One Sword to Immortality

618. Beiming Zhenfa Combat Beast

The Sea Patrolling King has been suppressed by the formation. He is like a fat fish in a net. His whole body is curled up and he is trying his best to activate his demonic power to resist the erosion of the formation. But even the Sea Patrolling King himself is deeply sad because he knows that he must not be able to resist it. how long. 【】

This formation was suppressed by the two demon commanders and the double-edged spear and halberd, a first-level magic weapon comparable to the demon god series, and its power was already incredible.

Xu Liao looked at Xunhai King and said calmly: "Are you willing to surrender?"

The Sea Patrolling King didn't know what Xu Xu was. Seeing that his cultivation was not higher than the Demon King level, he roared: "I would rather die than surrender! I am the great Sea Patrolling King..."

Xu waved his hand and shouted: "I was reluctant to give up at first, but since you are unwilling to surrender, you just let me sacrifice a fighting beast!"

He promised not to be a particularly murderous person, but if he had the choice, he would definitely not kill the King of Patrol. But since the King of Patrol refused to surrender, he would naturally not lift a finger. If he could refine the King of Patrol into a demon-level commander The battle beast promised that its own strength would be greatly improved in a sudden leap, and even the means of saving lives would be greatly improved. It would not delay the suppression of the huge formation and use it as an eye of the formation.

The King of Patrol originally wanted to be more forceful, but Xu waved his hand, and a double-edged spear swayed in the air. He only felt that the cold air enveloped his body. Before he could scream, his whole body went cold. He was struck by this magical weapon. Beheaded on the spot.

Xu Luo Tan grabbed it with his hand, and the huge black dragon's body automatically fell apart and turned into countless tiny and imperceptible particles. Xu Luo has now broken through to the fifth chapter of the Nine Yuan Suan Sutra, and has also refined the Five Method Rails. On weekdays, All the methods for refining a fighting beast have been mastered, and before taking action, he had already figured out how to sacrifice this black dragon.

Feiyunhou and Yu Liu glanced at Xu and took action, killing a demon commander with a snap of his fingers. They had different thoughts. Feiyunhou felt a chill in his heart. He had always felt that he was a rare commodity and would be of great use to Xu. , life can definitely be guaranteed, but at this time, he promised to kill the demon with a snap of his fingers, without any scruples. This demon commander has deeply understood that his use value has been greatly reduced. If he doesn't behave better, I'm afraid this is his own. Lessons from the past.

Especially when Yu Liu became a demon commander, he was granted two major changes. The strength shown by the evil fighting patrol sea king also made Feiyun Hou extremely vigilant. He secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely bend his knees and never dare to be reckless and stubborn.

When Yu Liu arrived, he didn't have so many thoughts as Feiyun Hou, but he was also deeply afraid. Although he respected Xu, he always felt that his master's cultivation was mediocre, his attitude had always been quite frivolous, and he didn't control Xu very much. His temper gradually became more lawless. At this time, Xu killed the patrolling king, which immediately made his heart pound. He just felt that it would be better to listen to the teacher more in the future.

The Black Dragon clan is a heterogeneous species born the day after tomorrow. Xu has never seen the blood of a Black Dragon. However, the blood of the Sea Patrol King is mellow and he has the qualifications of a demon god. He may even have the potential to be promoted to a sky demon. However, after all, it is not suitable for the blood of the Azure Dragon clan.

Among the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan, this one is most in line with Beiming’s true method.

Therefore, when I promised to refine a battle beast, I naturally would not go against the will of heaven and waste materials. I also chose to refine the Beiming True Law as the foundation, and assisted with the Thunder Control and Electricity True Technique to refine the two major combat systems and join this world. A newly born battle beast.

If you make this promise to yourself, of course there is no way to sacrifice a fighting beast of this level. Even on Earth, fighting beasts of this level are legends. The Demon Commander level is equivalent to the Taoist level in the Eighteen Immortal Sects. It is already suppressed. A sect's top martial arts, how could it possibly be used to sacrifice some fighting beast?

Although the fighting beasts are powerful, they are ultimately inferior to the monsters and immortals of the same level who have been tempered for thousands of times. It is a waste of money to sacrifice beings of this level into fighting beasts.

If the patrolling king hadn't insisted on surrendering, he would have killed the demon commander even if he promised. Unfortunately, the patrolling king misjudged the situation, so he was unlucky enough to put Xu on guard duty.

Under Xu Zuo's thought, the whole sky formation started to move. Countless heaven and earth energy was woven into the legal principles, turned into the runes of Beiming's true method, and fell into the demon body of Xunhai King. At this time, Xunhai King's demon body collapsed. It is scattered into countless tiny and unobservable particles, but the essence remains, and the demonic power remains unabated. Although the physical body seems to be absent, it does not disappear, but exists in some strange posture. This is the deduction of the Eighteen Immortal Sects and the Ten Thousand Demons Association. The supreme method to come out and refine the fighting beasts.

Xu didn't know it before, or even use it, but now he had the cultivation level of Chapter 5 of the Nine-Yuan Sutra, and he could use it easily with the help of the Heavenly Formation.

Whenever a rune containing the true law of Beiming falls into the demonic body of Xunhai King, countless particles are attracted to it. Another rune falls, and countless particles gather. As the runes fall down one after another, Xunhai King falls. The disintegrated demon body of Neptune gradually gathered together, but it was no longer the image of a black dragon, but the body of a dragon head, majestic and domineering, high-spirited, and the demonic power was purer and deeper than the original black dragon body.

The body of the Sea Patrolling King was sacrificed and refined. Although the Demonic Power of the Sea Patrolling King was retained throughout his life, with the help of the Great Heaven Formation and the true method of Beiming, the original Demonic Power of the Sea Patrolling King was purified and washed without any impurities. It turned into the true method of Beiming.

Refining a battle beast of the Demon Commander level is not something that can be accomplished in a day or night. Even if it were promised, there would be no way to complete such a huge project in such a short period of time.

He, King Ying, and his group of demons stayed in the vast ocean for five years. King Ying practiced the method of turning the world upside down and transforming his spirit, and his body transformed into a child, but his qualifications became pure again, and his background became more powerful. , so he has already broken through the Demon King level and entered the realm of Demon General.

He even developed more than ten Great Evolution Veins. If King Ying had not wanted to make the foundation more powerful, his strength would have improved by leaps and bounds.

Xu Zuo is not as powerful as his teacher, but he has also cultivated to the peak of the Demon King. He has developed thirty-six Gang meridians. He has a faint feeling that he can step into the aura of a demon commander at any time. However, for some unknown reason, Xu Zuo never Take this step.

If the biggest change is made, it is not the pair of masters and disciples, but the great formation. The Sea Patrol King is a great demon of the Demon Commander level. He has hundreds of thousands of demons under his command, and countless demon beasts that have not yet opened their spiritual consciousness. The giant fish in the sea were expelled and used as cannon fodder. These monsters all fell into Xu Luo's hands and were refined into the great formation, which increased the power of the formation by nearly ten times.

It is precisely because the Great Formation swallowed so many sea monsters that the speed of refining combat beasts has also been greatly increased.

Xu counted with his fingers for this whole day, knowing that this battle beast was about to be released, he couldn't help but feel happy. He had been carrying it to the four seas for some time. Although he still didn't know how to survive three thousand years and return to his own world, he would eventually return to his own world. There are some achievements.

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