One Sword to Immortality

579. Star Dou Yuan Shen Transformation

With the help of the Mitian Great Formation, Yue Posuo's skills were restored to the peak of the Demon King. She has been practicing hard these days, and with the help of the power of the Mitian Great Formation, she has gradually stabilized her cultivation. However, she originally lacked the skills, so she has been unable to do anything. Take that step. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

The method Xu Luo taught her was like rain from heaven to Yue Posuo, but Yue Posuo didn't know what Xu Luo taught her, and she was cautious when she started practicing, which delayed her a lot of time.

Yue Posuo discussed Taoism with Xu for a while, and Hai Tianxiu suddenly said: "Brother Xu, you seem to know everything and know everything. I wonder if you can teach my sister a set of exercises? I don't ask for too much. As long as you can cultivate into a demon general, you will be successful."

Xu Lio smiled slightly and said: "As far as I know, there is only one way for Sister Tianxiu to break through the demon general, and that is to abolish the foundation and practice again."

Hai Tianxiu has a mixed bloodline. Although he has the support of Hai Wuya, the Demon King has reached his limit and there is no possibility of going any further.

The abolition of the foundation as promised does not mean that she can practice demonic arts again, but like Bai Qiulian, it is possible to abolish a body of demonic power, practice spiritual power, and practice immortal magic.

Of course, the immortal way is more difficult than the demon way, and lifespan is also short. Choosing between good and bad is extremely difficult even on earth. No one in the Four Seas Territory cultivates spiritual energy at all, and Xu Liao doesn’t think Hai Tianxiu has it. This courage.

Xu Xu even gave up cultivating spiritual energy. Firstly, it was because the Jiuxuan Zhenfa was not suitable for cultivating demonic energy. Secondly, he was too lazy to waste that effort.

Hai Tianxiu seemed to take it seriously. He hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked: "What if I give up all my skills?"

Xu Luo hesitated for a moment, then smiled brightly and said, "Even if you change cultivation, it may not be 100% certain, it's just a possibility. It's also possible that not only will you fail to break through, but you won't even be able to return to your original skills."

Hai Tianxiu nodded slightly, as if he had accepted Xu Le's instructions and did not delve into it further.

Xu Lao chatted with Hai Wuya, Liu Mingchuan, Xu Yi, Qianmo Tongzi, Hai Tianxiu, Yue Posuo for half a day, and then went back to his barracks to practice. Now he is only half a step away from breaking through and practicing. The sixth is the Gang Vein, so work diligently every day.

He was transporting the demonic energy when he suddenly heard someone calling outside. He had no choice but to stop practicing. With a move, he pushed open the door of the room. He saw Hai Tianxiu Yingying walking in. Seeing him sitting cross-legged, he couldn't help but smile. , said: "I am so diligent in my promise to you. It seems that I will not be disappointed even for half a day. I have to practice hard."

Xu Lio couldn't help laughing and said: "Of course you can't miss the time. The ancients said: An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time! If you can spend all your time, Practice,

That's how it really won't be wasted. It's a pity that the way of cultivation requires relaxation, both civil and military skills. It not only requires hard practice, but also comprehends the world, and sometimes it is too urgent. "

Hai Tianxiu smiled, straightened her clothes a little, fell to the ground gently, stared at Xu, and said sincerely: "I want to ask for a superior skill, even if it takes away the skill. Hai Wuya My brother wants to get ahead, and I want to help him, but I suffer from my own inability, so I hope my little brother can help me."

After a moment of surprise, she finally realized that Hai Tianxiu was secretly in love with her eldest brother. Although they were just sworn brothers and had no blood relationship, it was still a big deal.

He has an open-minded nature and has no habit of persuading others. Otherwise, he would not directly say that Hai Tianxiu has no potential to enter the country.

In fact, he has never hidden himself, but Xiuyue Qiyu has become accustomed to the customs of the Four Seas Territory, and will not ask Xu for a skill at all, because this is a very taboo matter in the Four Seas Territory.

Not to mention the Four Seas Territory Map, even in ancient times, the secret magic method was beyond the reach of ordinary monsters, and no one would be kind enough to teach it. In ancient times, Haojitian established the Eastern Palace, but he only taught the monsters of Haojitian Palace, so he must have great merit.

Hai Wuya just wanted to join King Ying's men, rely on merit to obtain superior skills and break through his own realm, but Hai Tianxiu didn't have that stubborn idea. He found that Xu Liao seemed to know a lot, so he came to ask directly.

Xu was born on Earth, so he had no idea of ​​cherishing his skills. Except for extremely important skills, ordinary skills could be taught to him casually.

He just pondered for a moment, and then said straightforwardly: "To teach the skills, you must join this sect. If Sister Tianxiu is willing to become my teacher, I can teach you the skills to break through the demon general. It's just that you have to join the sect. , after you convert to spiritual energy cultivation, I'm afraid you won't be able to be called a demon general, you can only be called a Dayan Shi."

Hai Tianxiu didn't understand, but since she came to ask for permission, she naturally made plans. She was not as stubborn as Hai Wuya and Yue Posuo, and refused to join the sect for fear of being restrained, so she knelt down immediately. Kowtow, kowtow eight times, and call Master.

Xu sighed. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not accept a disciple. At this time, it was just a whim. With his status, it was already a great blessing for a little monster like Hai Tianxiu to become his disciple. edge.

Xu Xu's status is very high, and it is absolutely impossible for him to promote Hai Tianxiu's status and not accept a disciple or become a junior sister just because he is worthy of being a brother of Xiu Yue Qi You. It's all a matter of identity.

After receiving Hai Tianxiu, he thought about it for a moment, then sent the best fighting beast on hand to him, and said in a low voice: "In the past few days since you have lost your skills, just rely on this fighting beast to protect yourself! This thing is also Being able to exert demon king-level power is just different from your usual skills and requires a little familiarity. As for your future practice..."

Xu Zao hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he had learned in his life, and then made a decision and said: "I will teach you the Xing Dou Yuan Shen Transformation!"

Xu Liao's direct line inheritance, in addition to the 'Dong' Xuanxian sect, is the 'Yu'ding' sect. The 'Dong' Xuanxian sect's skills are not suitable for leaking, and the 'Yu'ding's thirty-six transformations are too shocking, unlike the four All the exercises in the Haijiang map are not similar, and it is easy for people to misunderstand other things, so Xu Luo thought of the thirty-six changes in the celestial phenomena that the ancestor of the 'Yu' Ding originally taught.

The power of the Thirty-Six Transformations of Celestial Phenomenon is weaker than the Thirty-six Transformations of Lingbao from the Jade Cauldron Sect, but it is also very powerful, especially it is most compatible with the Blue Dragon bloodline, and it is also a versatile match with the Sea Clan water demon bloodline. , Although Hai Tianxiu's bloodline will be abolished, his innate perception is still there, and it can still be somewhat helpful in practicing the Thirty-Six Changes of Celestial Phenomenon.

The Xing Dou Yuan Shen Transformation taught by Xu Luo is the most subtle and subtle among the thirty-six transformations of celestial phenomena. Although it is currently only at the level of a demon general, it may not be possible to reach a higher level in the future.

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