One Sword to Immortality

617. Suppress the Patrol King

The Xunhai King didn't know why Feiyun Hou didn't besiege him with Yu Liu, but at this moment he just hated himself for provoking such ruthless people for no reason. How dare you imagine what it would be like to be besieged by two demon commanders? He couldn't handle it with just six people left. 【Read the latest chapter】

Yu Liu used the Sun Burning Sky Transformation to activate the sun's true fire. He was originally a volcano and received the essence of the fire. Now that he is practicing this superior Taoist method, he has a deep understanding of the flame samadhi.

The sun's true fire arrows, the big sun's flame sword, the true fire's empty flame thunder, the flying fire flame sword... and even the fire dragon, fire horse, fire snake, fire crow all flew together, beating the patrolling king to the left and right, exhausted to resist.

Xu Anxin adjusted the formation, and under the auspices of Marquis Feiyun, the monsters in the Heavenly Formation went all out. In just three or five hours, the Canghai Huanlong Formation was completely swallowed up by the Heavenly Formation, and they were surrounded by outer space. Overwhelm this dragon formation.

Although there are still most of the formations inside and have not been completely refined, they can barely use the Great Formation again without any problems.

He didn't hesitate to say yes, secretly squeezed the magic formula, and secretly shouted in his stomach: "Get up!" The great formation rose up from the sky, looked into the sky, and pocketed the patrolling king who was fighting Yu Liu. Go in.

The Xunhai King was struggling to support himself when suddenly his vision went dark and Yu Liu was nowhere to be seen again. He was also an old man in the world, so why didn't he know that he was being plotted against?

"What are the origins of these guys? Could it be that King Ying wants to plot something?"

King Xunhai didn't know that King Ying had been plotted by the high priest and almost died. He thought that Marquis Feiyun was still obeying King Ying's orders, so he came to this conclusion. Of course, even if he knew King Ying's current situation, he could only guess that Feiyun Hou was driven by the high priest, and he would never guess that Xu was in trouble.

"What if King Ying really wants to plot something? But I can't resist it. I must choose a backer to escape this time. I can no longer fight alone. It's not easy to offend King Ying.

The King of Patrol thought that it was not bad at that time, but how did he know that he had no chance?

Xu Ruo has already suppressed the Canghai Dragon Formation and used all his methods to escape. How could he still miss this handsome demon? The huge formation fell layer by layer, and Xu didn't care about anything else, as long as he forcibly refined this demon commander.

Feiyun Hou and Yu Liu were able to escape at this time and go all out. They even had a first-level divine weapon level double-edged spear and halberd to suppress the formation. Coupled with tens of thousands of monsters working together, the current formation can be called a huge one. Unprecedentedly powerful, although the Xunhai King's cultivation was astonishing, he was still not as strong as the original Feiyun Hou. How could he withstand the mighty formation?

The Sea Patrolling King manifested his original form, a thousand-meter-long black dragon, tumbling and rolling in the huge formation, spraying dragon breath, and flying with four claws, trying to struggle out a way out.

But with every additional moment, there was an additional layer of formations on his body. With each additional layer of formations, the patrolling king's mana became stagnant.

After promising to silently regulate the vitality of the Great Formation, the Great Formation swallowed up the Canghai Dragon Formation. Although they had all been suppressed, there were still some areas that had not been completely refined, just to prevent them from rebelling.

What Xu Luo has to do is to straighten out some of the areas that are easy to straighten out and sort out the Qi mechanism so that the formation can run more smoothly, thus increasing the power of the formation a little bit.

If you don’t accumulate small steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles.

Although Xu Liao did this, although there was no immediate effect, it actually made the formation run smoother and smoother. Feiyun Hou and Yu Liu, the two great demon commanders, felt more and more comfortable in controlling the formation.

More than ten hours passed, only a roar was heard, and the entire sky array turned into a yellow light net, imprisoning a black dragon inside, and suddenly flew into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Xu was only willing to go to such trouble to hide the existence of the Heavenly Formation from King Ying, although he actually knew that he didn't have much reason. King Ying is now no more than a Demon King, and it is not easy to suppress him, but King Ying does treat him like his "own disciple", especially since King Ying has no demands and only pays unilaterally, which makes Xu feel guilty, so Only for these actions.

King Ying had been with Xu, watching the great formation flying through the air, and then he sighed and said: "The world is full of wonders. I thought I had reached the top. There are few opponents in the world, but I didn't expect that there are still others in the world. Such a wonderful method. These guys don’t know where it comes from!”

Xu smiled sarcastically and said: "No matter what their origins are, they are not harmful to our master and disciple anyway. They must have gone back to where they came from this time. Do we, master and disciple, also want to go back?"

King Ying pondered for a long time and said: "What you said makes sense. If we can master this kind of power, master will definitely be able to regain what we lost sooner. Anyway, master has fallen to this, so he is not afraid to take a risk."

The two masters and apprentices were busy for a while, but when King Ying saw that they had caught nothing, they almost got trapped in it, which made them feel a little unmotivated. Compared with Xu Liao, he was extremely happy to have gained a group of ancient blue dragon ruins, suppressed the patrolling king and the like, and even collected more than ten demon general-level dragons.

The two masters and disciples were in different moods. When they returned to their original place, they saw that the Ember Mountain was still standing in the distance, but the Ember Mountain looked more powerful than before. Bailong Mountain was refined. This mountain was even more majestic than Ember Mountain, so it swallowed up this mountain range, and Ember Mountain also changed its appearance.

It's just that Ember Mountain has now been refined, and the artificial spiritual consciousness array has been refined by Xu Sacrifice. Although it can no longer breed big monsters like Yu Liu, it has turned into an existence like an artificial monster and swallowed up Bailong Mountain. After receiving the inspiration from the mountains and rivers, Ember Mountain immediately copied more artificial spiritual consciousness and formed a larger array of artificial spiritual consciousness. The calculation was so wonderful that it had a faint flavor of nine-yuan sutra calculation.

Xu Luo didn't expect that there would be such wonderful changes in the Ember Mountain when he casually sacrificed it, but he didn't have time to figure it out and followed King Ying into the Ember Mountain first.

Now that Ember Mountain Dingkou has become more prosperous, these monsters who have been refined into the Great Formation are naturally bound by countless rules. Therefore, in the mountain city that Ember Mountain has transformed into, everyone is living and working in peace and contentment.

If it weren't for all kinds of monsters, incomplete transformations, and occasionally monsters showing their true colors, Ember Mountain would look like an ordinary city now.

When King Ying saw this change, he became even more thoughtful, so he went to look for Yu Liu and Xiao Yu'er first. He felt that he had some friendship with Yu Liu and Xiao Yu'er, which could help him understand more about this wonderful place. of strange mountains.

Although Xu Luo was told by King Ying to practice hard, he changed his formation and went directly to King Xunhai. For him, King Xunhai was not only a top master in his own right, but also a treasure whose value was still in the ocean. Above the dragon formation.


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