One Sword to Immortality

631. Changes in Golden Dragon Scissors

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Xu Liao knew that these country brothers did not understand the benefits of fighting beasts at all, so he immediately took one with a smile and explained its usage to these brothers and sisters. When he explained one item here, he could hear a burst of exclamation. Later, everyone was shocked. , I really can’t believe that there is such a magical treasure with such many functions in the world.

The magic weapons and weapons in the Four Seas Territory are still in the most backward form, mainly used to assist in combat. Where have you seen such entertainment and communication magic weapons? What's more, except for the eldest son Wuwei and the third son Wuzha, the rest have not yet broken through to the Demon King. Although these combat beasts are not of extremely high quality, they can still increase their combat effectiveness for most Sun brothers. .

Especially those who were relatively incompetent suddenly found that they could understand one more skill after getting this thing, and they could use it directly without practicing. They were all happy and joyful. They immediately saw Xu Liao in the sky, and they all As they started to get intimate, a few brothers and sisters who were particularly frustrated and usually ignored showed a vague intention of surrendering.

Xu Ruo was of course very welcome, and he immediately gave him casual instructions on how to communicate with the Great Formation and how to use the power of the Great Formation to practice...

After being promised a few words of advice, Sun Wuwei couldn't help but sneak in the Nine Mysteries True Law after hearing a few words. Sure enough, he was seduced by a surge of heaven and earth energy. A man who couldn't bear it anymore broke through with all his demonic power and rushed away. The fourth Gang Vein was detected, making the usually steady young master blush.

When Sun Wuzha saw his eldest brother suddenly breaking through the realm, he couldn't help but become interested. He also practiced the Jiuxuan True Method and promised to practice in the Mitian Formation, so he adjusted the formation to be most suitable for the Jiuxuan True Method. By running the Nine Mysteries Changing Tendon Technique, his skill couldn't help but increase dramatically. He had long wanted to surpass his elder brother, but he was a little behind in his cultivation and could never catch up. At this moment, I just feel that my skill can be continuously improved, so how can I stop?

Xu Liao also deliberately indulged, operated the formation, and gave the third brother many discounts. Sun Wuzha opened the second Gang Vein in an instant, and then refused to stop. Half an hour later, he opened it again. The third Gang Vein has already caught up with Sun Wuwei before he broke through.

Seeing Sun Wuzha's breakthrough, Sun Wuwei felt panicked. He was still a little hesitant at first, but now he did not hesitate anymore. He activated the Jiu Xuan True Method again. After a moment, he broke through another level and opened the fifth Gang Vein.

However, the two brothers Sun Wuwei and Sun Wuzha did not have enough potential. They each developed two Gang Veins, so their potential was exhausted, and there was no hope of making a breakthrough in a short time.

He didn't say anything about it, he just said with a smile: "This method was passed down by my master, King Ying. We, our own brothers, can practice it secretly, but don't tell others about it, otherwise everyone will borrow the power of this ember mountain, Where can I still practice enough?"

Xu Li said this, but he knew that these brothers and sisters must not be able to hide secrets. If there are only one or two people, they can still count on it.

How can one keep a secret with so many people? I'm afraid that not long after returning, these brothers and sisters will spread this secret technique. They will definitely spread it to their important people first, but everyone has selfish motives and everyone has close people, so naturally it will spread endlessly and it can no longer be contained. .

Of course I don't care if I promise. The Great Formation has a method of borrowing and repaying. It doesn't just provide vitality, but condenses the monsters and monsters who are connected to the formation and distributes them according to the optimal efficiency. Therefore, it will only take away what is available. It is inexhaustible, and no one knows that this formation actually absorbs the power of everyone.

Sun Wuwei and Sun Wuzha both practiced with the help of the Great Heaven Array, how could the other brothers and sisters endure it?

For a moment, the demon light flashed, and dozens of Sun family's children were practicing hard. Even Sun Wuquan, who was usually the most tired, couldn't help but use the Nine Mysteries True Law. As expected, he felt that the demon power was advancing rapidly, ten times faster than usual cultivation, but he His foundation is too poor, and he has not been able to break through even after repeated attacks. He is still at the level of a demon warrior.

Xu looked at these brothers and sisters with a smile. His reaction was reflected in the progress of almost all of them, but there was one sister who surprised him.

This sister's bloodline is a bit mixed. She failed to inherit the bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey, and her skills are not very good. However, she is already a ninth-level demon warrior. She is only one step away from breaking through. Unfortunately, she is limited to bloodline and skills. You can't take this step. She was also the one who cherished this opportunity the most among everyone present. She probably thought that only by agreeing to this place could she be able to connect with the great formation.

Xu Liaowei sent a mysterious message over and said with a smile: "You are lacking in cultivation and cannot break through the Demon King! Let me help you."

Xu Liao didn't like this sister's bloodline, so he simply used a secret method to change the environment, refine her bloodline, and convert demonic power into spiritual power. This procedure has become a standard process on the earth, and Xu Liao also had the help of the Mighty Heaven Formation. Natural and easy.

He didn't know who this sister was or what her name was, but he just picked her up casually. But this girl thought she had encountered a great opportunity. She gritted her teeth and followed Xu's instructions, dissipating her demonic power and converting it into spiritual energy again. As soon as her demonic power was dissipated, a magic formula appeared in her mind.

After being promised to teach the transformation of the Golden Dragon Scissors, this sister followed the steps step by step, cultivating the spiritual energy layer by layer, causing the spiritual energy to vibrate, and gathering all the spiritual power. She actually broke through the realm of the spiritual warrior in one fell swoop, stepped into the level of the Tiangang warrior, and practiced in one breath Having opened two Tiangang veins, it is obvious that he has accumulated quite a lot of savings.

She broke through the realm, but she didn't make any big announcement about it. She opened her beautiful eyes slightly, took a quick look, and suddenly felt ashamed. She lowered her head slightly, but she didn't show off her newly acquired magic power.

Xu Lio smiled slightly and did not ask about the identity of this sister. He was already a little tired after receiving these brothers and sisters for so long. He immediately politely issued an order to expel the guests and excused the teacher Ying Wang from having to take a test on school homework every day. It was time to start practicing, so Xiao Yuer sent these brothers and sisters back.

Sun Wuquan was the most anxious. He thought of a way to get close to Xu, but in the end, Sun Zongyan moved all his brothers and sisters to one place. In the end, both Sun Wuwei and Sun Wuzha got great benefits, but he had almost nothing. Knowing that he failed to break through the realm, he blamed Xu for this incident. He felt unhappy and wanted to find a chance to get close to Xu, but there was no chance.

Xiao Yuer sent all the Sun family children back to Sun Zongyan's Hou Mansion. Sun Wuquan couldn't help complaining and told his eldest brother: "Xiao Sanqi is really ignorant. He gave us this benefit. At that time, he sent Huazi Really? He didn’t even say that he would recommend us, but he also went to see His Highness King Ying.”

Sun Qixiu, who broke through quietly just now, because Xu Zuo deliberately covered it up and blocked everyone's sight with the formation, so no one noticed that he had broken through the Demon King, couldn't help but said: "How can the sixth brother say this? The benefits given by Xiao Sanqi It’s already huge, you don’t know how to cherish it, but you say such things, you’d better not go to Xiao Sanqi’s place next time.”

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