One Sword to Immortality

577. Ancient Stone Demon

Hai Wuya and others got Xu Le's hint and suddenly realized that they wanted to see the spell on the stone tablet. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly.

Xu was busy refining the newly obtained magic weapon into the Heavenly Formation, and did not pay attention to the Seven Friends of Xiuyue. About two or three hours passed, and the Golden Jing boy completed the preliminary training. He was afraid of wasting time, so he could only get up reluctantly. , shouted: "Everyone, leave with me!"

It was only at this time that he had the mood to take a look at the stone tablet. He only took one look and couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Because the spells on it felt vaguely familiar to him, and they seemed to be similar to the Nine Mysterious True Techniques he practiced. There are countless connections.

Xu Luo hurriedly activated the Jiuyuan Sutra, and the Five Method Tracks were running. He recorded all the magic formulas in just an instant. Before he had time to look through it, the golden boy turned his hand, opened the passage, and sent it out. Zhen Tianhou's body was broken.

Zhentian Hou didn't know what kind of magic he was practicing, and his eyes were expressionless, like a sculpture. Xu You, Hai Wuya and the others didn't dare to disturb him and quickly retreated.

They went to collect the Zhentian Army's token, and then left the Zhentian Hou Mansion. On the way back to the mansion, Xu carefully deduced the newly obtained magic formula, and couldn't help but have a little doubt.

"This method is quite consistent with the bloodline of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey, but it is not the Nine Mysteries True Method. Although it seems incomplete, it is at least the inheritance of the demon clan at the level of demon god. Why is the deduction so weird? Could it be that Zhentian Hou is also an ancient stone demon? A clan?”

The more Xu Lao learned about ancient secrets, the more doubts he had about the ancient stone demon clan from which the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey was born.

He already knew for certain that the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan, although they were said to be one clan, consisted of only two father and son, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian. Emperor Haotian swept across the world, subdued the five demon tribes, and established Haojitian. Emperor Fantian has been in charge of the Eastern Palace and has been the prince for hundreds of thousands of years. He is known as the master of all monsters in the world. He once married Jiu Luanfeng and tried to collect the ancient stone monsters in the world, refining them into yuantai spiritual stones and hatching the third emperor. The head is a black gold emperor monkey.

The two generations of Demon Celestial Emperors are both extremely majestic, but the ancient Stone Demon Clan has produced figures comparable to the two generations of Demon Emperors. They originally competed with the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan for the power to rule the world, and the Monkey Dragon Elephant Clan has been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. , I suspected that they were also from the ancient stone demon clan.

Otherwise, how can we explain that the moving Tianlongxiang is so powerful that it can compete with the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey, and has even fought against Emperor Haotian countless times without losing, yet it has failed to join the five demon tribes?

Xu Liao secretly thought: "If this magic formula is complete, I'm afraid it may also point directly at the sky demon. If the Tianlongxiang clan is also a clan of ancient stone demons according to my calculations, wouldn't the ancient stone demons have three clans of mostly sky demons?"

The demons of gold and stone are not separated into different families. Although Zhentianhou is an innate gold spirit, he may be a member of the ancient stone demon clan. If the stone tablet he hides is inscribed with the demon method he practiced, his origin will naturally be revealed. .

Xu Liao thought about this,

I couldn't help but think to myself: "If the ancient stone demons are so tyrannical, no wonder they eventually established the ancient demon clan's heaven, Haojitian."

While Xu Liao was thinking about it, Hai Wuya and his seven friends, Xiu Yue, all said with sad faces: "No wonder Zhentianhou is not afraid of us looking at that stone tablet. The exercises on it are not suitable for our practice at all. I am afraid that only Zhentianhou Only with the bloodline can one cultivate.”

Xu was stunned for a moment and then realized that whether on earth or in ancient times, different demon clans had to refine their bloodline if they wanted to practice techniques other than those of their own clan. He had promised himself that with the demon spirit in his body, he could practice almost any clan's technique, but Hun didn't expect that others would not be able to cross the bloodline barrier.

Xu Lio comforted Xiu Yue Qiyou and said: "Even if there is no way to practice this technique, at least it can broaden your horizons. Maybe it will have other uses in the future."

Hai Wuya had never thought that he could take advantage of this. Although he was quite disappointed, he immediately let go. He was very interested in getting the high-grade spiritual weapon and asked, "Can I get your high-grade spiritual weapon?" Come out and have a look?"

Hai Tianxiu couldn't help showing a look of expectation and shouted: "Together, our seven Xiuyue friends don't have a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Only the eldest brother has a low-grade spiritual weapon. But now he has made a breakthrough." The demon general is no longer suitable."

After promising, he spread his hands, and a five-color golden lotus flew out. Xiuyue's seven friends couldn't help but be stunned, especially Yue Posuo, who couldn't help but touch herself, and finally determined which flower it was. The five-color golden lotus is still there.

Xu Liao said calmly: "I have refined this high-grade spiritual weapon and incorporated it into my protective formation. If brothers and sisters need it in the future, you can use the power of the formation to use the shadow of this spiritual weapon. Although it is not as powerful as the main body, it is no less powerful than a junior mid-level spiritual weapon."

Xu Luo then dictated a magic formula. Upon hearing this, Xiu Yue's seven friends couldn't help showing expressions of shock, but Hai Wuya nodded again and again and shouted: "As expected, it is indeed the legend of Uncle Wen Zhong from Longhu Mountain." The wonderful method I created has such a wonderful effect. From now on, we brothers and sisters, don’t we all have a medium-grade spiritual weapon with us? This formation is so powerful, I wonder if there are a few more spiritual weapons, will it be even more magical? I can refine the low-grade spiritual soldiers I carry with me into the formation."

Xu nodded and said: "This method is my teacher's use of the Jueshen Sword Sacrifice Refining method, so it is so mysterious. If there are more spiritual weapons, reaching thousands and hundreds, it can even be condensed into a magical weapon." Belongs to soldiers."

Although Hai Wuya and the other seven friends of Xiu Yue admired it, they knew that it would be impossible for them to collect so many spiritual weapons. They were no longer as surprised as before.

Xu's method of turning weapons into thousands of phantoms was indeed deduced from the magic of the Jueshen Sword. It's a pity that he doesn't have the magical power to worship the gods in Zhoutian, otherwise he would have been in Zhentianhou's body just now. He refined all the spiritual weapons and killed them out of Zhentianhou's belly. Maybe he would gain even more.

The seven friends of Xiu Yue joined the Zhentian Army and got another high-grade spiritual weapon. They were all very happy. They drank at home for a day, and the next day they all went to the Zhentian Army outside the city to wait for orders.

Xu Zhentianhou made the arrangements, so the seven people were quickly allowed to select the demon soldiers.

Hai Wuya has been promoted to Demon General, so he does not need to select demon soldiers, because he has brought the seven-headed demon king to join the army, so he is not assigned new subordinates, and Xu Liao and others are directly assigned to his account.

Liu Mingchuan, Xu Yi, Qiamo Tongzi, Hai Buliang, Hai Tianxiu, Yue Posuo and Xu had seven people, but they had to choose demon soldiers. As direct subordinates, each of them could choose five hundred demon soldiers, which was more than the three in the original document. The number of hundreds increased by nearly half.

It was the first time for Xu Liao to have such an experience. He followed the soldiers of the Zhentian Army to select his subordinates with great interest. When he entered the selection camp, he was shocked to see countless cages, each of which contained several prisoners. There are nearly a hundred monsters, some of whom have not yet opened their spiritual consciousness, so they can only be regarded as monsters, not monsters.

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