One Sword to Immortality

620. Qiankun changes body!

King Ying also learned some spells in Ember Mountain, and even learned the transformation of the Ruyi Golden Boat. Although this method may not be more advanced than the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan, it is another method that broadens King Ying's horizons. , plus he also learned the method of refining combat beasts, and now after several years of study, he can be considered a master in this way. 【】

After all, King Ying is extremely talented, and refining combat beasts is not a particularly advanced skill. After studying this kind of samadhi, he refined several special combat beasts. At this time, he also knew that it was inconvenient for him to move around. , and released the two fighting beasts.

The two fighting beasts made by King Ying are named Heavenly Wolf!

Although the name is majestic, it uses the sea wolf, a common monster in the sea, as the material. The two fighting beasts can sense each other. It is somewhat similar to the panoramic camera that is already quite popular on the earth. It is used in cars and can capture a wide area within a thousand miles. The scenery was reflected in a three-dimensional image and passed to King Ying.

Although King Ying did not understand Earth's technology, these two wolves had refined a lot of panoramic camera technology that coincided with Earth's, so the images they transmitted were lifelike and stable.

He urged two wolves to explore, but naturally nothing was found. He only felt that the Great Formation seemed a little weird, and his breath was much lower than usual, but he recovered very quickly. It seemed that every hour, his breath was getting worse. It can be increased by 20 to 30%.

King Ying didn't know that he had promised to refine the battle beast Beiming and extract all the vitality of the Great Formation. He thought it was another special change and did not dare to act rashly. Then he would kill this unstable factor by himself.

Xu Luo was originally worried about King Ying and still had some countermeasures left, but if these methods were used, it would inevitably delay his breakthrough. At this time, when he saw that his teacher did not make any move, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. . Although Xu Lio had never really regarded King Ying as his teacher, he did not want to fight with him, especially since there was no interest or grudge between the two of them, and there was no fight to the death. necessary.

If King Ying wanted revenge, Xu Luo wouldn't even mind helping him a little.

King Ying took the two wolves back because he had a vague feeling that the Great Formation seemed to have changed again, but he couldn't detect it. Where did this change come from.

After promising this, I felt relieved. As the aura of the Mitian Formation recovered, it also had the ability to feed back the demonic energy. Yu Liu restored the demonic power first, followed by Feiyun Hou. The Mitian Formation recovered 40 to 50% of its power. , he took action as soon as he promised, because this formation no longer needed his attention.

Xu became a demon general for the first time, and the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa, which had been silent for a long time, also underwent continuous changes. The black gold iron wire demon core, after he understood the rebellion of Qian Tianshen, turned into a towering black iron rod again. Nowadays, the iron rod changes again and again. It can be as thick or large as you like. The black gold runes that make up the iron rod are gathered and scattered according to your heart. It is no longer the original unwillingness to obey orders.

After promising to silently circulate the black gold demonic power, a new method suddenly appeared. This method is the fourth form of the Jiu Xuan True Method. The Jiu Xuan True Method is derived from the original Jiu Xuan Changing Tendon Technique, Collapse Dragon Immortal Strength, and Qian Tianshen. The mutiny gave rise to the fourth form: Qiankun Transformation!

Xu Luo could not help but feel ecstatic after just a brief understanding. He immediately understood why the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey lineage was able to subdue the five demon tribes and become the sole master of the world.

The Xuanjin Emperor Monkey's bloodline is uniquely endowed with the ability to cultivate various demonic nerve transformations, the most critical of which is the transformation of the universe.

After cultivating this Nine-Xuan Zhenfa, you can change it at will. As long as you can carefully understand and understand its principles, you can change everything in the wind and change it at will.

After cultivating to this point, the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey bloodline will be completely stimulated, and the demonic power of the whole body will be blended with the R body, gathering and dispersing as desired, and changing as desired. It is just the art of change. You must know the thing you want to change well before you can do whatever you want, so it is also Not everything can change.

If it were other monsters inherited from the Xuanjin Monkey bloodline who had mastered the transformation of Qiankun, even if they had mastered this transformation, they would not be able to change many things, that is, they could transform into other kinds of monsters.

For example, although Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongyan and Marshal Lingwei are also proficient in this transformation, the former feels that this method is useless. No matter what he changes, it is not as powerful as the human body and can only be regarded as a minor technique. The latter only combined this method with other spells to create the Xuantian Wujing Hand, which turned into more than ten big black gold hands, and used it as a unique method.

But Xu Le is different. Not only is he proficient in the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron Lingbao, he is also proficient in the thirty-six transformations of celestial phenomena. He is even proficient in the six heavenly magic powers, the six secrets of the Qinglong clan, and the transformation of demon nerves... With the transformation of the universe, He can use these spells at will, and the variations are endless.

Before Xu Luo broke through the demon general, he didn't know that the fourth form of the Nine Mysteries True Method was so mysterious. If it were other monsters, even if they awakened their bloodline and inherited the inheritance from their ancient ancestors, they wouldn't know how many years it would take them to master magical powers. He knows that he doesn't have to do it for a moment at all, because...he has practiced all these spells.

The fourth form of the Nine-Xuan Zhenfa's Qiankun Transformation brought Xu Luo joy, even more than training into the fighting beast Bei Ming, more than becoming a demon general, and even more than everything else!

Because the transformation of Qiankun into one body means that all the spells he has practiced in his original body have returned.

Xu Xu's biggest trump card is that he is proficient in countless magical powers, especially the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron, which are extremely powerful in fighting. Xu Xu has defeated his opponents countless times by relying on the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron. Escape from powerful enemies.

Compared with the Jiuxuan True Method and the secret method of the Qinglong clan, he is more accustomed to using the Jade Cauldron's Thirty-six Changes to fight against enemies, followed by the D Heavenly Sword Sutra and the Zhoutian God Sacrifice method.

Xu Liao shouted several times: "No wonder, no wonder..."

But deep down, I know that these words cannot be said out loud. After all, there are countless powerful people in the world who are proficient in calculations. If someone figures them out, it might be in great danger.

He himself also knows the Nine-Yuan Sutra, so he naturally knows how to avoid being judged by others. Therefore, even if he talks to himself, he refuses to speak the truth and can only speak vaguely.

He didn't try out new spells even if he promised. After all, he was already used to these spells. It was only when his nephew Yang Shuhua threw him into the Four Seas Territory that he had to practice them all over again and lost all his magic power.

Xu Zuo calmed down his mood, and his whole mood was completely different. If he was bold before, he was still a little scared and a little cautious. But now that he has recovered all his mana, he is suddenly ten times more courageous than before. Many unknown plans suddenly came to mind.

For example...capture Zhentianhou alive and refine the three divine weapons in his hands into the great formation.

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