One Sword to Immortality

642. Wanshou Birthday Party

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The Locust King is destroyed!

The news quickly spread throughout the country.

The ones who paid the most attention to this news were the eighteen anti-king families. Now there are only sixteen anti-king families left. Naturally, they have channels to communicate with each other, and almost all of them are wary. Although no one knows that the Patrol King was promised to suppress it, it is certainly not a secret that the Patrol King has not been seen for a long time, and the forces under his command have been replaced by the demon in charge. Now the Locust King has been openly suppressed by Xu. Although the two incidents seem to be unrelated, they have also made those great demon commanders with great wisdom become wary.

King Hunhai even sent an invitation to the other fifteen rebel kings to attend the meeting, which was named Wanshou Birthday Party.

The Hunhai King has been practicing for more than ten thousand years. Most monsters don't care about time when they are young. How can they know the time of their birth? The various rebel kings and the Four Seas Dragon Palace are quite hostile, and their relationship is extremely bad. There has never been any birthday party. King Hunhai suddenly wants to celebrate his birthday. The other rebel kings naturally know why. Except for four or five families, they shirk In addition, there were ten demon commanders who agreed to attend the meeting.

The demon commanders who agreed to come to the meeting to rebel against the king include: Ring Dance King, Golden Ling King, Naohai King, Hunjiang King, Sea-walking King, Xiaohe Qiansui, Red Dragon Slayer King, Black Whale King, Camel Dragon King, eternal life!

The great demon commanders who refused to come include King Chuiyun, King Hunjin, King Xiaoyue, True Dragon Taiyue, and the remnants of King Xunhai.

Although the Eighteenth Route Anti-King has always been suppressed by the Four Seas Dragon Palace, it is still a huge force after all. When the Eighteenth Route Anti-King joins forces, the strength is better than any Dragon Palace. Therefore, Hunhai King's ten thousandth birthday suddenly became the number one in the Four Seas Map. A great event.

Even after a fierce battle with King Ying, the high priest who seized the foundation of the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea deliberately sent people to congratulate him. Although the Dragon Palace in the West Sea and Beihai did not express any expression, there were familiar demon commanders who sent envoys, as if they were a sect. A gesture that turns hostility into friendship.

After the news came out, King Ying was quite embarrassed. After the high priest seized the Nanhai Dragon Palace, his identity changed from the Nanhai Prince to a rebel. Logically speaking, he should be regarded as one of the rebels, and he was not the Zhengshuo of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. . But how could King Ying lose face and celebrate King Hunhai's birthday with these anti-kings?

He thought about it for a long time and decided not to go in person. Instead, he issued an order and asked Xu Liao to go to the Wanshou birthday party on his behalf.

Xu Luo suppressed the Locust King and was deducing the cultivation method of Da Jian Tian Mu and Da Sun Fusang. He had a complete set of demonic skills. He was looking for all the wood demonic methods, deduced and tried them, and got the answer to the king's will. Afterwards, I couldn't help but feel slightly surprised.

Now that Xu is in the same lineage as King Ying, the relationship is still close. Not only is he himself a disciple of King Ying,

King Ying also promised Ying Chang'e to Sun Zongyan. Although Ying Chang'e assisted King Ying in Chaoge City on weekdays, she would come to Zhenjiang Houfu to stay for a while every year, and she even had a good relationship with Xu.

Therefore, in response to the king's decree, it was not easy to resist the promise. He himself did not have much resistance, and he was also a little curious. What did these rebels want to do?

Xu Luo suppressed the Xunhai King and the Locust King, but he had no hostility towards the other rebel kings and did not think about going to conquer them. After all, the Xunhai King was killed by himself, and the Locust King had countless monsters under his command that could be used by Xu Luo. Just grabbed it.

After Xu Zuo calculated carefully for half a day, he roughly figured out the truth and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The Wanshou birthday party where the eleven rebel kings gathered had such a relationship with him, but King Ying asked him to go to the meeting, which seemed to be like throwing himself into a trap. King Ying did not know the connection, and it was not intentional, but Xu Luo took action to suppress the Locust King. This matter could not be concealed. It would be a bit embarrassing if he went there in person.

At least when I'm being criticized, it's hard to answer even if I promise. I just want those monsters all over the mountain to collect the blood of monsters from all over the world for me... As soon as this answer comes out, these big monsters will all be in danger. I'm sure I'm going to fall out with King Ying's lineage.

Xu thought about it for a long time, but decided not to go. He had a best candidate who could be sent to the meeting.

As soon as Xu Zuo thought about it, he appeared in the depths of Ember Mountain. This virtual world suppressed the Locust King. The giant demon insect, which was hundreds of miles long, was resisting bitterly, but he also knew that his low-end wouldn't last for a few days, and sooner or later he would have to fight. Refined by this great formation.

When the Locust King saw Xu, he did not dare to curse viciously. He just begged and cried out: "I have no enmity with you, why do you have to hurt my life? If you can let me go, spare my life." I am willing to join the Ember Mountain lineage."

Xu smiled and said: "If you are willing to take a trip into my God Transformation Pond, how about I spare your life?"

The Locust King didn't know what the Transformation Pool was, and although it was not a good sign, it was better than being refined by this powerful formation. He could only bite the bullet and shouted: "I am willing to evolve the Divine Pool. "

Xu shook off the Immortal Gathering Flag, took the Locust King in, and then threw it into the God Transformation Pond. If the great demon commander resisted, even with Xu's cultivation level of worshiping the gods in Zhoutian, he would not be able to sacrifice this demon. But the Locust King had suffered so much that he knew that Xu could kill him at will.

Even if he is not refined by the Great Array, he can be destroyed by sacrificing his original Emperor's Golden Pearl. If he uses the dragon-slaying knife, he can be killed easily, so he does not think that Xu After knowing how to devise a trick to deceive him, he accepted the refining in the Soul Transformation Pond with peace of mind.

The Locust King was so cooperative that within a few days Xu was able to refine it into a yellow scarf warrior. When he came out of the Pond of Transformation, Xu casually returned to him the Emperor's Golden Pearl, which had been refined into a Xuan Mizhu, and shouted: "I If I want to practice in seclusion, how about I send you to attend the Wanshou birthday party on my behalf?"

The Locust King has been trained as a Yellow Turban warrior. He is naturally loyal to Xu and has no second thoughts. He immediately said: "Little insect is willing to go!"

Xu Luo was afraid that the Locust King would be alone and go to Wanshou's birthday party and suffer a loss, so he called Yu Liu and handed the dragon-slaying knife to his disciple, saying: "You accompanied the Locust King to attend the Wanshou Birthday party to play tricks. What happened? , you can use this knife to cut a way out, get it back quickly, don't get entangled with these people."

Yu Liu agreed to Xu's master and obeyed his advice. He immediately agreed and was overjoyed. Although he was simple-minded, under Xu's influence, he quite liked the excitement. Hearing that there was excitement to go to, he felt quite comfortable. . At that moment, Yu Liu went to find his disciple Xiao Yu'er. Sisters Ling Dang'er, Pei Qing, and Pei Li heard about it and wanted to watch the fun. Yu Liu didn't refuse. Anyway, Xiao Yu'er changed into Ruyi Jinzhou. Become huge and be able to accommodate all these people.

What Xu did not expect was that when Sun Wuwei, Sun Wuzha, Sun Qixiu and others heard about this, they also wanted to participate in the fun...

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