One Sword to Immortality

630. Brothers and sisters, get up 1

The people who usually follow Sun Wuquan are all young people who are idle. Naturally, they all applaud in unison and belittle Xu. They praise Sun Wuquan very highly. It seems that he is the most talented person in the world and has unparalleled talent.

Sun Wuquan has not yet broken through to the Demon King. Among Sun Zonghan's four sons who have inherited the bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey, Xu has the highest level of cultivation and is already at the level of Demon General. He has also developed twelve Great Evolution Veins and looks at the world. He can be considered a hero. Then there is the eldest son Sun Wuwei, who broke through the Demon King a few years ago, has already cultivated three Gang meridians, and has also practiced the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa passed down from his family to great effect.

The third descendant, Sun Wuzha, also broke through to the realm of the Demon King, but his cultivation was inferior to that of his eldest brother. Now he is under his father, following Yun Shuai in doing things, and is most valued by Sun Zongyan.

Sun Wuquan is the worst one, but he always thinks that he is still young, so he doesn't pay much attention to cultivation.

He also saw Xu, who was now at the demon general level at a young age, and then he thought about it. He felt that if he could become a disciple of King Ying, he would be like his younger brother. After all, everyone is of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey bloodline. , I am much older, and my talent is not weak. If my younger brother can do it, I can do it too.

After everyone followed him for a while, someone came up with an idea and said, "Why don't the Sixth Young Master go to the Young Master Wuwang, ask him to help, and also become a disciple of Prince Ying? As a younger brother, how can he ruin his elder brother's future?" Sun Wuquan? He was quite moved, so he pretended to think about it for a long time. After being urged by several friends, he smiled proudly and said, "Go and ask Wuwu, can Xiao Sanqi still deny me as his brother?"

Although Sun Wuquan wanted to search for Xu, the Ember Mountain was actually quite vast. If all the void was released, it would be almost the size of most of the continents on earth, including top continents such as Africa, Asia, and the Americas, not Antarctica. Small area of ​​land.

In addition, in order to facilitate the battle, Xu Liu sealed many key points in Ember Mountain and guarded them with a huge formation. Therefore, although ordinary monsters can also travel through it without any hindrance, they can only go to a small part of the place. In most places, ordinary monsters cannot be noticed or seen at all, just like Yaohuai Street and ordinary people, they are completely two worlds.

Only with a high level of cultivation can you see more voids in Ember Mountain, and the authority increases layer by layer. Only Xu can control all the authority in Ember Mountain.

The hundreds of thousands of subordinates brought by Sun Zongyan have not yet been guided by the Great Formation, so their authority is like ordinary monsters. Even Sun Zongyan can only walk in a limited void, and there is no chance of seeing him at all, let alone Sun Wuquan. .

Although he relied on his identity to capture a few monsters, he still couldn't figure out where Xu was. I had been rushing around for half a day and walked many places, but I still didn't see an important monster, so I couldn't get any information.

Sun Wuquan was so angry that he had no choice but to go back. When he returned home, he couldn't help but look for his biological mother. Sun Zonghan has many wives, and Xu even now doesn't know who his biological mother is. Sun Zonghan didn't introduce him to her at all. But Sun Wuquan knew that the man who gave birth to him would always rely on his mother's favor to do lawless things.

Sun Wuquan's mother has a pretty good background. Of course, the strength of her family is no longer worth mentioning in Xu Zuo's eyes. However, her ancestors had a demon general who occupied the mountain as king for many years and later took refuge. He lost Sun Zongyan and is now one of the eight great demon generals.

It's just that the fourth of the eight demon generals in the Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion died at the hands of Commander Ling Wei's subordinate Roaring Sky Dog. Commander Yun broke through again, so now there are only six generals under Sun Zonghan.

Of course, Sun Wuquan would not think too deeply. He speculated that the world had changed. Although the situation was very obvious now, he still felt that he could remain as usual.

He found his mother and begged her hard for a long time. His mother couldn't stand her son's begging, so she went to find Sun Zongyan. Sun Wuquan was also a little clever. He didn't say that he wanted to ask Xu, but helped him become a disciple of King Ying.

Instead, he said that he missed his little brother, wanted to be intimate with him, and asked his father for help.

Sun Zonghuan didn't think much about it. He felt that it was a blessing for his family to have several sons who were brothers and respectful brothers. It was also ethical for his sixth son to cherish his younger brother and want his brothers to be affectionate. He naturally has a way to contact Xu Liao. Xu Liao doesn't have to make arrangements himself, Ember Mountain will arrange everything properly.

When Sun Zongyan's request was sent to Xu Liu, Xu Liu, who was in seclusion and practicing hard, was slightly startled. He did not expect that there was such a person among his brothers, and he actually remembered his little brother. Want to come and visit.

He has had no brothers or sisters since he was a child. After all, the one-child policy has almost eliminated this thing. However, he has a certain yearning for his older brothers and sisters. Although he also knows that he is not a real child of the Sun family, he is not particularly unfamiliar. meaning. He immediately sent his disciple Xiao Yu'er to pick up people at Sun Zong's temple residence.

Although Sun Zongyan was a military general and a big monster, he was not an ordinary father after all. He also thought it would be good to have a few children who could get closer, so he gathered all his sons and daughters together and let Xiao Yuer sent by Xu to pick them up. gone. Sun Wuquan knew about his father's decision and couldn't help but secretly hate it, but he couldn't say anything. He just wanted to get close to Xu.

Xiao Yuer became a disciple of Yu Liu and practiced the Ruyi Golden Boat Transformation. The Ruyi Golden Boat he transformed into could be large or small. It transformed into a sightseeing tour bus that could accommodate a hundred people and carried the children of the Sun family. It flew to Xuzhou in just a moment. The virtual world where it is located.

Xu Ruo opened a virtual world for himself and rarely let people in. Seeing these many brothers and sisters at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. He pointed casually and shouted: "I have refined a batch of treasures called Battle." Beast, each brother and sister can take one for yourself."

Nowadays, Xiaobajue has been widely spread in Ember Mountain. I don’t know how many people practice it. Refining fighting beasts has become a common practice. Although the level of development is still far inferior to that of the earth, and the fighting beasts produced are still quite rough, but after all, it promises to be able to plagiarize thousands of beasts. The technology of the Yaohui itself is also a master of Jiuyuan Sutra, so the basic technology is still complete, and the basic functions of the battle beasts for sacrifice are not too bad, and they do not lack anything.

These battle beasts are at the peak level of demon warriors at most, and their combat functions are quite poor. However, they can be used for communication, entertainment, or even as transportation. They are among the battle beasts that Xu collected and refined from the demons in Ember Mountain. A higher quality batch.

Sun Wuwei glanced at it. He was already the demon king who had opened three gangang veins. He was not interested in these low-level treasures. He grabbed one and thanked Xu, which gave Xu a face. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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