One Sword to Immortality

632.9 Xuandu Golden Dragon

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Sun Wuquan was furious. Children like Sun Zongyan originally respected the fourth son who inherited the bloodline of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey. The other sons could not be considered direct descendants, let alone the worse daughter? He immediately reprimanded: "When our brothers are talking, why is it your turn to interrupt? Who do you think you are? You are just a piece of blood. How can you understand the authentic blood of our Sun family?"

Sun Qixiu felt angry and said nothing. She stretched out her bare hands, and two golden dragons flew into the air and twisted into the air. The cold aura suddenly shocked people's hearts, making Sun Wuquan dare not speak.

Although Sun Wuquan was reckless, he also knew what was good and what was good. Sun Qixiu had shown a level of cultivation at the level of a demon king and had revealed his magical power. How could he dare to provoke him? The Four Seas Territory is also a world of monsters. It believes in strength. If your strength is a little less, you still don't know how to behave with your tail between your legs, so there is definitely no good harvest.

When Sun Wuwei saw his sister's breakthrough, he was slightly shocked and thought to himself: "Seeing that I am still not close enough to get such benefits." Of his own brothers and sisters, how could he not know the details of Sun Qixiu? This girl suddenly made a breakthrough and learned a spell she had never seen before. It must have been secretly prompted by Sun Wuwang.

As the eldest brother, Sun Wuwei immediately snorted and said, "Qi Xiu is right. From now on, when brothers and sisters get together, Xiao Liu won't have to go."

Sun Wuzha also sneered and said: "There is a limit to stupidity. Now Xiao Sanqi is a disciple of the king and has a high level of cultivation. Even if we brothers don't flatter each other, we still have a sense of brotherhood, which is what normal people think. . He didn’t complain beyond the lower limit. He is so brainless.”

Of course, Sun Wuquan didn't dare to contradict Sun Wuzha. This third brother was more energetic than his eldest brother, especially since he had benefited from this and had opened two Gang meridians. He was thinking about how he would let Sun Wuquan take over the place to practice in the future. Is this guy causing trouble?

Sun Wuzha was not as gloomy as his elder brother. Sun Wuwei never asked, but he couldn't help but asked immediately: "Qixiu, how did you master this spell? It looks so sharp!"

Sun Qixiu's face turned slightly red and said: "It's Xiao Sanqi who teaches it. It's called the Golden Dragon Scissors. If the eldest and third brothers want to learn it, I guess Xiao Sanqi won't refuse, but I can't teach it to you."

Sun Wuzha said with a smile: "Why is the aura on your body so weird? Breaking through the Demon King, but not like it? Both my eldest brother and I have benefited, but we don't have the benefit of directly breaking through the first level like you. many."

In fact, Sun Wuwei and Sun Wuzha were not too surprised that this girl had broken through the realm. Sun Qixiu had worked hard in cultivation and was extremely talented. However, her bloodline was not good and she had not inherited her father's Xuanjin Emperor Monkey bloodline. If her bloodline had been slightly pure, she might have broken through the demon realm long ago. King.

Sun Qixiu also couldn't understand. There were no humans in the Four Seas Territory, they were all monsters. Naturally, there were no monsters cultivating spiritual energy.

Xu Legeng never explained. She had no relevant concept in her mind and could only understand it as a special evil spirit. Therefore, she could only give a few vague explanations, which could not make Sun Wuzha relieved.

The Third Young Master couldn't help but feel his hands warm, and said with a smile: "Why don't we practice a few tricks? We want to see if Little Thirty-Seven has anything to hide, and how are the techniques taught to him?"

Sun Qixiu was about to refuse, but Sun Wuzha had already mastered the Nine Mysteries Yijin Technique. He was still young and his cultivation was not high, so he had to teach the Nine Mysteries Yijin Yijin Technique, and he had already reached the top level of skills.

