One Sword to Immortality

633, 36 route expedition

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Xu Luo actually didn't have much time to pay attention to these brothers and sisters. King Ying kept recruiting troops and inviting all kinds of great demons to come to the party. He also had a lot of things to do.

In addition to paying attention to the progress of refining the serrated sword into the dragon-slaying sword every day, Xu focused more on his cultivation.

Now he has recovered a little strength. Not only has he practiced the Nine-Xuan Zhenfa to the fourth form of Qiankun Transformation, but he has also practiced the Nine-Yuan Sutra to the fifth chapter. He has also regained some of the magical power of the Jade Cauldron Transformation, and was also taught by King Ying. Forced to practice the true dragon method. Now, what Xu Luo is most concerned about is the Nine-Yuan Sutra, because Jiang Shang promised that if he can practice the Nine-Yuan Sutra to the sixth chapter, he will help him condense the Xingluo chess equipment.

Xu Le has also considered that if he can practice the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra to the level of Xingluo Chess Equipment, he will be able to break through to the realm of Demon Commander in the future, which can be greatly shortened.

Although he has now cultivated twelve great meridians, the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it becomes. He wants to cultivate to the level of the demon general and open forty-nine meridians. A simple estimate would be two to three hundred years later. But if there is an opportunity to condense the Xingluo chess equipment, Xu Luo is confident that he can break through the realm with the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra and step into the Taoist realm first.

The Taoist realm of the Immortal family is enough to rival the likes of demon commanders.

He was sent to the Four Seas Territory Map by his nephew Yang Shuhua in order to break through the realm of the Demon Commander so that he could avoid the sixty-six futures that would be turned into a magic weapon by Hu Bao Yi three thousand years later.

So Xu had a sense of urgency. In fact, the wars in the Four Seas Territory had nothing to do with him. Whether it was King Ying ascending to the throne or the High Priest of the South China Sea becoming the king, it had nothing to do with him. It's just that he needs to use King Ying's power to make it easier for him to practice. The two are mutually beneficial, and that's how he got to where he is now.

On this day, Xu had finished practicing and observed the void. He also knew that several brothers and sisters had come many times during these days, but they were all rejected by the restrictions he set. Now he has no interest in inviting them again. Xu promised to pay more attention to this huge formation. Now this formation has subdued millions of monsters, including King Ying, Feiyun Hou, Yu Liu, Ying Chang'e, Sun Zongyan, Wang Juezi, and Yun Shuai. By the time the seven-headed demon commander-level demon is reached, there are dozens of demon generals and countless demon kings, their power has become so great that they are swallowing up the void every day.

Nowadays, the Great Formation can refine the void within a radius of ten miles every day, but if you want to refine the entire Four Seas Territory, you don't know how long it will take.

Xu sighed slightly. Although he had recovered a lot of his magic power now, he still didn't know whether he could break through to the realm of demon commander before the three thousand years limit came. He didn't know whether he could get the magic power after leaving the Four Seas Territory. Return to your body and everything.

Although he believed in Yang Shuhua, everything was always changing. If nothing was certain, there would be other possibilities.

If he couldn't get his body back, the East Palace and many treasures back, although Xu had a way to deal with it, it was still not as good as it was.

Xu Luo suddenly shook his body, turned into a golden light, and looked into the sky. He was now in a huge formation, not far from Longhu Mountain and Lantao Mountain. He was in a irritable mood and wanted to find someone to talk to, so he thought He married his senior brother Ao Ji. He and Ao Ji were able to talk to each other and got along quite well. At this time, he was feeling bored, so he went to look for him.

The Laolongkou where Aoji is located is the only waterfall on the island. Thousands of pearl chains spurt out from the Laolongkou and turn into thousands of feet of heaven. The scenery is spectacular. Ao Ji practiced in Lao Long's mouth. After all, he was a bloodline of the Qinglong clan. He could get twice the result with half the effort by practicing in a place full of water and vapor.

Now Ao Ji has learned the entire arsenal of the Eight Blue Dragon Divisions, practicing day and night. He just made a breakthrough not long ago and condensed the tenth path. He is very happy. He also knows that Xu Lao recently came to Lantaoshan, but he was not available for a while and did not visit. .

I just thought about it that day when I saw a golden light passing through the forbidden area of ​​Rotten Peach Mountain and landing in front of my cave. I couldn't help but laugh and said: "I just thought about going to take a look at my junior brother, and then I saw you coming. You're like this You are indeed worthy of practicing the Nine Yuan Sutra."

After agreeing, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Junior brother has been a little depressed recently, so I came here to play with him to relieve his anger."

Ao Ji couldn't help but laugh and shouted: "You have now broken through the level of demon general, and your cultivation has advanced so fast that even a brother has rarely seen it in his life. Why are you still bored?"

It's hard to say what he promised, but he was thinking about breaking through the demon commander, and said with a smile: "Of course it's because of King Ying's time. If he wants to take back the South China Sea Dragon Palace, he will definitely need countless fierce battles. Junior brother, I am just a little demon general. If anything happens, When I went into battle and encountered a powerful monster, wouldn't it be unfair to be killed casually?"

Ao Ji didn't know that Xu was changing the subject, and he pondered slightly, and said: "This is indeed a difficult problem. Although your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, junior brother, you have not yet been promoted to the Demon Commander. You have encountered some of the most powerful old demons in the South China Sea. It is indeed a bit dangerous. . How about I let you go, and I can protect you in an emergency."

The promise was just to talk to King Ying, but seeing Ao Ji's concern, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and said: "It's no use. Senior brother still has to sit in Lantaoshan, and now the cultivation is at a critical time, so there is no need to worry about the younger brother. I estimate that within a few dozen days, the high priest of Nanhai will send out a large army to attack, but I don’t know who will fight this time.”

After all, with the Nine Yuan Sutra at his side, and the numerous artificial spiritual consciousness arrays that he had sacrificed with the Cautious Ember Mountain, he had already deduced that there must be a conquest in the South China Sea.

King Ying refused to leave here, hoping that if he lost to the conquering army in the South China Sea, he could ask for help from Huang Bo Wenzhong nearby. Although Huang Bo Wenzhong refused to take action, he still preferred his side after all. This man was known as The number one person in the South China Sea is enough to rival the high priest.

Although King Ying is also at the peak of the Demon Commander level, he is not sure when facing the High Priest. Although Xu Luo has helped him a lot, King Ying does not think that Xu Le can help him in the battle of the Demon Commander level. busy. He had never seen the true power of the Great Formation, so he made such an inference. He had always thought that the Great Formation was just a heretic and was not enough to rely on.

Ao Ji was slightly worried, but after hearing Xu's explanation, he calmed down and said, "If a large army comes to conquer, I will ask the master for help. Apart from the high priest, there are not many powerful people in Nanhai."

Xu Liao chatted with Ao Ji for half a day, chatting about Lan Taoshan, and discussing the advancement of cultivation and the secret method of the Dragon Clan. It was quite beneficial, and he felt relaxed.

Ao Ji was about to stay with Yin Qin for a few days when he suddenly heard a thunderous sound in the distance, like a crack of silk. He summoned his magic power and looked into the void. He couldn't help but be surprised and said: "The Dragon Palace has actually risen from the South China Sea. I’m afraid there will be a good fight this time.”

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