One Sword to Immortality

578. Huang Yun Rolling Refines Demonic Soldiers

Hai Wuya and others were accustomed to selecting the monster soldiers in the military camp and imprisoning them in stacked cages. As far as the eye could see, it was almost endless, and there was no telling how many monsters and monsters were trapped here. , the latest chapter visit: ШШШ.798スs.СоМ.

Xu promised that they were taken to a place, which obviously opened an area with more spiritual monsters, and said: "You can choose monster soldiers, but you can only choose according to the cage, not one by one!"

Hai Wuya and others were about to choose, but Xu Zuo stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "It's up to me to choose!"

Xu Luo casually deployed a huge formation. These monsters and monsters were all at the level of demon warriors and could easily be eroded by the formation. However, Xu Luo did not pay attention to these guys at the demon warrior level. He did a little detection and scanned twenty After sitting in a cage, I found three demon king level auras.

These three demonic beasts had not yet developed their spiritual senses, and their natures were unruly and unruly, so they were thrown at the bottom. They endured countless tortures, and each of them was dying.

But for Xu Liao, it was the best target. He continued to activate the Heavenly Formation and found more than twenty demon beasts of Demon King level without even turning. With a wave of his hand, the Heavenly Formation suddenly rolled up. Twenty or thirty cages are expected to hold about four to five thousand monster beasts, which is slightly more than the number of monster soldiers allocated.

The Binghou who brought them here didn't care about such a trivial matter at all. With the instructions of Marquis Zhentian, who would embarrass them for such a trivial matter?

When Hai Wuya saw that Xu had selected the demon soldiers, he smiled and stuffed ten coins into them. The soldier smiled broadly and felt that they were very sensible. Then he signed a document to transfer the four to five thousand demon soldiers. He came under their command and allocated a military camp.

Xu Liao and Xiu Yue Qiyou received some things from the Zhentian Army and settled down when they arrived at their barracks.

The Zhentian Army is stationed outside Chaoge City, and there is a small pass called Wangyue City!

It's just that this city is too small, and only military generals with demon general level are eligible to move in. Hai Wuya is qualified to bring dozens of subordinates in to ask for a place, but Xiu Yue's seven friends can't all. When entering, someone must stay in the barracks. He didn't want to be separated from his brothers, so he didn't ask for Wang Yuecheng's residence.

Xiu Yue Qiyou was of course overjoyed that he had taken over the task of training demon soldiers. Training demon soldiers was hard work, and in the Four Seas Territory, demon soldiers were useless in wars, so no one wanted to do it. Training demon soldiers. If you can have a magic weapon or a spell that can gather the demon soldiers and spread the beans when facing the enemy, you are considered a master of military training.

Therefore, in the small world of the Four Seas Territory, during wars, we often see scenes of shaking off the treasures we carry, releasing countless monster soldiers, and throwing them overwhelmingly at the enemy.

Of course Xu Luo would not use such a backward method. He first used the Great Formation to gather the spiritual energy.

One by one, the more than 20 monster beasts with the highest cultivation level among the monster soldiers were given spiritual consciousness.

Xu Liao knew that these monster beasts were not considered intelligent beings, so their methods were quite rough. Although these monster beasts were rough and had low IQs, they were still somewhat intelligent and knew how to obey the strong. After using various methods, most of the monsters were forced to surrender. If the monsters were still unwilling to surrender, they would not be polite if they were promised, and they would be directly transformed into battle beasts.

Several demon beasts with the strongest cultivation base gradually became frightened when they saw that several of their companions had been transformed into a ball, with only one eye left. They did not dare to resist Xu anymore, so they subdued them in one round and actually opened ten Seven-headed demonic beasts with spiritual consciousness. These seventeen-headed demonic beasts originally had the qualifications to be demon kings, but when Ruo Ruoran Xu suddenly had seventeen more demon kings in his hand.

The remaining monsters were unwilling to obey and were too unruly. They all turned into battle beasts, which was not a waste of resources.

With the addition of these seventeen demon kings, he was promised more means. It only took him seventy or eighty days to train all four to five thousand demon soldiers into the great formation. Not only did they all obey, but also The ability to execute orders and prohibitions is no better than the most disciplined troops on earth, let alone the army in the Four Seas Map.

With seventeen more demon kings and thousands more demon soldiers, the heavenly formation was finally fully deployed. Whenever Xu opened the formation, there would be yellow clouds rolling in, and countless demon soldiers would appear in the yellow clouds. Swaggering and shouting, it seems that the momentum is extraordinary.

The only bad thing is that these demon soldiers have no weapons, and the Zhentian Army will not provide weapons to these miscellaneous demon soldiers, so although they are promised to be successful in training, they are not useful and cannot be used for fighting.

Xu Yue was interested in finding some weapons for these monster soldiers, but he had no way out. Although his two magic weapons could be transformed, they could only be transformed into ten or twenty items, which was enough for himself and Xiu Yue's seven friends. Yes, it would be a big difference if it were used by four or five thousand demon soldiers.

Although Xu was troubled by this, he also knew that there was nothing he could do for the time being, so he could only make do with it. Fortunately, besides training, he also taught some low-level sorcery. Although not many of these demon soldiers were talented, only two or three of them were capable. There is always one of them who can use all his strength to cast a spell.

If you go to the battlefield and cast more than a thousand spells, it will have some momentum. Killing a few demon kings will not be a problem.

During the period when Xiu Yue Qiyou was training, the Zhentian Army was mobilized frequently, and it seemed like another war was about to begin. Hai Wuya and others were actually quite impatient, wanting to make great contributions, obtain rewards from the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and obtain some techniques to improve their realm.

Although these casual cultivating monsters have some talents and know some demonic arts, they are all people with a forbidden future. No one teaches them demonic arts, and they cannot understand them from their blood. It is extremely difficult for them to achieve a breakthrough in their realm.

On this day, Hai Wuya went out to entertain his superiors in order to go to war, leaving only the other six Xiu Yue Seven Friends and Xu Liao sitting in the camp.

Xu had already trained as a demon soldier in the past few days and had no interest in continuing to endure hardships, so he released his demon soldiers and sent out billowing yellow clouds near the camp, rolling endlessly, while he chatted with Xiu Yue Qiyou and others.

Yue Posuo was still quite afraid of Xu Zuo, but after so many days, Xu Zuo did not embarrass her, and she gradually lost her guard, and occasionally asked Xu Zuo for advice on how to practice.

Although she agreed, she didn't hide her secrets from her. Yue Po Suo was born in the Yue Po Spirit Tree Clan. In fact, she was a demon commander at the level of demon commander. The secret method passed down in the clan was enough to be promoted to demon commander. It was just Yue Po Suo and her daughter. Yue Mingxin's inheritance was cut off, so he had no choice but to cultivate to a higher level.

Xu Ruo gave Yue Mingxin a Qingling Secret Technique, but he did not intend to give it to Yue Posu. After all, this set of techniques was just a low-level technique. Although it was suitable for all the Wood Clan, it was ultimately not as good as the secret technique passed down from his direct descendants. It’s just for ordinary people from the Wood clan who don’t have inheritance to practice.

The Yue Po Spirit Tree can open up the void and evolve into a bright moon, which is of great use to Xu Le, so after Yue Po Sua came to ask for the secret method, he directly taught the Yue Po Clan's secret method.

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