Although Xu Liao also practiced the Nine Mysteries Changing Tendon Technique, he had learned so much and miscellaneously that he had almost never used this magical power to fight against an enemy. However, Sun Wuzha only knew this technique, so he made countless painstaking efforts to follow him. Xu is completely different.

Sun Qixiu was slightly panicked when she saw Sun Wuzha's body change. His hands and feet suddenly grew several feet tall. A palm print came from the air, and countless energies suddenly swirled around him, locking the girl tightly.

Sun Wuzha didn't want to hurt anyone, so this move only used some skill. If Sun Qixiu couldn't resist, he would only be trapped in place and not hurt.

Sun Qixiu had almost never fought anyone, and she only knew how to use the Golden Dragon Scissors move. She raised her hand and saw two golden dragons flying into the air. With just one twist, Sun Wuzha's palm was cut off. Sun Wuzha secretly said something bad. He hurriedly turned over and retreated more than a hundred feet away, and then escaped the twisting scissors of the golden dragon scissors.

Sun Wuzha hid quickly, but there was a huge boulder on the spot, but it was twisted into two parts, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror.

There are such huge rocks everywhere in Ember Mountain. They have been refined by formations, so they are a hundred times harder than ordinary stones. Sun Wuzha has lived in Ember Mountain for some time, so he also knows these huge rocks. Even if he goes all out, It may not be possible to break it, but Sun Qixiu's two qi energy can actually twist into two parts, and the power is really sharp.

He secretly thought: "If I am strangled by the two dragon-like energy of the girl, I am afraid that I will have to do it twice at once. Even the Nine Mysteries Yijin Technique will not be able to resist it."

In fact, this is because Sun Wuzhao is overly worried. Although the transformation of Golden Jiaojian is sharp, it is not as powerful as the Jiuxuan True Law. He and Sun Qixiu have similar magical power, but are slightly higher. If they fight hard, Jinjiao will really It may not be able to break the body that has been tempered by the Jiuxuan Yijin method.

It's just that Sun Wuzha, after all, the prince of the Marquis of Zhenjiang, is also proud and noble, and has never taken such a risk. He used himself to resist the enemy's sharp methods, and this is how he changed into the Golden Dragon Scissors. It seems that even the Jiuxuan Zhenfa can withstand it. Unstoppable thoughts.

Sun Wuzha was temporarily at a disadvantage and did not dare to attack again. He spread out his body skills and, as fast as a shooting star, circled around Sun Qixiu. In an instant, he fired hundreds of punches and kicks. The sound was impressive, but Sun Qixiu had the upper hand. She was even more panicked. After all, she had not experienced much fighting, so she wrapped two golden dragons around her as a defense.

Sun Wuzha had much more fighting experience than this girl. Although he did not dare to resist the changes of the golden dragon, he did not have other means. After several consecutive tricks, he diverted two golden dragons, and then he gently He slapped Sun Qixiu on the shoulder and shouted with a smile: "Sister! You lose."

Sun Qixiu stumbled slightly, and couldn't help but feel ashamed, and said: "The third brother's magic skills are still amazing, I am no match for the third brother."

Sun Wuzha nodded and said: "The set of spells that Xiao Sanqi taught you is quite sharp, comparable to the Nine Mysterious True Techniques passed down by the family. You have to practice hard and don't let him down for all his hard work."

He warned the girl a few words and let the other brothers disperse, but he winked at his eldest brother. The two brothers had the same mind. After they dispersed, they met again at another place.

Sun Wuwei frowned slightly and said, "What does Xiao Sanqi mean? Do you want to support a few brothers and sisters and compete with us to become the future head of the family?"

Sun Wuzha had a much higher vision than these brothers and sisters, and said: "How can he care about the foundation of Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion? Looking at his magnanimity, I am afraid that King Ying will give him a lot in the future, but I don't know, Xiao Thirty What does Qi want? Why don’t we go find him and ask him?”

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