One Sword to Immortality

642. Wanshou Birthday Conference (2)

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In the end, the Ember Mountain line sent out more than a hundred envoys. In order to fill the scene, Xu Liu specially asked Yu Liu to bring countless battle beasts and send them around as gifts.

These fighting beasts have little value to the big monsters in assisting in battles, but as entertainment items, they have irreplaceable value.

Although Xu Liao is not a top strategist, he is at least proficient in the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra and is quite knowledgeable in calculations. He is also influenced by the earth's civilization. After being in the Four Seas Territory for so long, he has discovered that there are many problems in this world.

Because many monsters have endless mana, this world has little need for commercial trade, little entertainment, and no facilities developed for the bottom monsters. Therefore, even though tens of thousands of years have passed, there has still been little change here, and it appears to be extremely backward.

You must know that even if there is no high-end force that can control everything on Earth, there is still great resistance to various social changes. Many countries on Earth, if not broken by external forces, are likely to still live in backward feudal or even hard-working societies. , even the most civilized Europe still has a lot of kings and princesses.

The stubborn forces in the Four Seas Territory are more than 100,000 times larger than those on Earth, so this world has almost no motivation to move forward.

If Xu is just a passer-by and leaves as soon as he comes, he has no interest in changing society, but he already knows that he has to stay here for three thousand years, so naturally he wants to make some changes. He is not trying to liberate the world, but I want to make my life better.

Xu Liao believes that as rare gadgets, these battle beasts will be quite popular.

Yu Liu is quite high-spirited. This time, the Ember Mountain lineage does not represent his own family, but represents the power of King Ying. Although King Ying is not considered Zhengshuo of Nanhai Dragon Palace, he is very powerful. He has Feiyun Hou, Ying Chang'e, and Sun Zong under his command. Yan, Wang Juezi, Yun Shuai, and Yu Liu, a total of six demon commanders. He is also the peak demon commander, and he has also received the support of Longhu Mountain. His name and reputation are still the same, even better than when he was the prince of Nanhai. No less impressive.

After all, as the Crown Prince of Nanhai, King Ying still has limitations and cannot be fully counted as his own strength, especially since he was plotted by the high priest, but he was able to be reborn. Not only did he regain his strength, but he was also able to regain his strength. It is enough to make any force in the Four Seas Territory look at him with admiration and never dare to look down upon him again.

This time the envoy had two great demon commanders sitting in charge. The remaining six had made great achievements in their hard training of the Great Sun Burning Sky Transformation and the Flowing Gold Stone Transformation, so they did not hide any of them and went straight to the Ku Kong Sea of ​​King Hunhai. And go.

More than 90% of the territory of the Four Seas Territory is boundless sea, so there are very few great monsters on land. Most monsters are entrenched in the vast ocean, especially the Kukukai of the King of Mixed Seas. He uses his blue wave method to worship the ocean. A vast ocean emerges from the sacrifice,

This piece of sea water is alive and can swim around in the four seas.

If you look down from the sky, you will see boundless clear water in the vast ocean, which is a wonder.

In the Ku Kong Sea, King Hun Hai's magic power increased tenfold. He was already known for his powerful magic power, and his magic power was ten times stronger in the Ku Kong Sea. Therefore, even the emperor's uncle, Ying Wang and others did not dare to attack Ku Kong Kai.

The little fish transformed into a huge ship, appeared in the sky, and penetrated the clouds.

Yu Liu looked down and happened to see Ku Konghai. He was now well cultivated. Under the influence of Xu Liao, his vision was also broad. He couldn't help but admired and shouted: "King Hunhai is indeed known as the most powerful mana in the world. If he hadn't been restricted, I'm afraid he would have already entered the realm of the demon god."

The Locust King's appearance has changed a lot now. He looks like the ultimate version of Shahru, except that all the spots on his body have been erased. He wears a plain white carapace and his appearance has also been adjusted. He looks evil and handsome. The ugly short wings on the back were also replaced with green halo.

Every move of the Locust King is dazzling and dazzling because of the ever-changing green halo behind it.

The Locust King was unconvinced by Yu Liu's admiration. He was still the Locust King, but some fundamental things had changed, and his view of the entire world was different.

Yu Liu sighed in admiration and ordered Xiao Yu'er to land down. Such a huge spaceship was something that had never been seen in the Four Seas Territory. Most of the monsters in the Four Seas Territory were aquatic and could easily avoid water and break waves, so there was no such thing. The birth of such a thing as a ship immediately attracted the attention of countless monsters.

In particular, everyone saw two big monsters standing on the bow of the ship. One was the Locust King who had just disappeared, and the other was a monster that no one had seen or knew about. For example, Yi Jinzhou was even more fascinating.

King Hun Hai was the master and had to stay away from home. He gave a clear drink and shouted: "Is this the Locust King?"

The Locust King shouted in a low voice: "It is a certain family. On behalf of His Royal Highness King Ying, I am here to attend the banquet. I wonder if King Hunhai will welcome you?"

King Hunhai was shocked and shouted: "You actually surrendered to King Ying?"

The Locust King was suppressed by Xu Xu. Although the news was spread because of countless demon insects escaping, the spells used by Xu Xu were too strange, so the various rebel kings did not believe it. At this time, the Locust King claimed that he had been surrendered by King Ying, and he could not help but let everyone know. Lu Fanwang had various thoughts.

King Hunhai glanced at Yu Liu and couldn't help but ask: "Who is this person? He actually has the cultivation of a demon commander? Are there any demon commanders in the four seas that we don't recognize?"

Yu Liu chuckled. Although his cultivation level was not as good as that of Hunhai King, he had a dragon-slaying knife in his hand, so he was not afraid of this peak demon commander. He shouted: "I am the disciple of King Ying, the descendant of Zongyan, the Marquis of Zhenjiang, Wuwang." Disciple, Ember Mountain has become a demon, and its name is Yu Liushi."

King Hun Hai couldn't help but be amused, but he was also slightly surprised. He knew about Ember Mountain, and he also saw Yu Liuyi's anger. He knew that this person was genuine, but he became interested in Xu Zuo and asked, "I don't know, Master." What's the origin? You can actually summon a handsome man?"

Yu Liu laughed and said: "My master was born with the fate of collapsing dragons, and has been favored by the four seas. After he was born, his cultivation has been rapid. Although he is only a demon general now, he will definitely be able to break through the demon gods and become a heavenly demon in the future!"

King Hunhai couldn't help laughing. He didn't believe that Xu Luo could break through the demon god and go straight to the sky demon. However, he would not fight with Yu Liu. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and shouted: "So, your master is indeed extraordinary. Please come to the banquet."

When King Hunhai said this, he saw a group of dark clouds approaching in the distance, and the evil spirit was rising into the sky, so he said to King Locust and Yu Liu: "There are distinguished guests coming to the door again. I will order the dog to receive you. Don't be disrespectful or indifferent."

The Locust King cupped his hands and said, "I just happened to bring some gifts, so I'll hand them over to Prince Hunhai!"

King Hunhai was also quite curious as to what gifts these two men had brought, but after all, the city was deep and sophisticated, so he didn't say much and urged Yao Yun to greet the next guest.

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