One Sword to Immortality

621. Master and disciple remain as before

Zhentianhou has cultivated thirty-six Dao meridians and commanded three first-level divine weapons. For Xu Liao, he was an unrivaled existence at the beginning. Even if he was only a peak demon general, he might not dare to tease him lightly. Front. 【Read the latest chapter】

But now it is different. Although Xu Lio has not yet regained his original strength, he is sitting in a huge formation with three demon commander-level combat powers as its core. Soldiers, even if they calculated mentally and unintentionally, it was not impossible for Zhentianhou to suffer a big loss.

Especially since he used the golden spirit boy to trick him, but now the golden spirit boy has not been wiped out of consciousness, but is getting stronger and stronger. Naturally, the seeds of the great formation have taken root in Zhentianhou's body. .

Xu Liao didn't want to waste these resources. He just wanted to deal with Zhentianhou alone. If he had to deal with the Great Imperial Master and other hidden masters, it would be too strenuous. Xu Liao needed to know more about Chaoge City.

Now that he has abundant resources at hand, he has many choices to make. The first choice for getting close to Zhentian Hou again is naturally the Seven Friends of Xiuyue.

The seven-headed monsters were not quite sure of the situation at first, but they gradually accepted it. After all, Xu treated them well and showed unfathomable strength. Especially after the addition of Feiyun Hou and Yu Liu, Xiu Xiu Yue Qiyou figured it out naturally.

Xu Luo has not cared much about these seven monsters since he mastered the Heavenly Formation. He doesn't even need to explain. Xiu Yue Qiyou can figure out how to take refuge by himself, but this time he wants to use them to find out. Regarding Zhentianhou's situation, Xu Xu still had to go out and ask for it in person.

Hai Wu Ya, Liu Ming Chuan, Xu Yi, Qian Mo Tong Zi, Hai Wu Liang, Hai Tian Xiu, Yue Po Suo and other seven friends of Xiu Yue choose to live happily in Ember Mountain. Ember Mountain is not only full of vitality and suitable for cultivation, but also has countless The skills were spread quietly, and they were the first group of people to come into contact with Xu Liao. They had already guessed that Xu Liao had an extraordinary status, and they also guessed that these skills were spread by Xu Liao, but they just didn't understand why Xu Liao did what he did.

But since Hai Wuya and Yue Posuo got help from Xu Zhe, and broke through the demon generals one after another, and Hai Tianxiu re-practiced the humane skills, and also practiced the Xing Dou Yuan Shen Transformation to the level of Tiangang Shi, these seven-headed monsters were determined to follow Xu. Well, even if they had taken refuge with King Ying, they would not have been able to obtain such great benefits. How could they compare to now?

So when Xu Liao came to look for them, the Seven Friends of Xiu Yue not only had no complaints, but were also very enthusiastic. Xu Liao asked them to go to Songcheng to inquire about news, and they almost agreed immediately.

Xu Liao, just to be on the safe side, lest they be killed by Zhen Tian Hou in a rage, he also sent Ling Ding'er, who was nostalgic for Ember Mountain, to accompany Xiu Yue's seven friends back to Chaoge City.

Ling Dang'er is Wen Zhong's granddaughter, and her status is not rebellious. Even if the Nanhai Dragon Palace rebels, no one will dare to touch her easily. With Ling Dang'er here, the safety of Xiu Yue's seven friends will naturally be safe.

Of course, if he agreed, he would just let the eight people go to Chaoge City. Now that the Great Array has been refined to an extraordinary level, it has long been able to be as big or small as it wants. He will personally carry the Great Array and follow it secretly, but there is danger. Will come to the rescue.

After all, Xu Luo was not a heroic figure and could not act indifferently to human life, so his arrangements were extremely meticulous.

The only person who put Xu in trouble was King Ying. Although King Ying could still be suppressed by backhands after he became a demon general, it was different from when he was weak in cultivation. Xu was determined to uncover everything, so he let Xiu Yue's seven friends After setting off first, we found a sunny day and made an appointment with King Ying, our master, to drink wine and admire the moon in Shanghai.

After King Ying broke through the demon general, he felt very happy. Now that there were one hundred thousand demons in the Ember Mountain, there was naturally no shortage of demons brewing fine wine. He carried a pot of wine and spread out the newly made purple cloud, repeatedly Xiang Xu asked for a drink.

After promising to drink two glasses, he stopped drinking and asked, "Master, have you noticed that this disciple is a little weird?"

King Ying chuckled and said, "Thank you for teaching the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra. I thought you got this method accidentally at first, but now that I think about it, it's definitely not the case. What is your relationship with Rotten Taoshan Jiang?"

Xu Liao was slightly surprised and shouted: "He is my new teacher! It turns out that the master has known some secrets for a long time, but he has never told his disciple."

King Ying's face was dark and complicated. He looked deeply for a while and then said slowly: "Do you still think that I am your master?"

Xu Zuo did not hesitate, laughed, and said: "It depends on whether the master wants to kick the disciple out of the family. The ancients said: Once a teacher, always a father. The disciple would not dare to rebel first."

King Ying pondered for a moment, let out a long sigh, and said, "What do you want to say to me? Just tell me now!"

Xu did not think that he was a person from the outside world. Three thousand years later, the living beings told the story. He only talked about Zhenjiang Hou’s parents and children. He also said that after he escaped, he met Jiang Shang, accepted him as his disciple, and learned the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra. .

"It's just that Teacher Jiang Shang refused to protect his disciple, so I could only continue to escape, sneak into Chaoge City, and seek refuge with His Highness King Ying. Unexpectedly, I ended up worshiping you as my master."

After King Ying heard this, he raised his hand and said, "What is the origin of this Ember Mountain?"

Xu shook his head and said: "This thing is strange. The disciple was born with a formation. This formation is good at refining all things, especially the void. It can use all creatures as the eyes of the formation to increase the power of the formation." It is very powerful. Without this formation, even if my disciple practiced for another hundred years, he would not be as good as he is now. Without this formation, the master would not have recovered so quickly."

King Ying remembered the time when he tried to kill the Marquis of Zhenjiang, and smiled bitterly: "That time when I was chasing your father, the Marquis, was it you who took action secretly?"

Xu Ruo secretly helped to send Sun Zongbi away, but there was actually no trace, but because he took the opportunity to regain Feiyun Marquis, King Ying saw the flaw. After he practiced the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra, his wisdom was greatly expanded, and there were many clues that were originally unknown. What will be revealed, but to those who practice Nine Yuan Sutra Calculation, it is like watching a fire through a candle.

Xu smiled awkwardly and said: "I had the fate of Benglong when I was born. I just transferred the fate of Benglong to my father, and used the Great Formation to collect the remains of Marquis Feiyun. Other than that, There’s really nothing more that can be done.”

King Ying sighed and said, "If it weren't for some accidents, and I failed to kill your father, you and I, master and disciple, would meet each other with hatred."

King Ying did not necessarily have the intention to kill the Marquis of Zhenjiang. He was betrayed by his subordinates and plotted by the great national master. Now he wants to get closer to Sun Zongyan and his family. It would be especially good if he could make a down payment on this force again.

He knew about the existence of Yu Liu and Feiyun Hou, and also knew that Sun Zongyan had two demon commanders, Wang Juezi and Yun Shuai. If he could conquer Sun Zongyan and his son again, he would have the five demon commanders as his subordinates again. , although the strength is not as good as when he was completely victorious, the eight demon commanders, Feiyun Hou and others are also slightly weaker, but they can recover most of their momentum.

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