom. My father went on an adventure with others, and finally came back seriously injured. He died before he could say anything. Only this scroll of magic formula was left, but most of it was missing. There was no way to use it at all. Practice... For more latest chapters, visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ. I have also thought about cultivating a magic sword, but I never got in. I accidentally saw the magic weapon behind the lord, and then I I was so excited that I lost my etiquette!"

Zhentian Hou read it for a moment, nodded, and said: "You have great merit! I will not be stingy with rewards. Would you rather be taught a skill or a top-grade spiritual weapon?"

Hai Wuya and others were overjoyed, and they all expressed their approval, hoping that he could choose the Cultivation Technique. Although spiritual weapons were important, they were ultimately not as good as the Cultivation Technique, which could improve their own strength.

Where is the lack of skills in Xu? On the other hand, the high-grade spiritual weapons of Dayan Shi and Demon General levels were of great use to him. He immediately said happily: "I am willing to choose a high-grade spiritual weapon."

Zhentianhou said hello, and as soon as he lowered his hand, a drop of liquid metal fell to the ground, turning into a strange-looking boy, and shouted: "Please follow me!"

The boy casually grabbed it, and a big black hole opened in Zhentianhou's chest and abdomen. He led eight people and got in.

Xu Lao couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Zhentianhou could actually cultivate the void world in his own body. Not to mention this skill, it must be a special void spell or a certain void magic weapon, otherwise he would never be able to do it. at this point.

Hai Wuya and others all looked strange.

On the one hand, he regretted that Xu had chosen a high-grade spiritual weapon instead of a martial art. On the other hand, he was amazed that Zhentianhou's magical power reached the sky and he could turn liquid into a human being and create a void.

Xu was very courageous, took a step forward, and called out: "What do you call this boy?"

The boy who transformed into a human from Zhentian Hou chuckled and said, "You can call me Jin Jingzi!"

Xu Liao asked enthusiastically: "I wonder if the boy only changes temporarily, or can his spirit stay forever?"

The boy Jin Jing paused slightly and then led everyone to the ground. Everyone felt that their eyes suddenly opened up. A warehouse appeared in front of them, with countless magical weapons, magical treasures, spiritual objects, and magic books, arranged in various cabinets.

The golden boy said calmly: "We are all temporary changes, and we don't have the blessing of eternal spiritual gods!"

Xu Lao lowered his voice and said: "I have a method that can transform spiritual consciousness into form. Although the body will still be taken back by Zhentianhou, no matter how many times he turns liquid into a human being in the future, the boy's spiritual consciousness will be transformed every time. If we separate them, it will almost be like waiting for Ruo Ling Shen to stay forever."

Xiu Yue's seven friends were immediately shocked, and they all secretly cursed Xu for being shameless, for actually coming up with such a bribery method.

The golden boy sneered and asked: "Do you really have this method? Even if you do, I can't go against the name of the Marquis and give you one more spiritual weapon!"

Xu shook his head and said: "This is just an ordinary courtesy exchange between friends. How can there be any selfishness? Besides, we may not be able to come in again based on merit in the future. Where is the need for favoritism? Earn rewards based on your ability. , isn’t it fair and aboveboard?”

After Xu said these words, the seven friends of Xiu Yue nodded repeatedly, and even the Jin Jing boy showed admiration. Xu Xu suddenly felt that deception was indeed not too prevalent in the Four Seas Territory Map. Even this kind of casual talk to fool children, some people believe it deeply.

He immediately gave a copy of "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method", and also included a set of cultivation methods for the great formation with this set of methods. Of course, this is not the complete book, and he doesn't have that. Ambition, wanting to sacrifice Zhentianhou into the great formation.

But anyway, it's just hunting rabbits. Since you have the opportunity, you might as well wave a pole and knock down nature's huge surprises. If you don't achieve it, you won't suffer any loss.

If you want to talk about being bold, Xu is definitely a bold person. Ordinary people would not dare to take action even if they have such thoughts. Even if they dare to take action, Xu has a vast knowledge of countless secrets and can come up with solutions at any time.

Although Zhentianhou has profound cultivation and can step into the realm of demon gods at any time, and his aura is unfathomable, Xu Luo never believes that he can be smarter than his teacher, Yu Dingzhenren, so he is not afraid that Zhentianhou will find out about him. small means.

The boy Jin Jing was overjoyed to have obtained two sets of magic formulas. He immediately changed his mood and said, "You want to choose top-grade spiritual soldiers. Of course I can't show favoritism, but I can point you to the easternmost shelf." , the quality over there is better.”

After making a promise, he took the seven friends of Xiu Yue and went straight over. Without turning around, he saw a shelf with more than a hundred high-grade spiritual weapons shining brightly. Although there were many spiritual weapons, most of them were from the Longhua Association. He collected more than 100,000 Yellow Turban warriors and brought out treasures with them, but it was rare to see top-grade spiritual soldiers of such high quality.

You are welcome to agree. Tanshou chose a treasure that had all forty-nine Great Evolution Veins and was about to transform into a divine weapon. Without looking at the efficacy of this treasure, he casually branded it and refined it into the Great Heavenly Power. Inside the array.

The treasure he used to carry the Great Array was a five-color golden lotus. It was just a treasure at the pinnacle of Tiangang. If this high-grade spiritual weapon could be completely refined and combined with the Great Array, the power of the Great Array would be There will inevitably be another surge. Anyway, it is something that can be refined like a large formation. The original effect of this high-grade spiritual weapon is now dispensable.

After Xu picked something, he looked back at the golden boy. He already had the aura of the great formation on his body. He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. In order to practice for a while longer so that he could keep his spiritual consciousness, the golden boy couldn't help but feel happy. Urging them, Xu promised to be a shrewd man, and with a flick of his finger, he winked at Hai Wuya and the others.

Of course they didn't dare to mess with the magic books collected by Zhen Tianhou, but there was a stone tablet in this warehouse with a magic formula engraved on it. It would be okay to secretly note this kind of thing on public display. Wandering Toad said ps: I have not been in good condition these days. I have been off for two days and I feel quite guilty. I can only ask everyone to vote for a few more monthly votes to cheer me up.

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